‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 12

I finished packing my stuff…me and two day pj’s yeah right I had to at least bring 2 different sets I was going to be staying with Nick…and his brothers. I grabbed my laptop just cause I was over there didn’t mean I shouldn’t do some work online and figure this whole thing out about the store.

Bzzzz bzzzz bzzzz

My phone went off in my pocket which reminded me I needed to grab my charger as I answered it I searched for my charger ah there it is.

“Hey Holl’s what’s up?”

“Ava the store’s not going to be finished in repairs for like 3 months right” she seemed irritated

“Probably not sister I’m sorry”

“Yeah whatever anyways I just wanted to call and say Thanks for letting me work there but I’m done…if I don’t have a job there I’m finding something much better I don’t have time to waist on some crap hole of a place that gets trashed and isn’t going to recover for like 6 months. Ya dig SISTER!” whoa what the hell?

“Holly? Is everything okay with you? You seem different do you need my help with anything” in a sense she was like a sister

“Fuck off Ava I don’t need your charity lose my number got it” click she hung up before I could say anything. Wow that’s fine I don’t want drama and attitude around my store or what was left of it anyways. I just found it weird that she was acting that was so suddenly. I didn’t have much time to think about it cause the next thing I knew I was being hit in the face with a pillow.

“Are you ready to go yet!!!?” Joe wined

“Ouch and yes jeeze” I laughed

“What you getting all dolled up for my bro or something?”

“Ummm no I’m just getting things together for the stay with the Jo Bro’s I might want to stay a few days more if that’s cool after getting those roses and then Holly calling and freaking out on me just now I’m feeling un easy” joe agreed and we headed for the house. I locked up everything super tight and on we went.

As I walked into the house Kevin was playing video games and Joe went and joined. I guess since Nick insisted on me staying in his room I was going to leave my bag and stuff there. I walked up to his room and slipped off my flip flops. At home I changed into semi small shorts and a tank top the weather was getting warmer out side so it was almost time to put away my winter stuff which I enjoyed. As I was placing my computer on the charger along with my phone Nick stepped in the door in nothing but a towel, he must have just gotten out of the shower.

“Oh god I’m sorry Nick… I just was umm putting my stuff in here cause you said I was umm staying in here right I mean I can move rooms and since I’m staying a little longer than planned that would be okay with me because I don’t mind it plus I don’t want to kick you out of your room for that long and…”

“Ava” nick cut my rambling off

“Its okay…I’m sorry I forgot and didn’t know you guys were back I want you to stay in here so let me grab my clothes and ummm” his eyes wondered from my face down to what I was wearing and I noticed his towel start to move just below his hips

“Shit I need my clothes and yeah” he ran to his dresser and grabbed boxers and a pair of basket ball short and jetted for the door. I giggled to myself at the thought of me turning Nick on.

“I still got it” I said under my breath

I unpacked some things just necessaries here and there and decided to lie down for a minute.

‘Knock Knock Knock’

I sat up to see Nick again this time with the short on her grabbed. His body was clean looking as he stepped in.

“sorry Ava Joe and Kevin wanted me to ask if you were okay with pizza for dinner we’re ordering out and also I needed to grab my Xbox controller we’re about to play some old school halo down stairs” he grinned shyly

“Pizza is fine…Nick why don’t you just stay in here? I really don’t mind taking the guest room or even if your that worried at least let me sleep on the floor and you take your bed.” I pleaded for the last time

“How bout this, as your friend I’ll sleep on the floor in here on the blow up mattress I have and you take my bed will that make you happy” I kind of gazed off at the “friend” part of his sentence.

“Ava? Is that fair”

“Yeah!” I swallowed nervously

“Hey can I come down and watch you guys play…I don’t really want to be up here alone ya know”

“You don’t have to ask Mi casa is your casa” I laughed because I know that’s not the proper saying

“Cool I’ll be down in a minute” he turned and walked out and I at the last min changed my mind about watching boy playing video games. I looked out side and the sun was out and I remembered in one of our long talking nights Nick mentioned his pool was heated unlike mine it was freezing so I thought I’d take a dip.

I changed into my black two piece bathing suit that had neon colors splattered all over it and grabbed a towel. As I hit the last step to the living room every head turned quickly my direction and mouth dropped faster than a penny being hurled off the empire state building. I forgot I live with boys now oh jeeze….
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things get STEAMY.....

keep commenting so i can update and it keeps me movitated to write more