‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 7

“Feel” his said biting his bottom lip in frustration

“Felt Nick…you know how I felt about you and you also know it wasn’t going to work from the beginning…I’m too old for you” I realized I caught myself in time. I wasn’t going to give Nick any indication I still felt how I did 2 years ago towards him. It still wouldn’t work out now matter how bad I wanted it to.

“What ever Ava, you and I both know I could of given you anything and more than any guy your age” I guess he had a point still to this day Nick acted 5 years older than what he was which would make him just shy of my real age.

“Nick what I did was for the best” I felt those tears starting to form but I wasn’t going to cry in front of him

“ Ether way Joe’s not going to be the only one keeping an eye on you since you want to stay out here. That’s the whole point of me coming over here”

“Oh funny I thought it was to insult me and piss me off cause check and check” I said making checking motions in the air

“Grow up Ava” Nick said as he disappeared back threw to his side

Well that went well. I thought as I sat back down and began to wipe my eyes with the sleeves of my hoodie. I couldn’t contain the tears now as they began to pour out of my eyes now.

‘I never thought that I’d catch this love bug again’ my phone rang
“Hello?” there was a slight breathing on the other end

“Who the hell is this?”

“Ava… Oh Ava sorry my phone lost signal. It’s Holly”

“Holly…heyyyyy” I said trying to disguise that fact I was crying

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, Yeah I’m fine…I think I’m getting a cold” I lied

“Oh okay well anyways I was just calling to tell you I closed up like always and that I’ll see you on Monday…okay Sis”

“Sure thing!” we said our sisterly good byes and hung up

I sat there with my face in my hands. Sobbing until there were no more tears.

“Ava?” I heard Joe say from Nick’s balcony

“Yeah!” I sniffed again trying to hid the fact that I was crying even though I’m sure him and Nick both could hear me

“Are you okay?” he peeked his head threw the curtains

“I’m fine” I bite my lip

“Ava…Nick didn’t mean to be the way he was…he’s just worried”

“Don’t cover for him Joe, tonight I saw just how Nick felt and it was anything but into me” I wiped the last of the water from my cheeks and grabbed my computer

“I’m not…I’m just sorry okay.” I shook my head


“Okay well I’m going to go to my bed…Nick as advised me that he wants me in my own room” Joe chuckled

“Okay Joe I’ll be fine I promise” he nodded and again disappeared to his side.

I did a few things here and there online. By the time I was finished it was about 4 am. I noticed a shadow appear on the other side of my curtain. Then saw Nicks head pop threw then the rest of him followed.

“Your still awake?” I asked

“Yeah…I couldn’t really sleep with the way this ended” he held his head down

“Nick come sit I think we need to talk about things” Nick did as I said and I found my self feeling flushed with the warmth of our legs touching

“Look Ava…before you say anything there’s something I want to do” Nicks hands reached for my face and he pulled me into a deep kiss. Our tongues played with one another’s until I pulled away.

“Nick… I love you and I always have”

“Ava I’ve been waiting for you to say that” he said kissing me again and again

“I love you” his lips moved from my lips for my jaw line and onto my neck where they remained until I felt his mouth nibble a little. My hand ran threw his hair tangling with every curl they met. Our breaths becoming more and more spermatic with one another. The next thing I knew we were laying on the couch in a heavy make out session. We both rolled over and landed on the floor of my balcony with a thud and I opened my eyes.

It was light out and I found myself lying on the ground by my self. Damn dream are you effing kidding me. Nick treated me my garbage and I had a semi sex dream about him. Where was my head?

Nick body suddenly appeared in front of me and again I began blinking my eyes to make sure I was in fact awake.

“Ava are you alright?” he said grabbing my hand and lifting me up on to the couch

“Yeah?” he handed me a cup of coffee and leaned against the arm of my couch

“You were dreaming” he grinned

“And you’re here why?” I was so confused

“I came over to make you some coffee for when you woke up as a sort of apology type of thing” he winched

“Oh so I didn’t dream that?” I was referring to his attitude yesterday night

“Nope…and after Joe came in a chewed me out for the way I acted I realized I was an ass” he stuck out his hand as to shake mine

As our hands collided we shook and he said “Friends?”

Friends…friends?? Nick and I just friends? I never thought about us that way nor did I think about us that way now.

“Friends” I said shaking his hand…if that’s the way he wanted it I guess
♠ ♠ ♠
So it freakin snowed AGAIN and now its alreadt melting and the melting snow is beating against my roof and i cant sleep. ONE: because of the noise and TWO: i'm deathly affraid my roof is gonna cave it which it prob wont but ya never know right....

So i'm updating for you guys and lets just say ive been writing and my story is getting so good i'm owndering what i can think up next ha ha ha so i think this time i'm going to wait for more comments

At least 3 for now i write so much and think of great things to put into my stories and i dont get many comments so...

COMMENTS=LOVE and updates!