‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 14

Dinner was silent after my melt down I went down stares and grabbed a couple slices of pizza after I changed into some comfy sweats and a tank top of course. I sat alone at the bar they hand just off the kitchen and the boys watched TV. in the living room. All I could hear blaring was the Family Guy and the laughs form Joe and Kevin. But not Nick he just sat there blankly. By the looks that Kevin gave him and me I knew Joe filled him in and he seems cool with it.

I finished my milk and decided I better go up to the room and hope on my lap top I had some things to tie together for the rebuild of my store to be finalized.

I just settled into bed and was about to reach for my comp when Nick walked in.

“I’m just grabbing some dry shorts and I’ll sleep in the other room” he said

“No Nick what…we agreed your in here with me on the floor the mattress is pumped up and everything I did it for you” Nick looked on the ground

“But Ava what happened out side didn’t it upset you because it seemed like it did”

“I was just embarrassed, and you’re my friend right I felt like I was pushing something on you” I admitted I wanted to be close to him

“You didn’t I did”

“Nick I cant just be…” Nick stepped closer to the door to get ready to exit

“Ava I’m in love with you…” he said and turned and walked out

Love…? Nick loved me still but I loved him to.

Forget working on my computer right now. I sat back a turned on the TV. I came upon TMC and saw they were showing “You can’t take it”. Something about 1930’s movies made me happy so I decided to watch it. In the middle of the second commercial Nick re appeared and went straight to his mattress on the floor and laid down. I noticed he changed into dry basketball shorts. I needed to tell him my feelings it’s my turn. It wasn’t fair how he said what he wanted then walked out. I sat up on the edge of the bed.

“Nick I need to…” he sat up and was now standing

“Ava just forget about”

I stood with not anger but irritated at the fact he kept cutting me off

“Nick would you please just shut up for a min”

“But Ava the whole thing I said was” SLAP I slapped him across the face. Nick stood there stunned

“What the hell Ava” the next thing I did even shocked me I didn’t know how Nick felt. I wrapped my arms around Nick’s neck and yanked his lips to mine. My lips craved his as my tongue passionately searched for his. He granted access to his mouth and pulled me closer into his body. The next thing I knew he had me pinned on the bed as we made out. I pulled my lips away from his and choked out.

“You crazy asshole I was trying to tell you…I love you Nick…and I can’t just be your friend anymore” his eyes welled up with joy as he kissed me again.

“Ava we can’t just be friends I need to be with you and we don’t have to hide it any longer your not committing any crime anymore” he laughed as he kissed me again and again

“Am I dreaming? Please don’t let it be”

Nick smiled “no this isn’t a dream I promise” we kissed a few more times

“Ava? I love you so much I cant fight my feelings towards you any longer I do respect my promise ring whole heartedly but I also believe that if I have found the right person…the person I want to be with that its okay. I guess what I’m trying to say is…”

I pressed my finger to his lips

“Nick I get what your saying and if you wont regret it tomorrow or any day after I’m with your decision on anything” I looked at him seductively

“I promise to always be good to you and to protect you and stay with your forever and always” after he finished those words he began slipping my shirt above my head. He leaped up fast and locked the door as I giggled and could tell he was nervous but I was too. It was as if it was my first time as well. Nick returned and laid gently on top of me. I could feel he was already excited as he pressed hard against my body. We kissed a little more and I pulled my sweats off and was laying there in my bra and panties. Nick soon followed but finished the job with his boxers as well. He helped me with the rest and we both lay there naked under the blankets. His body glowing from nothing but the light from the TV he starred in amazement at me.

“Your beautiful Ava” He kissed me again

“Nick lets not do this tonight…lets just lay with one another. I missed you I just want you close to me okay” his eyes became warm as he pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me

“That’s fine with me Ava… I love you” he whispered and soon we both drifted off to sleep
♠ ♠ ♠
THANK YOU for the comments YAY i love you guys i only got 3 but that makes me SUPER excited.

Shout outs are in order and i plan to do this everytime i get comments

NCarolina1644 : i think you might be a new commenter and i THANK THANK THANK YOU for your love

Hale. Yes : you've commented before and i want to thank you for your words they have encouraged me

You.Found.Me : AGAIN thank you for the comment its amazing i actually have readers

So this story is heating up and about to be full of drama which its good drama and bad drama so it'll get intense YAY for my readers. I still can;t believe i have ppl reading my story i didnt think i was a good enough writer

xoxo readers