‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 10

You never know how hard it is to open your eyes after you pass out until you actually have to try to do it. Doesn’t make much since does it well nothing in my life right now does. My eyes felt so heavy it was like trying to peel super glue apart after you’ve accidentally glued you fingers together…don’t act like it hasn’t happened to you.

I didn’t know where I was but I was cold…and my back felt wet. Still trying to open my eyes I sat up slowly and leaned against something cold and hard. The back of my head hurt so badly, my eyes finally opened up slowly and I noticed I was still on the ground out side by my car. I ran my fingers on the back of my head and felt something warm as I rubbed my finger together still waiting for my vision to come into focus completely I realized it was blood. Ugh I was feeling faint again…I must have hit my head really hard.

Where did Nick, Joe and Kevin go? And when did it get so dark and gloomy out. I sat there puzzled and realized it must have been close to mid night because the mid night fog that rolled in every once in a while was covering the streets. It was hard to see anything unless you were standing near a street light. I got to my feet slowly and leaned against my car. Why would they just leave me…and on the ground passed out. My eyes were well aware of my surroundings now and my purse was not anywhere to be found. How was I supposed to get into my house? I keep feeling like someone was watching me. And sure enough there was a shadow emerging from the street. I couldn’t make out a face all I could see was eyes. The kind of eyes I’ve seen before. The angry, intense, fierce eyes…Jacks eyes.

“Hello my heart…ahh it’s been to long” he started to run towards me and I panicked I looked around for anything to hit him with and noticed my car was unlocked. I could feel the anger in his grunts as he got closer. Just in time I slammed the door closed and hit the lock buttons on both doors. I searched the car for any sign of and extra set of keys but nothing.

“Aaaaaaaaaavvvvaaaaa” he taunted me from the other side of the glass

“Aaaaaavvvvaaaa” his breath was showing on the window as he pressed his lips up against the glass. That deep voice that I found to be so sexy once now sent chills all over my body.

“Jack…please…please just leave me alone” I pleaded from the inside of my car that was now becoming fogged up with the amount of moisture from my tears.

“Ava we can be together now…I love you Ava you want me…I know YOU WANT ME!!!” his voice was getting more violent.

“Jack get away from me” the fear in my voice was alarming now and he was feeding off of it.

“AVA OPEN THE FUCKEN DOOR!!!” oh god if I didn’t open the door he was surely going to bust threw the window.

Where the hell was Nick or anyone for that matter? Oh god why was this happening

He continued to yell and that’s when the glass started to crack. His constant hits and pounds on the glass finally made it give way and it shattered fast. I struggled to open the passenger door and he leaped threw the busted window. I was almost free when he got a hold of my hair and yanked.

“Owwwww Jack no please” I cried and charged forward with all my strength which ripped the hair out of my scalp. I scrambled to my feet and struggled to gain eyes site but the pain from my head was blinding now. I could hear him scream in anger but I didn’t take a look back I just ran. All the lights were off in houses and I sprinted past them.

“Ava you bitch…you owe me” I could feel his words of anger getting closer. I turned to run down the next street and that’s when I felt a sharp blow to the back of my head. Jack had thrown a rock at the back of my head and I stumbled to the ground.

“Jack….please” I gargled now blood coming from my mouth

“He turned me around and picked me up. He lifted me above his height and slammed my back into the telephone pole. His breath was hot and smelled of whiskey and he brought my face to his.

“You know how long I’ve waited to touch you…to feel you” his hand ran down my chest and under my shirt he licked my cheek. He ripped my shirt as I fought as hard and I could. It was no use he was dragging me to the bushes he was going to be doing what ever he wanted now I couldn’t stop him.

“Jack no please please no ohhh God stop this” I screamed as his hands slid over my mouth. My life as I knew it was over.
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so since i at least go two comments one in which is a new person who read my last story and now this one which i think is cool i felt the need that since today was a great day with a NEW president i figured i'd update again...

I'm SUPER proud of this chapter for some weird reason i hope you enjoy and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know what you think about this chapter

xoxo to all the readers