‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 16

“Can I get a Grande’, Soy, Iced, Carmel Macchiato with extra Carmel?” I finally convinced Nick to stay behind and let me sign the papers alone and now was in the drive threw of Starbucks.

As soon as I got my coffee I was on my way to the court house to meet detective Moungly. I can’t believe I’m getting this much police protection. And I can’t believe Jack is gonna be released so soon. I guess he’s paid his debt and I wondered if I went to talk with him he’d leave me alone with some closure. I was going to be at the court right next to where he was being held before his release what could it hurt?

I reached the 5th floor where the detective called her office. I approached a corky blond sitting behind a desk. She was blabbing on the phone and didn’t even realize I was there.

“Hello” I said waving my hand near her face

“Oh sorry can I help you”

“I’m here to see a detective Moungly”

“Detective…your 3 o clock is here” she smiled and happily went back to her phone conversation.

“Ah Ms. Garner please follow me” a tall husky women came out form behind a door. And I followed like a lost puppy dog.

“It’s Ava please” I smirked as she directed me to sit in the car in front of her desk.

“Well then Charlene you can call me then” she half heartedly grinned

“Lets get to signing these papers and have you be on your way” she handed me a pen and told e where to sign and again like a lost puppies I followed commands

“Umm…Charlene I was wondering if it might be alright if I ugh…speak with Jack?” her face became stiff and eyes wide when I asked the question

“Why on earth would you want to?”
“Maybe if we have closer…then he’ll leave me alone.”

“Look Ava…I can’t stop you from seeing him and the restraining order doesn’t take effect till he’s released but I don’t understand why you think what he wants is closer. I wasn’t going to say anything until I was fully sure but…Jack had some sort of tie to your store fire…I think he might have someone working with him” for some reason I wasn’t surprised

“ Well I think I kind of always knew he had something to do with that in a way I guess we just need to figure out who he’s working with and until then detective I can’t very well put a restraining order on everyone. Now I want to see Jack…it might help.” After a sigh the detective finally caved and agreed to walk me to the holding area. We finished up paper work and I informed her I would be with the Jonas Brothers at a hotel close to where SNL was tapped and would be spending a few days there with Nick after they’re performance.

As we started towards the hall that took us to the holding rooms I felt a knot suddenly form in my stomach. I couldn’t be sure if it was from the elevator ride we just had mixed with my coffee for from my soon to be meet and greet with the man that almost took my life. Tell me why again I though it would be a good idea that I meet with Jack.
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Sorry guys its taken so long to update!!

The weather here has been crazy sunny one min snowy the next. Then my little cousin was rushed to the hospital and she's still there. She was really sick and the hospital said they needed to do surgery to get the infection out and as they were doing that they punctured her lung SO she's still there.

plus i havent felt up to writitng because i havent gotten much feed back from anythign i've doen on here i have 31 subs and only 3 ppl take the time to comment THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to those 3.

And on my other story my vampire one i dont get any love ether SO i've just felt BLAH i'm sorry guys i'll try to write and update more...its not fair to the 3 ppl thank comment!