‹ Prequel: Frank the Skittle King

Bob's Daughter

Fun with the Ocean!

"This is madness!" Said little Mikey.

"This..is.. SPARTAAA!!!" Said Mikey the sock.

Pookie was getting confused.

"There's too many peeples!" She screamed and threw her arms in the air.

Seriously, she threw her arms into the ocean.

"Great, now I got no arms!" She cried and dropped to her knees.

Then the SF on Gerard's supaTITE suit started flashing blue and red. Mikey the sockie had a seizure and soiled himself.

"I am Geesus! I will get your arm backs!" Said Geesus. Then he started humming the Mission Impossible theme with his eyes darting back and forth as he snuck away to find Pookie's arms.

"He is my IDOL!" Screamed the little tiny Mikey in a squeaky voice. Then he turned into a fangirl and started dancing on Lobita's nose because Lobita had poofed out of the sidewalk.

"AAAAAUUUGGGHHH!!!!!" Lobita screamed and held onto Mikey the sock. "It's a dancing giant zit!"

"Bow chicka bow oowww!" Pookie sang. Lobita was mildly disturbed.

Anywho, Lobita was scared of the scary dancing zit so she threw it into the ocean.

"Me and the ocean are getting married! Isn't that right ocean?" Said a guy with spiky dark blue hair and no shirt and a scar on his face.

The ocean made ocean noises.

"Why don't you ever answer me, ocean?" He said through tears. He couldn't take it anymore. He jumped into the ocean and died.

"Poor g- HOLY CRAP LET'S GO TO TACO BELL!" Lobita screamed at Pookie with excitement. Then she started bouncing around on a giant pasta shell.

Pookie didn't like Taco Bell. She much preferred Dairy Queen.

IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-DUEL!" Pookie said in a masculine way and got out her Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Lobita did the same.

"No fighting.. NO FIGHTING!!!!!!!" Mikey screamed and threw their cards into the ocean with his invisible hands. Then he did the shifty eyes.

"You guys think I'm paranoid, don't you?! DON'T YOU?!" He asked. Lobita and Pookie nodded.

Mikey cried. Nobody luffed him!

Suddenly Geesus came back!

"YAY!" Everyone screamed.

"Here's your arms!" Geesus said and handed Pookie a dolphin.

Pookie stared at her new arms.

"They're just.. so.. so beautiful!" She said through tears of joy. Then she died of blood loss. It was actually cancer, but whatever.

"MOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Everyone cackled except Mikey. He hid in the ocean.

"Our evil plan is almost completed!" Hannah said, popping out of a cloud and floating down with her huge skittle shaped balloon. Yeah, you know you want one!

What is the evil plan?! Why did they kill Pookie? Is Pookie really dead? And why is Geesus using his powers for evil?
All these questions will be answered in the next chapter..