‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 21

I grabbed a pair of sweats and a hoodie and threw them on. By the time I got into the living room area the boys were arguing over what to watch. The pizza came and we all settled on an old baseball game on ESPN.

“So Ava are you going to the SNL performance tonight?” Kevin asked as he wiped his mouth off after taking a bite of his pizza

“Umm I don’t think so… I figured I’d just stay here and watch some TV. Maybe take and awesome bath in the huge Jacuzzi tub in my room and go to bed” I sat back after placing my empty plate on the table.

“I think it might be a good idea if your go” Joe said taking a gulp from his soda

“Joe I thank you for your protection but I promise I’ll be fine” I smiled and Joe finally caved

“ Whelp boys thanks for the game and pizza but I have to go out and get some sketches done of the view I have from my balcony” I stood up and grabbed my back pack from the floor walked to my room and shut the door behind me.

I wasn’t going to sketch right away. I was going to check my phone it was buzzing like crazy in my pocket. I had a voice mail and a new text. I figured I’d check the voice mail first but I felt like something wasn’t quite right.

“Ava this is Detective Moungly I wanted to let you know. Jack will be released at 9:00 am tomorrow morning. We still have your info of where you’re staying and I hope you plan to stay there as long as possible. From what we’ve learned Jack has a job lined up on the outside of New York no where near you. How ever we will have officers around your house making sure he’s not there but to be safe we’d like you away for at least 2 weeks. If you have any questions you have my number and if anything else comes up I’ll contact you a.s.a.p.”

Wow that lady really brought a light out in her voice where ever she went. I looked down a noticed I still had a text message. I flipped it open and the phone number I didn’t recognize.

“My heart…aww my heart. Tomorrow is the day, you can run and you can hide but I will find you and then we can start our life together. XOXO and sweet dreams”

I can’t figure out who the person it was that Jack had working for him? And I know he couldn’t text from a payphone in the holding cell. I wasn’t going to tell the boys about this. They had enough on they’re plate with the performances and fans. I didn’t want to bother them. It was time to be brave Jack wasn’t going to find me and I was surrounded by guards and what not I’ll be totally fine.

I’ll be fine right?
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You.Found.Me : Thank you SO MUCH for being the only freakin one to comment this story your amazing and this chapter is for you!!

xoxo Readers