Status: HOLY HELL I UPDATED! working on more updates too :3

Think Of You Later

merry christmas, i could careless

Christmas at the Gaskarth house wasn't that much different then most families there was a tree, presents and a big dinner for the family. Nothing different, though the only thing I hated about that was the work it required to get that normal family Christmas. It didn't just happen and magically appear out of no where. No.

A week before Christmas I was rudely woken up, which I have noticed is a running theme in my family. Then I was forced to bundle up so I can walking around a forrest of Pine trees so my dad can find the perfect one and cut it down. And no it can't be the first one that we see. No, we have to look and scout to find the perfect tree that will be there for all of a month and then tossed on the side of the street like a used condom. Sorry for the raunchy analogy, it was the first thing that came to my mind. Now I was being woken up be ringing of a telephone. I sighed and rolled over on my side and picking up the phone next to my bed. "Hello?" I probably didn't sound like the most pleasant sounding person but I'm not much of a morning person.

"Oh Hello, Olivia. Merry Christmas. Is your mom home?"

"Oh, uh, Merry Christmas to you too and Uh, sure Mrs. Barakat. Hold on." It felt odd talking to the woman I considered my second mother practically. I don't know why it felt so strange maybe because I made out with her son about ninety percent of the time I was with him this summer. I crawled out bed and made my way down the hallway, looking around for my mother only to find her cooking away in the kitchen. "Hey, mom, Jack's mom is on the phone. She wants to talk to you." I held the phone outwards towards my mother. She turned around and rubbed her floured hands on her purple apron and took the phone from me.

"Hey Molly. What can I do for ya?" She 'hmm.' and 'uh-huh'd' for several moments before she spoke any real words. "Oh, everyone's going to be around five. So you can show up before or after that." Laughter erupted and soon ended. "Okay, I'll see you and the family soon then! Alright Buh-Bye." My mom let out a sigh before pressing the off button.

I raised by brow a but confused. "What's going on?"

"Well a couple of the mom's decided to have Christmas dinner here."

"Wait so everyone is coming over here? Why the hell didn't anyone tell me?"

"We wanted to try something different and I swear I told you a week ago we were doing this."

I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest, leaning against the kitchen island counter. "Ugh." I honestly don't remember hearing about any of this or I would of high tailed it out

My mother let out a sigh before setting the phone down on the counter beside her pie and turning around towards me. "Look, Honey. I know you're going through something...But just suck it up." She said patting my on cheek twice times, gently before creasing my cheek with her thumb. "It's the holidays. If push comes to shove have a drink or two. I won't tell daddy." She said with a smile before pinching my cheek and turning back around to the pie crust she was currently working on. I smiled a bit and ran a hand through my short hair, my mom knew how to make me feel slightly better or at least make me crack a smile..

"Want me to help with anything?"

"Nope, I've got it covered in here." She said with a smile before returning back to her work.

Several hours later the house was jammed backed with four different families and girlfriends included. I wished Paige was here but sadly she's in Maine spending christmas with her family. So, I was alone in a sense. Trapped in a house with Jack and his girlfriend. It made me a little sick. I wanted to hurl at some point but like my mom said; have a drink or two and a drink or two is what I had. So that could be the reasoning behind my urge to hurl. Never could hold my booze well. I was a cheap drunk but I wasn't drunk, no. I was at that stage where I talked really fast and was well aware I was doing it and had the urge to laugh at everything so I was tipsy. It was a good place to be because I felt pretty good.

I sighed as I slowly made my way around the house, heading towards the kitchen to score a slice of cherry pie but on my way I bumped into someone. I looked up and who else could I possibly of bumped into in a house surrounded by a ton of people? Apparently just one person. Jack. "Hey."

"Hey, Merry Christmas."


"Hey!" Came the familiar voice of my dad, erupting through the voices of everyone in the house. "You gotta kiss!" He pointed just above our heads.

