‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 20

As we arrived at the hotel the street was covered in screaming girls. The three boys were used to this and as the van stopped the game plan was set by they’re manager to have them go out first and me come after with Big Rob.

“No I don’t like that” Joe said
“Nether do I “Kevin said as well as Nick sat in silence.

“Look guys you have no choice. These girls came to see you…you guys have to walk together to sign autographs and when you get in side and make it past them and to the elevator to your guys 4 room suite then you can be by Ava” they manager said and finally it was agreed upon.

The doors of the van opened and the guys got out but before Nick stepped out he gripped my hand and squeezed it. I followed behind with Big Rob and soon was inside before the guys who were still out side with they’re fans. I looked at they’re manager.

“I thought we were all having our own rooms?”

“No we thought it would be safer to have you guys in one suite” he grinned and the guys finally made it threw the front doors.

“Alright let’s get to the room” Kevin said as we followed the bell hop with our bags I grabbed my back pack off the top and threw it over my shoulder. We all piled into the elevator up to the top floor where our suite was.

“All right guys find your rooms and boys you have 4 hours to relax then its off again to SNL warm up” they’re manger said has he opened the door to expose a huge suite. It was beautiful.

As you stepped into the double doors after getting off of your private elevator you enter an open room. With big couches and a huge flat screen TV. The room was covered in windows exposing New York and a big balcony facing central park. I set my back pack down and walked around examining the place the kitchen was huge…everything about this place was huge. The boys all found they’re rooms and that left one door still closed so I assumed it was mine. Our room was on a corner spot so as I entered my room I had a private balcony and a huge bathroom. I know these boys were used to this but I was in shock. The king size bed was a maroon and cream color and was inviting me to run and jump on it. The bell boy brought my bags into my room and winked at me as if he knew what I was gonna do.

As she shut the door I ran up and jumped right onto the bed. As my body hit the pillow top mattress it sunk into its place and I just laid there. I felt my tummy grumble and remembered before we got on the elevator I noticed the kitchen and part of the lobby were being remolded so it looked like I would be ordering room service. As soon as went to reach for the menu there was a knock at the door.

“Ava? Can I come in?” I recognized the voice well.

“Yeah I guess come on in” Nick entered the room. He was already in sweats and shirt I noticed when all the boys had down time they were quick to go to they’re grubs.

“What’s up?” for the first time I was kind afraid to be by Nick. After he grabbed me I don’t know it just set something off in my brain. I know Nick could tell I was uncomfortable.

“Oh Ava please…please don’t be like that” he said as he sat in the chair across form me.

“Like what…I don’t know what you’re talking about” I lied

“Ava I know when you’re lying…I don’t want you to be afraid of me. With me I want you to feel safe”

“What do you expect Nick…I have a bruise around my arm from your grip.” I lifted up my shirt sleeve to expose a hand print. The bruise wasn’t too bad but it was still there.

Nick’s eye’s got wide “I’m…I’m so sorry. I just I guess got scared and angry you talked to Jack. But I over reacted Ava. I love you so much and that’s the last thing I wanted for you to be afraid of me and for me to hurt you” his eyes were now watering.

“Nicky…you know I love you more than life its self, but right now I’m just not comfortable and it might take me a while to get that way around you” Nick shook his head in agreement.

“Well the guys and I ordered pizza it should be here in a few so if you want to join us we’re gonna watch some TV and eat before SNL”

“Sure Nick let me get into something more comfortable like you guys and I’ll be out there” Nick stood and grabbed the door knob

“I love you Ava”he opened the door and walked out
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So i only got 2 comments when i asked so nicely for 3 but i figure its such a nice day out i felt like updating!!

I'm gonna be doing shout outs for those who comment my story i know i started doing that and saw more comments so we'll see if this works...i honestly really do love to hear what ya guys think and love when you tell me it's creepy and what not its fun for me to read.

Jamonae1 : Thank you for your comment it was hilarious to me for some reason it's a really treat to see comments like that so thank you!

You.Found.Me : you've been with this story from the very begining and thats awesome and i'm truely greatful for your comments every time i post so thank you!!

Whelp the story only gets better and i would know cause its finished on my computer lol and if ya'll are into vampire stories and like William Beckett of The Academy Is and Gabe from Cobra Starship you should check out my other story It's a Vampire thing!!

xoxo Readers