‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 18

As I pulled into the drive way I saw Nick running out to the car.

“Are you okay, why were you gone so long?” Nick said as he opened my car door and ripped me out in a tight hug. His muscular arms held me close and that’s all I needed was his arms around me for ever.

“Nicky you’re squishing me?” I laughed

“Oh sorry! Are you okay though is everything fine is he still getting out tomorrow?”

“Yes he’s still getting released tomorrow…I ummm actually talked to him” Nick’s face went from a relieved look a serious and annoyed face.

“You did what? Ava you talked to him…are you insane?” Nick’s voice became louder and that sparked looks from neighbors and Joe came out of the house.

“Nick calm down…why are you yelling at me?” I backed away and started for my house a house I hadn’t been in for days. I figured I was going to need new clothes and a bigger bag if I was going to be gone a while.

“Ava your stupid…I try to keep you safe. I try to make sure you away from places that could put you in danger. I asked you if you wanted me to go with you to sign those papers and now I know why you said no. You wanted to see him” Nick lunged forward and grabbed my arm.

“Owe Nick let go? What's wrong with you I needed closure with him he needed to know I moved on” I ripped my arm out of his grip. I had never seen him this way and he scared me.

“Oh bullshit Ava you know I’m not fucking protecting you anymore. I feel like I do this stuff for you take you in my home keep you safe because I love you.”

Joe came forward and pushed Nick back to separate us.

“Nick back off…Ava you’re still coming with us. Go get your stuff and be ready to go in 20 mins we all have our own rooms and you have body guards out side your door and its set up that way until your ready to go home and feel safe” Joe came up and hugged me and Nick flashed him a look and stormed off.

“What is wrong with him?” I looked at Joe who followed me to the door

“I don’t know, He might be stressed by our SNL performances coming up or he could just be scared for you. But he didn’t need to grab your arm our parents taught us better than that.” I opened the door and walked inside and Joe was right behind me.

“Well I’ll hang out down here until you get your stuff then we’ll head to the van that’s gonna take us to the hotel” I gave Joe a thankful smile and walked up stairs.

As I reached my door I felt something was off. I couldn’t tell what was wrong and that’s when I pushed open the door to expose my room.

“Joeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed
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I've been slacking on updates...i've been slacking on writing really but i knocked out a few chapters tonight i believe i'm up to chapter 24 SO!!

I'm getting idea on how to finally get to the ending of this story i have two other stories i need to work on one i might just cancel cause its not going anywhere and i dont really like it but i gotta get going on my vamp story LOL

So if i hear a good repsonce on this chapter you might get another update SOON!!

And for all you Rob Pattinson AKA Edward fans i'm thinking about a story to write with him in it.

XOXO readers