‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 13

* Nick’s POV *

Ava looked amazing as she took the last step of our stair case. Her hair was pulled back out of her face just pieces hung here and there. Her body was a pale white color but it looked hot on her. She had to of been working out while we were apart because her stomach was flat but she had curves all in the right places. Her bathing suit barley covered anything but who the hell cared. Me be just friends with this girl ya right who was I kidding. There was no more trying to deny it and it was time to show Ava how I felt.

“Ava ugh Nick said you were coming to watch us play Xbox ...that’s an interesting choice of clothing” Joe laughed

“Oh I decided to take a dip in the pool if that’s okay?” he mouth formed the words like a goddess

“Hey I’ll come and keep ya company these guys suck at Halo anyways” I chimed in

“Me too dude it’ll be fun” Kevin started to jump up but Joe pushed him back down

“ No Kev lets us play one on one a bit” I looked at Joe who winked at me I think Joe and I understood one another so much that we could tell what each other was thinking and he was a life saver.

“Oh ugh okay” Kevin sat back and looked at Joe who gave him a look like I’ll explain later

“Cool” Ava said turning and waling towards the pool

God she even look great from behind Ava not only was thee most amazing person I’ve ever met she was smoking hot

* Ava’s POV*

When Nick said he wanted to come keep me company and Joe saved us some alone time I figured it better be time for Joe to tell Kev what’s up finally. Also I knew Nick and I couldn’t be friends not with our past so I thought this would be a perfect time to tell him how I felt. I made it pool side and threw my towel on a chair. It was still chilly out and I stuck my toe in to check the pool temp. When I realized it was like bath water I proceeded to the deep and a dove in. The water felt great as I swam a few laps with Nick watching me from the shallow end where he had his legs in the water. I swam towards him and stood up in the shallow end. I could see his eyes looking over my body and it didn’t bother me. I reached the steps a few feet away form Nick and sat on them just enough to where my shoulders stuck out above the water.

“So ugh thanks for agreeing to at least sleep on the floor of your room I guess” I shrugged

“Yeah no problem I just wanted to give you space ya know” little did he really know I didn’t want my space from him
“Yeah sure…but I never wanted you to have to sleep out of your room” I bite my bottom lip now I wanted to know what he was thinking it was driving me crazy

“So you didn’t swim very many laps ya loser what are ya out of shape” he was picking on me now just how we used to do

“Oh I don’t see you in here my friend you probably couldn’t even swim to the end and back” I laughed

“Oh you’d like to see me drown” Nick joked

“Yeah you caught me” I splashed Nick enough to where his shorts looked like he had pee’d himself

“Hey now” I started to swim closer to him

“Hey now what?”

“Ava don’t you dare I said I’d keep you company and by that I meant out of water” I launched out of the water and grabbed his arm

“Well that’s no fun” I said yanking him into the water

Nick came back up spitting water in my face his curls that I loved so much were now water logged as he did not look amused.

“Ava! Dammit” his face turned from a frown to a smile as he lunged towards me grabbing me and throwing me into the water. We play fought for a little bit until I found my legs wrapped around his waist and his hands around my lower back. We stopped and just stared at one another. I could feel him pull me closer as our faces became inches away from one another now

“Ava…I” I could see the water dripping from his hair down his face

“Nick…I can’t just”

“Pizza is here…”Joe came running out the back door he stopped when he saw our faces

“Opps I didn’t realize”

“No no we were just play fighting I pulled Nick in the water” I pushed away from him and swam to the edge of the pool embarrassed about what just happened I pulled my self out and wrapped my towel around me a sprinted towards Nicks/ my temporary room.

“Hey Av’s pizza is here” Kev yelled as I sprinted up stairs
“Okay Kev!” I yelled as I reached the room and slammed the door behind me

What was I thinking Nick cant like me the same way and I practically threw my self at him ugh I’m a slut.
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So i've noticed i've only been getting one comment each chapter which is depressing...what happened to the rest of my commenters???

***You.Found.Me*** this chapter is dedicated to YOU!! i wanna thank you so much for reading and taking tim out of your life to comment on my story...seriously i've wanted to give up on this story so many times but i see your ONE AND ONLY comment and it keeps me going THANK YOU.

Please if your reading this leave a comment even if you hate this story or if its one word comments like "Good" or "Update" i'll take it at least i know you like it or you want more!

lets just say i finished chapter 15 and 16 for this story and the DRAMA is about to come back in full force. I've been building up for our release date for Jacky poo and its just around the corner!

xoxo readers