Chin Up Love


Dinner seemed to be dull even though he had done all the right things picked me up, taken me to a nice but not too fancy restraint and even paid for my meal. But that wasn’t what I wanted. Or was it? I didn’t know anymore all I knew is that it wasn’t this. Conversations were boring and jokes were lame and it was exhausting.

I wanted fun and exciting and adventurous. I wanted to feel something and even against my own wishes I seemed to compare everything he did to Oliver. The way he talked his accent or lack of one for that matter, his smell when he hugged me was nothing maybe of smoke but Oli’s seemed to be so much more then that and the sweetness seemed to sooth me.

We talked about many things his family, my family a little I didn’t feel comfortable explaining everything to him and then his family a little more, about music and piercings and I had to make up some lame excuse for getting my lip pierced I didn’t want to tell him it was to make my ex jealous even though I think it might just have been fun to see his reaction to that one.

I was polite and nice and acted the best I could which I found slightly difficult I wanted to say something silly or erratic or do something stupid just to see if he had some reaction or would just look at me like a stranger.

I knew if it had been Oli I was with and I didn’t something silly he just would have joined me and we would have ended up in a fit of laughter. There were always two sides to Oli a caring one and a crazy one and I didn’t know which I missed more. But I wished I could stop thinking about him.

Dinner ended I had a burger and chips I think he expected me to have a salad. But that wasn’t the case it was nice of him to pay I didn’t expect that or want it for that matter the way this date was headed I didn’t want to owe him anything.
But thankfully the night ended we had a nice walk in the park by my house and he held my hand. I knew I was supposed to be falling for him anyone in their right mind would have but I just couldn’t seem to I suppose you can’t force yourself to do something like that.

He walked me to the end of my drive way I told him no further incase my parents were in the front room, I was still grounded. Then we did the cliché movie awkwardness where we didn’t know what to do, until he reached forward and grabbed my hand pulling me closer and attaching his lips to mine. It wasn’t as sweet as you would expect it was more rough like he had been waiting to do that all night and maybe he had I didn’t know.

“Goodnight Lacey” he said with a proud smile
“Goodnight Will” I replied with a bit of a smirk of my own.

I watched him drive away before I went to climb into my bedroom window.
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hey guys i know its short sorry but i thought i would post
umm please please please checkout my new story its an original fiction called 'Just another memory'
let me know if you like it!!!!

oh and thanks to everyone for reading this story and commenting keep it up