‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 3

“Ava! Oh my God where the hell have you been? How…I mean where. Can you just shut this thing off PLEASE!!?” Holly’s eyes became wide as I tried to ignore the guy in the back and jumped the counter to the key pad that shut off the alarm. I pressed the numbers in and all went silent.

“Thank you Lord, why didn’t you ever show me the code to this stupid thing” Holly’s face went from worried to amazement all at once when she noticed who was standing on the other side of the counter across from us. Her girly giggle began and I figured she was star struck. I didn’t really notice nor did Kevin at first he was focused on me who was focused on the dude in the back. He could see the fear in my face as he began to approach the guy. With a forceful grip of the shoulder he spun the guy around face and was about to yell at him when we both took a sigh of relief when we realized it wasn’t Jack. The guy looked at Kevin in surprise until he realized it was Kevin as well. I’m thinking the only thing that gave it away and why he knew he was a Jo Bro is because of the big poster on the wall behind him. Yet another thing that reminded me every single day of Nick…again why to I torture myself.

“Hey man you’re a Jonas Brother; can I get your autograph for my niece?” Kevin apologized for the forceful grab and signed the man’s cd who then left in a hurry to give it to his niece.

“Holly this is Kevin which I’m sure by your star struck reaction you know so” I turned towards Kevin “Kevin this Holly she’s my one and only employee” Kevin laughed and shook her hand

“Why do you only have one?” Kevin looked back at me

“Because I wasn’t going to have any I was gonna run the place by myself but she just happened to like my store name so I hired her and she’s been here since so about a yr or so” I laughed

“And you didn’t show her how to work the alarm system?” Kevin tried to keep a straight face

“Hey in my defense this is newly installed stuff that’s why she didn’t know”

“Liar we’ve had this stuff for like 8 months” I looked at Holly who was now sitting on the counter and stuck my tongue out at her she returned the look. Holly was like my kid sister at least we looked the part. She had long stringy straight brown hair…and she never colored it so it was like perfect. She wore a little too much eye liner for me but she could pull it off. And she was always dressed in some type of band tee or vintage 80’s tee which is funny because she wasn’t even born in the 80’s. You gotta love the youth.

“I guess your right…do you know how to work it now? Can I trust in you to close up for me like you do every night?” I laughed when she gave me that look like oh please.

“Hey now Girly you should be happy tomorrow is Sat we’re closed until Monday which you never even have to be in the store till 4” I laughed and she blew the bangs out of her face.

“Your right like always, and yes big sister you can trust me to close the store” she winked

“Okay then Kevin and I will be leaving now and I’ll see you on Monday little sister be safe over the weekend please…and if ya need me call me okay?” I ran up and gave he a hug
“Sister?” Kevin looked at us with a strange look

“Yeah what about it?” we both ended up saying at the same time and laughed

“Ava I thought you were the only child”

“I am but we’ve gotten close that we’re like sisters…so I figure why not call one another than eh” I nudged him in the rib cage and he winced

“Got ya” he said rubbing where my elbow dug into his side

“Bye Ava hope to see ya again Kevin” Holly gave a little shy wave

“I’m sure you will Holly” Kevin winked and I saw Holly’s face start to turn red

Kevin and I made our way back to my car and started towards the local drive thru Starbucks. Ordered our coffee’s and headed back to the house. As I pulled into my drive way probably faster than I should be driving Kevin was cursing because he spilt coffee on his pants.

“Damn Ava how do your parents feel about you driving like an ass?” I laughed

“My parents are super travelers now so I never see them…I practically live in the house alone.” As I finished my sentence and got out of my car I looked over the hood but my eyes went right past Kevin’s face as I noticed an all to familiar face stepping from the van in the drive way with a box for the house. There he was Nick his eyes met mine and he froze. He looked much older now his features were harder looking in his face. His body was tighter now as well he put on a little weight but good muscular weight which happens with maturing boys. My throat tightened as I was at a loss for words. Kevin caught the drift and went to say something after he closed his door.

“Bye Kev…I’ll talk to you later” I turned around and hit the lock and alarm on my car and sprinted for my door but soon was joined by another person on my front porch.
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I've updated lol sorry for taking a while....my Vamp story is kicking my ass but i'm NOT giving up on it...and i've been enjoying the snow out side that we have YAY

i'm currently listening to Kings Of Leon 'Sex is on Fire' GREAT SONG

so i've noticed i've have a bunch of SUBS thank you so much but not very many comments and i dont wanna do ti but i might have to hold out on updating unless i get some more comment PLEASE is it too much to ask... OR at least ask me to be your friend if you've Sub'd to my story and have not become my friend yet i dont bite...well i dont bite hard lol