I slowly looked up and there was the mistletoe, hanging above our heads. I looked back to my father and shook my head. "Seriously? Dad, no."

"No, if you don't kiss that's bad luck for the rest of the year! You have too! I won't have any bad luck in my house!"

"Mr. Gas--" Jack tried to protest.

"Jackson, No bad luck."

I groaned, silently. "Fuck it." I was a bit annoyed standing here in this awkward situation with my drunken dad yelling at us to kiss. You think a father wouldn't want this daughter to kiss any boy but here my dad is. I grabbed the sides of his face, turning his head towards me and stood up on my tippy-toes and pressed my lips against those oh-so familiar ones. I planned for nothing past a one second kiss. I was counting in my head. One Mississippi. There done but as I started to pull away from Jack. The boy just leaned forward and pressed his lips back onto mine. I could feel his hands resting on my hips, pulling me closer to him. I could here the hoots and holler's that were erupting through the Gaskarth house. Which brought me back down to reality. I was kissing Jack, Jack was kissing me. In front of a room full of people with eyes, soaking up all that is going on. Eyes that could belong to Jack's girlfriend. I was kissing a boy that had a girlfriend. I pulled away the instant that thought entered my mind, pushing Jack away from me slightly. "There, no bad luck." I announced. Just fucked up emotions and feelings.

"That's my girl." Exclaimed my dad as he walked over towards me, swinging an arm around my shoulder and bring me forward. He placed a kiss on the side of me head. "Oh, cake." He said suddenly and pushed between the two of us as he made his way into the kitchen, hovering around the unprotected cake. I looked up at Jack and I had to leave. I didn't want to stand there much longer. I felt sick, honestly but that could be from a combination of things really. But most of I'm betting is from getting kissed by Jack.

I don't even know why I did it in the first place. I knew I shouldn't of except at the time I did it. At the time it felt like the thing to do. I mean what the hell was I thinking. I'm an idiot who still very much not over the boy. "I'm sorry..I shouldn't of."


"Just forget it. Honestly. I..I have to go." I nodded my head before turning on my heel and heading to my room. It seemed like the only safe place to be it where I should of stayed this entire night. I should of faked sick and I could of avoided this entire situation but no. No I had to be and idiot and kiss Jack. Kiss him and enjoy. Kiss him and simply want him all over again. Hell, let him kiss me. I didn't want that. I just wanted to just...not feel that way about him. Which I know is easier said then done, trust me I know but it really shouldn't be that hard of a request at all. Why can't I be over it? I made my way to the one safe place in this entire house. My room. Crawling into my bed, curling into a ball and pulling a pillow out of under my head and hugging it close to my chest.

"Ollie." Came the voice that belonged to my older brother.

I groaned and pressed my face into my pillow, giving him a muffled replied. "Alex, go away."

"So, I got you a Christmas gift but I don't think you're going to want it now."

This caught my attention, I was fully prepared to ignore anything that feel out of his mouth but the five year old within in me heard 'christmas present'. "What is it?" I lifted my head up and looking over towards Alex.

He smiled a bit over at me and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "A plane ticket."

I shifted in my bed, coming to a sitting position with the pillow still hugged to my chest. "To where?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Somewhere warm and not here?"

"Alexander, where?" I frowned becoming extremely annoyed with this game.

"Ya know what. I've decided I'm not telling you. If you wanna go be ready to leave tomorrow morning. If you don't, then you don't."

"I hate you."

Alex laughed and made his way over towards me, sitting down beside me. He he placed an arm around my shoulder and hugged me to his side. "No you don't. You love me."

I sighed a bit and leaned against him. "I do."

He squeezed me tightly just once. "You going to be okay, Ollie?"

"I don't know."
♠ ♠ ♠
so, hi? how are you? missed me?
i'm sorry i disappeared for so long.
but i hope this update will help you
forgive me? sorry its kind of shitty.
coming out of not writing for nearly
eight months? so i hope you like it
and if you don't i understand! ily guys!