‹ Prequel: Secret Love

Let's not fight this

Chapter 8

Nick and I had talked for a little while and he returned back to his room. The stress from last night and the dream I’ve had was all too much and I felt more exhausted then usual. I decided I better get out and head to the store for some Saturday inventory session I do once a month. I made sure everything was shut off outside and went to hop in the shower.

After a long hot shower I dried off and threw on a pair of grey skinnies and a black band shirt. Grabbed some high top chucks and a Barrett to hide my fly away hairs. Today was a low key dress down kind of Saturday so I decided to go all natural with make up and threw on a pair of big sunglasses. Picked up my purse on the way out the door and lock it. As I walked towards my car I noticed writing on the window. “I’ll never forget what we had xoxo”

Aww nick probably felt so bad about last night and even wrote this on my window before he made me coffee. It’s just like when he wrote on my window way back when. That’s cute. I hit the unlock button and hopped in. The radio was blaring and it scared thee shit out of me. After turning it down I shifted my car into gear and haled ass out of the drive way like always. God I loved this car.

*Observers POV*

I knew Ava would like the message I wrote her. God she looked amazing coming out of the house and I knew she was going to be going to her record store soon to see her other surprise I left. I wanted her so bad. Her skin looked so warm her face was flushed and natural which made me want her even more. Watching her night after night was amazing. The way she walked around that balcony of her with out a care in the world was my addiction. When she would sit out there for hours on end was my drug. Her voice was desire. And to see her blood spilled all over the floor was my dream. Soon it was to come true and as my anticipation for the daring night came closer and closer it only got me more excited.

*Ava’s POV*

I knew something was wrong when I sped closer to my store. There were spectators and cops every where. I screeched into my normal parking spot and jumped out as soon as I could.

“Whoa whoa miss you cant go any farther” a cop stopped me

“This is my store…what the” my throat felt tight

“What the hell happened?” as I looked over I started feeling dizzy and lost my balance. The cop grabbed my arm and helped me to stand straight as he yelled for the parametric. They took me to the back of the ambulance and strapped on oxygen. I couldn’t believe this…my store was totally ruined, nothing was left the inside was trashed. Half of it was burnt and the other half had graffiti all over it. I finally signaled that I was okay and a familiar looking cop came over. I remembered him from the night of my accident.

“Ava?” he rested his hand on my shoulder

“Are you okay…? I think you need to see what was written on the walls of your place and then we’ll have to talk to the insurance agent on site okay sweetheart. You do have insurance on the place right?” he gave me a look of sorrow

“Of course I have insurance” I began to sob as I stood up to follow the officer into my store. This wasn’t my store any longer though. Someone had destroyed it. I walked threw what was once the front doors and right away noticed the writing on the wall.

“I did this all for you my heart…soon we’ll be together and we can start it all over again TOGETHER…xoxo finally”

I dropped to my knees again I couldn’t feel my body.

“Take her outta here Charlie…back to the bus” soon again I was lead back to the ambulance out of the corner of my eye I noticed the news crew had arrived…great.

“ I’m standing here in front of the remains of a local newer favorite record store Vintage and Newbie” the lady said as she faced and camera and I’m sure it was live I believe it was just around the Saturday morning news. Fricken fantastic!

“We have the owner of the store behind us in an ambulance she seems shaken up at the site of her store lets see if we can have a word with her” she began to cross the caution tape and approach me until a small figured girl ran in front of her.

“Umm over my dead body will you talk to her” Holly stood trying to be as tall as she could and the lady stopped in her path almost tripping over herself.

“And you would be?” the lady questioned

“Holly Merrr ya know what my last name you do not need to know but I’m an employee of this place and Ava the owner does not need you in her face right now so back off.” She pushed her hand into the camera and the man holding it fell backwards onto the ground. The lady scoffed and the police stepped in and pushed the camera crew away from the scene.
“Oh my God Ava are you alright?” Holly came sprinting towards me

“I got a call from a friend who was driving by and saw everything going on”

“I’m alright…I wasn’t here I just arrived” I choked out

“Ava Garner?” a shorter bawled man approached me and this must be the insurance agent.
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so i'm sorry i have not up dated in a long time...i was trying to hold out for 3 comments and only ended up with 1...thanks for not commenting readers it's really not too difficult to comment say hey its great or boo it sucks.

Anyways i'll try to update more and more but if i'm not feeling comment love or sub love its wont make them any faster and trust me the next chapter are SUPER GOOOOOOD
