‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 2

‘I never thought that I’d catch this love bug again’ my cell phone buzzed on the coffee table next to me as I sipped on my tea. I don’t quite understand why I keep the Jonas Brothers as my ring tone every time I hear Nick in anything my heart aches more and more. Why do I do this to my self?

“Yello?” I snatched up my phone as I took another sip of the scolding hot tea.

“Ava? Hey its Holly…we have a bit of a situation at the store I set off the door alarm and can’t figure out how to shut it off” a girls voice in panic yelled from the other end of the phone, Holly was a girl I met when I first opened my store. She happened to see the name of the store and liked it. I wasn’t planning on hiring anyone right away but she seemed like a good 16 yr old girl who needed her first job and she knew a bunch about music. So we chatted and she became the first and only employee besides me at the newly opened Vintage and Newbie Record Store. The name speaks for its self old stuff and new stuff and mixture of Vinyl Records and Cd’s. I know it’s cheesy but I liked it a lot.

“Oh okay Holly calm down…no no that’s alright I’ll be right there calm down” as I was trying to get through to her that it would take me 2 seconds to get to her because the place I’ve leased is right up the street. I was out the door and starring at a curling hair boy standing on the front lawn of the house next door. My heart sunk as I was looking at the back of him not knowing who exactly it was but knowing that the presents of a Jonas brother gracing the house next door was something that was happening and it hadn’t happened in those 2 long yrs. Not that I had been waiting around for them to come back for a break from they’re busy rock star lives. But I haven’t dated anyone since the whole Jack and Nick thing ether. I’ve been busy trying to start my business which has been good for about a year now. Except for this whole Holly situation the place has been running smoothly.

As I ran towards my car I hung up on Holly screaming in my ear and tried to make a silent get away which was shot to hell when I tripped over my feet and hit the ground bouncing.

“Ugh crap!” I said pulling my self up noticing I ripped a hug hole in the knee of my pants.

“Whoa Ava are you alright” to my surprise and relief the curly haired boy was a young man and that man was Kevin.

“Yeah I’m good, surprised to see you though” I said wiping off my legs as well as my hands and grabbed my things off the ground

“Why so surprised, I do live in the house next door ya know” Kevin laughed

“Yeah but you have been M.I.A for 2 years…you and umm your brothers. How are Frankie and Joe by the way?” I know I totally avoided Nick and it was totally on purpose.

“Well you can ask Joe yourself tomorrow and Frankie is good, he’s traveling with the parentals”

“Ask Joe myself? You two moving back here?” again no Nick

“Yup Frankie and mom and dad are traveling on our break after two years and the 3 of us are moving back home for a while to start writing a new record”

“The 3 of you…record…OH Shit!” I said scrounging for my keys in my purse and jolted towards my car again

“What? Ava what’s up?” Kevin scurried after me
“Record my record store Holly she set of something at my store and is probably having a heart attack as we speak” I hit the un lock button and opened the door

“Your record store Ava that’s great you got it running”

“You gonna chit chat my ear off or come with me Kev I gotta go”

“I’m totally in” he ran to the passenger side and jumped in

I jammed my car into gear and haled ass out of the drive way.

“So when didja get the new ride Ava? I thought you were in love with your little bread box” Kevin laughed as he strapped on his seat belt

“Oh my parents got it for me for my graduation gift just before I opened up Vintage and Newbie” yes that’s correct ladies and gents I now drive a C30 5T Volvo jet black and sexy as all hell. I needed something a little more risky and bad ass looking plus I didn’t want Jack to know what I drove if and when he gets out in hopes that if he does come back and break restraining order he’ll think someone else lives in my house now.

“Vintage and Newbie?” Kevin looked puzzled as I jammed my stick shift into the next gear and pretty much drifted around the corner. Only a block now to the store and I could just hear Holly freaking out.

“Yup that’s the name I chose pretty random but I love it and when I open my label it’ll be shortened to V and N records.” Last turn into a parking spot on the side of my building and I could hear the alarm going off threw my windows.

“Crap if it’s been going this long I probably have no customers” I complained as I hopped out of my car and headed for the door. Kevin followed close behind the next thing I knew and approached a freaked out 16 year old almost in tears trying to figure out how to shut off the alarm. But she wasn’t alone there was a tall short haired blond boy in the back looking at some old records. Oh my this guy looked to familiar my heart felt on fire as if I could vomit it up any minute.
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So i'm starting strong with this new story i was kind of worried at first tho.

i have one other main story i'm working on so i have to kinda balance my time between the two but on my WORD software on my comp i'm up to chapter 5 so for now i'm sitting pretty with this one and i plan on writing more today. Here we have a SNOW DAY and where i work if the kiddes dont have school i dont work so YAY...

So about the story i'm kind of happy with this chapter and whats to come and YES i did change Ava's car...i'm absolutly in LOVE with the car Robert Pattinson drives in Twilight so i've done my re search on it i've even went on the Volvo site and priced out how much it would be for me to get one ha ha. DOnt get me wrong Twilight was awesome but that car is a total sex bomb so i thoguth Ava getting it form her parents would be a nice touch

ANY WAYS enough writing here

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