‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 6

“Nick!” I was surprised considering the fact that the only two Jo Bro’s to say hi to me since they’ve been back are his brothers

“Ava” He sat in the chair Joe had occupied earlier, in the lights under my cabaña canopy he hair shined dimly. Every curl tangling into one another. His face was a lot older than expected. I couldn’t tell if it was from the shadows but he seemed to have a five o clock shadow thing going on. Nothing to were that’s all you noticed just enough though it made him look older than 18. His shoulders had filled out more along with his chest and arms which meant only one thing he’s been lifting weights and by the looks of him it was daily.

“I’m just…ugh surprised to see you” my lips quivered and legs what legs? The only things holding me up were sticks of Jell-O underneath me.

“Joe told me” Nicks voice caught me off guard has this sentence was longer than before and he had a much deeper voice than I remembered.

“About the text messages?”

“About the text messages…yes” His voice was soothing to my ears. With every thing he said it only made me want him to say more. Like the first bite of a freshly dipped strawberry into a chocolate fondue pot. My ears yearned for longer replies to my questions

“Ava how could you be so stupid” oh maybe I didn’t want to hear him speak

“Excuse me?” where did he get off calling me stupid

“You heard correctly I called you stupid” he stood now he was way taller than I remembered as well about a whole foot taller than I.

“Where the hell do you get off calling me stupid, you egotistical ass hole” I snapped
“Oh Ava come off it. You and I both know I’m not afraid to hurt your feelings nether do I care what you call me” who is this…this man standing in front of me insulting me

“Nor do I care to call you out when you pissing me off” I snared

“With you…please you bounce back quicker than a goldfish’s memory” I was trying to look for an ounce of a smile as if he was joking

“Is there a reason why you’re over here? And if its just to insult me I gladly would appreciate it if you saw your self back to your side and if you wanna take a 7 foot plunge with the space between our balconies while your at it I wont stop you”

“You can’t be serious to think that those texts are just from a random person. You and I both know its Jack are you really that naive” he started to move closer to me as I stepped back my legs met the edge of the couch which forced me to sit.

“I never said I didn’t think it was him…I said it couldn’t be him because he still is in holding” I tried to catch my balance and readjust how I was sitting. I fell in an awkward angle. The next thing I knew Nick had sat him self down next to me

“That’s bullshit” he said angrily as he gripped the edge of my couch his knuckles turning white from how hard he was holding it

“Nick your really pissing me off. You act as if I’m an 18 year old” I said taking a stab at his age

“Well maybe if you acted older I wouldn’t have to say anything”

“And what the hell do you want me to do Nick?”

“Be smart and stay in doors…your being selfish” he def couldn’t make up his mind because now he was pacing back and forth

“How am I being selfish for doing something I feel safer doing?”

“Your making the ones who care about you worry because your dumbass is out here on your balcony rather than locked up inside your house where you’re safe”

My eyes widened at the words that were coming for Nick’s mouth. His voice filled with such anger

“Ava you think your invisable in this…this hut” he hit the side which forced the curtain to sway and it made the light moved above us

“I can see you Ava…everything you do in here and I’m sure I’m not the only one”

“You’ve been watching me?” I asked confused

“Not stalking no… but ever since Joe mentioned to me those text messages and the fact that he’s camped out on my floor has led me to look out here towards you yes…its even forced me to come over here and talk to you which is something I wasn’t planning on doing” my mind started racing with questions of why he didn’t want to talk to me.

I guess he could read what I was thinking because he answered with

“I never wanted to talk to the girl who tore my heart from my chest…stomped on it and threw it out like yesterdays trash” his eyes were more intense now as he looked at me with such hurt

“That’s not fair Nick…you know how I feel about you” I answered

This convo was far form being over
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Stinkin NEW YEAR!!!!

UPDATE woot woot UPDATE woot woot UPDATE!!!!

