‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 4

“Ava! Hey Ava…” gosh just leave me alone I couldn’t get the key in the door fast enough. I turned around and Kevin was standing there giving me a confused look.

“What’s wrong? I guess I don’t get why you and Nick are being so weird towards one another did you guys fight?” I was shocked Nick and Joe had kept what happened between the 2 of us from Kevin.

“Its nothing Kevin really I just have some stuff to do for work okay ya know still trying to get that label going” I tried to fake giggle which Kevin believed. I wasn’t going to tell him what was up if Joe and Nick kept quite.

“Oh umm Alright then…I’ll def see you later okay” Kevin gave me a quick hug and turned to walk away

“Okay Hey Kev Thanks for being so cool” he smiled and continued to walk away. I on the other hand actually had some stuff to do for work. Over the past two yrs I’ve had time to think about how I can use my balcony and not necessarily see where Nick once was every day. I put a canopy over my side with white see threw cloth that hung down all around except for the side with my bay doors coming from my room. It’s kind of nice really I put some white Christmas lights around the top and one of those out door heaters. I can’t count how many times I’ve fallen asleep out there. The white cloth is just see threw enough where I can see out and around me but you really have to stare at it to see anyone inside. So my mind was made up I was going to grab my computer and head for my balcony, my safe place.

As I made my way to my room I grabbed a bottle of water in my mini fridge and slipped into some sweats and a hoodie. I had all weekend to relax and I was looking forward to it. I pushed the bay doors open and flipped on the Christmas lights which sent a light glow over the couch I had covered in pillows and down comforter. I sat down and picked up the remote to the heater and hit low. I wasn’t too cold this time of year but cold enough and I like to be warm and toasty. I turned on my computer and started sending emails here and there to some bands and so investors about the Label I wanted to start. I had just finished up reading another rejection from an investor I was hoping to nab to get things going when I saw a shadow on Nick’s balcony.

“God please don’t let it be Nick” I whispered lowly to myself but apparently not low enough

“Ava…you have to talk to him sometime” I reconized that voice. That when I saw Joe’s head pop in threw the cloth as he jumped over from Nick’s balcony.

“Long time no see” He said with a huge grin on his face “you look great Ava but of course the last time I saw you was well” his grin soon turned into a frown

“Hey, hey now that was a long time ago Joe” I got up and gave him a huge hug. He sat down in the chair across from my couch.

“I know but it still hurts to look back on it”

“then don’t I turned out fine…opened my record store and now working on a label” my smile grew wider when I thought about how great it’ll be

“Back to what I said Ava…you have to talk to Nick sometime. You know he’s not with Sam anymore, she cheated on him and he ended it”

“Good for him Joe but you know things didn’t work out then, what makes you think now is going to be any different I’m still older than him.” I was now wrapping my blanket around me I swear I could be in 90 degree weather but when it came to talking about Nick and our past I felt so cold. I guess that’s what happens when you get your heart broken and I broke my own heart Nick didn’t even have anything to do with it.

“Ava are you kidding, things would be so much better now. You two are made for one another. Age is just a number Nick misses you”

“He said that?” I questioned

“Well…no but I can just tell. For the last two years he’s mopped around and has never been the same. He writes only depressing songs and just looks like a zombie. Not to mention he’s been keeping track Ava he knows Jack is to be released on Wed.” the words sent shivers down my back and I started shaking.

“Nick’s been keeping track on when Jack is released why?” why would he do such a thing. What is it to him Jack isn’t going to come for him if Jack even comes around at all.

“Isn’t it obvious, or are you just that blind. He’s in freakin Love with you” In tons of ways I hoped that was true. I love him so much still my heart aches with every song I hear him sing and with every picture I see him in.

“I just want Nick happy. And Ava if you make him happy I’ll do anything to see you guys together again and if not that much at least talking” Joe was sitting next to me now his eyes were fixated on mine like he was trying to read my inner most thoughts

“Joe you gotta give me time okay?” I tried to give him that reassuring look but he was harder to fool than Kevin.

“I can see right threw you Ava. I’ll give you time but where going to be here for a while. We’re on a Jo Bro hiatus you might call it. Touring for 2 years is rough its time for a little settle down time.” Joe was right I couldn’t avoid Nick forever it was just a matter of time

“hey I gotta get going back to un pack some stuff but I’ll jump over later and we can catch up” Joe gave me another hug we said our good byes and again I was left alone in silence. Nothing but the sound of the low humming of my heater. My heart got to aching again thinking about how much I missed Nick but I needed some rest I was tired and soon after my thoughts where finished I dozed off.
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It's almost Christmas!!!

So i did alot of writing on this story last night and YAY i'm lovin where i'm going with it...you guys will to but do me a favor PLEASE leave comments...it helps me write faster and update sooner seriously i love to know what my readers think...i'm still amazed i have that many readers!!
