Status: Finished :)

I've Got a Nice Big Vampire Problem

- Chapter Fifty Four - Unwound

We ran back into the house to see the helicopter positioning itself to face the house. I took a half a second to take a better look at it. It was sleek and black; making it look like one of those helicopters you see in the movies that you just know is the enemies' vehicle. It had a turret with a vampire dressed in green manning it and machine guns on its' belly.

The guns began to spin, sighing to life with a rattle that meant nothing but death was about to come out of it.

"Shit!" I cried and at the same time, a vampire roared,


I didn't concern myself with who that was, only on where I could hide Conan until I could get away with him, or he wakes up. I sprinted to the side of the house, Mackenzie hot on my heels. I found a small spot in between two long bushes and dropped Conan. Gavin landed right beside him. Mackenzie and I crouched, watching the scene through a small space between the bush and the house.

The vampires who stood in the house had been joined by thirty other vampires and were now taking off down the lawn. That was when the bullets began to fire. The machine spit them out like rockets at the house and the turret aimed for the men on the lawn. At first, before the first bullet hit, I wondered what bullets would to do men who had almost unbreakable skin?

A vampire closer to the house was hit. The bullet separated itself into thousands of pieces and began to eat at him. He screamed and roared and collapsed to the ground. My mouth fell open as I watched the tiny pieces make quick work of him. I looked away and gasped for air. The other vampires running towards the helicopter did not seem fazed. They had seen this before.

I looked at Mackenzie, who looked very, very close to collapsing from the horrific sight. Another scream as the first one died out. That man had been shot. Even I hated these men who were getting shot; I knew this was low of Salvador. This was not a fair fight. This would be a massacre if that helicopter wasn't taken out.

The middle of the house was being chewed apart by bullets. These weren't expanding though. Maybe they had been designed to only eat vampires. I itched away from the house, just in case.

Two more men were hit and the helicopter began to rise. It had started its' ascent to late. A vampire jumped and found its' prize. I could see it was Lysias. He clutched onto the left side of the helicopter, swung down and booted the left gun off, tilting the helicopter. Two more vampires jumped onto the helicopter, and I knew it was done.

Lysias swung under the helicopter and grabbed the right gun and ripped it off of the bottom in one fluid motion. He climbed up the back side, grabbed the man shooting the turret by the throat. I looked away before I could see the mans' death.

A terrible screeching sounded through the yard. It sounded like moving metal being grinded against another, rougher substance that it did not want to be put against. One of the vampires was stopping the rotating cylinder that moved the blades round to keep the helicopter airborne with his hands. The helicopter started to make noises that did not sound good. It beeped and an alarm sounded and it began to spin out of control.

That was when the real chaos started. The circle enclosing in on the house burst forward. They came from in the woods, through the house, the water, everywhere. There was at least of hundred of them and they were coming in fast. I held my breath and prayed to everything and anything out there that they would pass us. They did. All but one.

He stopped running and looked back at the bush. He knew we were here. I looked at Mackenzie who was already looking at me. Her eyes flicked towards him and I nodded. We had to get all attention away from this bush. I could not lose Conan.

I crouched silently and pounced upwards. Mackenzie flew out of the bottom of the bush, going for his legs. His eyes met mine and his brow set. He knew who I was, and there was a good chance he was going to try to kill me. I didn't care, just as long as he stayed away from the bush.

The crash that sounded in the middle of the backyard of so many vampires colliding into each other was deafening. Birds flew out of their homes and took off, away from the disturbance.

I remained hung in the air for an impossible amount of time. As I watched Mackenzie tackle him to the ground. She remained in the power position for about a half a second, and then he whipped her off of him. She skidded against the ground, tearing up the ground for about ten meters and then scrambled against the dirt to move the opposite way – toward him. I shouldn't have been surprised she was so desperate to get at him. He was a threat to Gavin.

His next threat was me. I would hit him next. I soared towards him, my legs spread and hands clawed. I was only able to land a kick to his shoulder before he grabbed my foot and flung me across the grass, towards the huge pile of fighting vampires. They had separated mostly into little groups. One from Lysias' clan and three from Salvador's.

I quickly turned my attention back to the vampire as I slid. Mackenzie and him were in midair, Mackenzie forcing him backwards. He slammed into the turf, her on top of him. I ran towards them. He raised the arm Mackenzie wasn't holding down. I made it just in time. I honestly did not mean to rip his arm off, but when I had I felt a sense of animalism rise in me, the pure instinctual part that was all survival.

Mackenzie climbed off of his shredded body but she didn't make it far. One of Salvador's men had broken away from the main battle and slammed into her. They flew and I roared, furious this man would even have the gumption to touch her with me around. They were supposed to be after me. They were supposed to be killing me!

