Chin Up Love

School Yard Bullies

I walked into school on Monday with a smile on my face that read nothing is wrong but in a way everything felt wrong. I mean my parents for one almost shot me when I got home Saturday afternoon and my mother almost ripped the piercing out if only she wasn’t too scared to touch it.

But it wasn’t only that for some strange reason even unknown to myself I really liked Oliver and now I would have to face him even if I were playing my own little games.

“Hey Lacey” it was Pauline who had found me at my locker
“Hi” I replied “Sorry I never called you”
“Oh that’s ok how are? Oh my god you got your lip pierced” she remarked a little astounded
“Hhhmmm yea im ok and yea I thought I might as well rebel a little” I chuckled fakely I think she saw straight through it
“Are you really okay?” she asked
I nodded in reply
“Ok I have to run but I will talk to you later” she said hugging me goodbye

I had made it all the way up until just before lunch before I ran straight into Oli rather literally actually.
I wasn’t looking where I was going I was headed for my locker to throw my books in before I made my way to the cafeteria he was headed in the opposite direction to me and obviously wasn’t looking either and boom.

I managed not to drop all my books and re-gain balance but when he noticed it was me he stopped dead in his tracks not saying a word just taking in my appearance which was nothing special except for a sparkly piece of metal just under the right side of my lip.

“You-you got your lip pierced?” he accused
“Yea…why don’t you like it?” I asked bitterly rolling my eyes
“I-is that how it’s going to be?” he asked
“Well you started it O-Oliver” I stuttered on the pronunciation of his full name
We stood there like that for a little longer not knowing what to say I suppose.

Really I wanted to jump him and kiss him and I wouldn’t care if the whole school was watching but then another part of me was really hurt that he had cheated on me I just didn’t know which side was going to win out.

Still neither of us had moved and it didn’t seem like either one of us would.

“Oli man are you headed to the Cafeteria?” yelled Alex and I wanted to thank him for breaking the stares and silence
“Yea man” Oli called after him
“Ill be seeing you” Oli said with a smirk leaving me still standing in the middle of the hallway

I managed to get to the cafeteria and found myself a little lost Oli was my ticket into his group and now there was no more Oli and I what was I supposed to do. Who do I sit with? I thought almost stopping in the door way when I saw him looking straight at me. But I was saved by the lovely Pauline.

“Come on missy…does that thing still hurt?” she asked linking one arm with mine and pointing at my lip with the other
“Nah not really” I replied
“So it’s okay if I do this?” she said flicking it and I laughed I knew he was still looking at me and this was getting to him rather fast, I think.

She plopped herself down at our usual table and I sat next to her facing directly opposite to Oli. God I think the world was out to get me. I felt his keens brush against mine and it made me shiver.

But that was it I managed to get through lunch just barely without screaming at him. Leaving school in the afternoon I said goodbye to everyone before finding my way home. I was about to turn around and leave when I caught eyes with him he had this evil smirk across his face like he was panning something and I knew I had to step up my game.


Fuck she got her lip pierced she was a bitch I had created a monster. A major hot monster at the least but still very much a monster she knew how to get to me. In a big way.

I knew what I had done was wrong I guess I was used to my old ways a month was a long time for me to be with one girl. I needed to test the waters I didn’t even know her name and I didn’t feel anything when I kissed her and to my own surprise I didn’t even go home with her.

Now Lacey was getting her revenge she knew she was doing my head in it was written all over my face even I knew that. But two could play at that game.
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i know its short and not very good
please anyone with advice go for gold