‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 29

* Ava’s POV*

My stomach hurt and my head was throbbing. My eyes were heavy and I could barely open them from the dried blood on my eye lashes. I couldn’t remember where I was but I felt sick. My neck hurt so bad it was sore and burning. As I slung my head back and opened my eyes I saw lights every where Christmas lights in all different colors. I heard music in the distance but couldn’t really make out anything. Then I saw a figure walking towards me.

“Hey Bro she’s awake!” It was Holly she called Jack bro.
“Aww good…alright right little sister you can go now.” I heard Jacks voice come from behind me.

“Fuck no…I helped you out while you were in jail. Befriended her, played the whole sister card. Trashed her store for you sent her all those LOVE letters. At least let me see you kill the bitch.” She stepped in front of me and I saw the resemblance even more.

“Holly? You…your related to Jack? Why did you do this?” I started to cry

“Awww look the little bitch is crying. I did this cause you got my brother locked up. He was all I had after he got taken away I got put in foster care. I got bounced around from house to house cause of your selfish ass” she suddenly back handed me across the face. I felt blood run down my lip and tried to wipe it but noticed my hands were tied behind my back then my feet. I was strapped down in a chair. I felt around for my phone.

“Aww you looking for this sis?” she waved my phone in front of my face then threw it at me and it hit my chest and bounced off.

“Knock it off Holly…get the fuck out. Your not staying go home Ava and I are gonna have a little fun then I’ll be home later” Holly looked at Jack and mumbled something under her breath. She soon turns around and walked away and it was just me and Jack.

“Aww Ava, Ava, Ava…I dreamt of this night for 2 long years. Oh how I can’t wait to feel you” he came to the back of me has he held a knife to my neck. I could feel his breath on my neck and then his tongue along my cheek.

He turned me around and sat in front of me in a chair and just starred my eyes were full of tears and as soon as my eyes cleared I could see him clearly. That’s when I screamed but he quickly placed his hand over my mouth and tied and bandana around my face as a gag.

“ You know Ava…I’ve had a lot of time to think about what went wrong the first time we were together. And while sitting in the cell it all became clear to me. You just need a little romance. That’s the kinda girl you are. You know tonight will be our night. I hope you said good bye to your Nicky Poo” he laughed

“Now you don’t move…ha like you could. I’m going to be right back” He rubbed his hand along my jaw line and kissed my neck.

I was trapped he had me tied up and there was no way for me escape. I started to panic and felt like I was going to throw up. ‘Ava get a hold of your self’ the I remembered Holly threw my phone at me. I searched around for it and it was on the floor by my feet. Jack must have not noticed. I looked down enough to see it was still on and I flipped it open. Thank you god I was wearing flip flops. I pressed a bunch of keys with my foot. Then realized I called Nick.

“Hello? Ava?” I could hear him say lightly into the phone.

“Mmmnimmck” I tried to say his name and now was screaming until Jack came back and saw what I was up to.

“You little whore!” he slapped my hard across the face which knocked me out again.
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Sorry guys i havent updated for a while...

i've been busy with work,and my birthday is coming up on the 7th of July...and i'm setting up a camping trip for Warped Tour this yr WOOT WOOT!!

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