I only had to take one step and I was surrounded. Four of Salvador's men formed a circle around me. I crouched and roared as loud and as long as I could. I wanted them to think I was dangerous. I was prey warning it's predator with its only offense. Illusion.

Something slammed into the ground behind me. I looked only long enough to see that it had its' back to me. No one who wanted to attack me would have their back to me. I didn't know what they were doing, but I knew they didn't mean me harm.

The sounds from the main fight were horrible. The roars were bloodthirsty and the screams meant only death. The helicopter was being licked with flames and though I hadn't felt it, I knew it had already exploded. The noises only hurled me further into my animalistic state.

It was smell, sight, hearing and instinct. The vampire right behind me roared and I joined him, and then I flung myself at the vampire standing right in front of me.

I ripped, tore, kicked, bit and swung at every single part he exposed me to as we collided, each collision not seconds apart. The other vampire whom had been facing me tried to grab me. I brought his hand with me as I rushed towards the man in front of me.

Once that man was dead, more came. There was always another vampire to fight, it seemed. I don't know how I did it. I felt their blows hit me but somehow, they didn't matter. I couldn't feel the bones break and I couldn't feel the contact as fully as I should have. I hadn't been pinned. All I knew was that I was going to kill or be killed, and I was going to do my best to do the first.

I don't know when I figured out that it was Lysias fighting for me, but I do know that when I did, it had almost lifted me out of my animal state because of shock. Almost. It hadn't. I did try to keep my peripherals on him for a bit. What I found was that he was an absolutely astounding fighter. He moved with a grace that was so fluid I found scary and such precision that made me envious. I learned my lesson when a vampire almost took off my arm because I had been watching Lysias instead.

I didn't know how many vampires I had killed when I heard that familiar roar. The roar of my most precious person on Earth. Conan was awake.

My head shot over to search for him, the unfeeling state I was in disappearing immediately. I could feel. My whole body went into uproar as Conan ran towards me. I would have smiled, but instead I was finally pinned. Two roars sounded simultaneously and immediately the vampires that had pinned me were gone. I got up, touched Conan's arm purely for the comfort of knowing he was really there and then kept fighting.

Salvador's clan finally scattered. There had only been about five left. I lunged for the nearest one, grabbing his leg. He fell and Conan finished him off. I got up and looked around the field for any more within my range. None. They were all gone. The only people left were two of Lysias' men. One looked at Lysias pointedly and Lysias nodded. He moved towards the flaming helicopter. I then realized that Mackenzie was gone.

I inhaled a horribly nasty gasp and hobbled over to where I had seen her last. I looked down, trying to see why I was moving like I was. My shin was broken. I grimaced and snapped it back in place. Miraculously I watched my skin mould itself together and felt my bone mend. I did the same with my bicep and then continued my search for Mackenzie. When I saw her lying on the ground, her neck twisted at a sick angle with an unmoving Gavin lying on top of her, I inhaled and screamed with everything I had.

A bullet sounded behind me. The only reason I turned away from Mackenzie was because I knew Conan was behind me.

Conan was facing me, a blank, dumb look spread across his face. I looked behind him. At the helicopter was one of Lysias' men, holding a twisted off turret, staring at me. He lowered the gun and stood still, his eyes flicking between me, Lysias and Conan.

Conan collapsed to his knees. My hands fluttered over my gaping mouth as I flung myself to his side. I peeked at his back. There it was. The bullet was eating at him. I felt his pain, except mine was on the inside. My stomach dropped and my chest packed itself into the front of my rib cage.

I grabbed his face and stared into it, knowing it was me who was screaming. I needed to remember every single part of his face that I could, because soon there would be none of it. The bullet was getting close to his head. I moved my hand, wondering if I could get them to eat me too. They didn't.

My Conan. No, he couldn't leave. The bullet moved up his shoulders and I realized my grip on his face was the only thing holding him up.

"I l-love you," I told him. "I st-stopped feeling you, but I still l-love you." My guilt poured out. I couldn't stop it. "I'm sorry, I'm s-so-sorry!"

A voice sounded behind me. Lysias. The cold, hard voice destroyed Conan's voice as it had been running through my head. "You stopped feeling him because of me. You'll love me soon."

I didn't know what he was saying. I didn't care. Conan was dying in front of me. I was picked up. The loss of contact with Conan did something to me.

I threw my head back and screamed as long and as loud as I could. As I watched the bullet devour his face, my mind twisted itself. It morphed. Everything went black and I went insane. I did not come back to the surface.
♠ ♠ ♠
The End.