It's Our Time to Shine

On the Road Again.

It had been weeks, almost months now, travelling around the summer with the guys in The Used’s tour bus.
I had grown to love them so much, all four of them, on a level I never thought was humanly possible.
I considered them my family, and at that point, they were all that I had.
My relationship with them, especially with Bert, became more and more intense as time passed by, and to tell you the truth, I wouldn’t change it for the world…


“Hey, guys, what’s the date today?”, Quinn suddenly asked from the tour bus’ bathroom.
He had just taken a shower and the steam was everywhere, making all of the windows inside the bus foggy.
“August 4th. How’s that?”, Jepha replied.
“I was just wonderin´, like, maybe we could take a few days off and head home for a while, you know?”
“Yeah, sounds awesome. Hey, what about headin´ home to my old place for a couple of days just to chill out? I bet mom’s gonna get stoked about seeing you guys again”, Bert said.

I didn’t respond at all. It wasn’t up to me to answer, so I just there, waiting for either Jepha or Dan to answer.
“That’d be awesome!”, Jepha grinned.
“Hell, yeah!”, Dan greed as both him and Quinn were looking at Bert.
“Great! Man, I can’t wait.”
“Oh, and then we could go to the kennel and see the dogs!”, Dan said further on, having a look upon his face that signified how much he really loved his dogs.

I could tell he wanted more than anything at that point to just go home for a while.
Who could blame him – he loved his dogs and considered them as his very own family.
Dan, along with the rest of the guys, hadn’t seen their dogs for months, so being able to get back to the meant the world to all of them.

“Yeah, totally. It’s gonna be good seeing our loved ones again”, Bert added as he suddenly looked over at me, having a sweet smile on his face.
“Hey, this is a great opportunity for you to get to meet everyone back home, eyh, Lina?”
“Yeah…”, I said, slightly insecure of who Bert actually was talking about.
“Like, I’ve talked about you so much with mom and she’s so stoked about finally being able to meet you!”
“What – have you spoken to your mom about me?”

I was completely blown away.
What could Bert possibly have told his mother about me and what was it exactly?

“Sure, I have. I mean, I have to. But, yeah, I’ve spoken to her on the phone. But don’t worry, I left out the naughty parts and only mentioned your positive sides”, he laughed, looking at me with a very suspicious look.
I just blushed at him before rolling my eyes as I greeted his smile.
“Hey, I better call her and tell her we’re comin´!”

As Bert left the sofa groups and headed towards the bunk beds, closing the door behind him, I couldn’t stop thinking of what he might have told his mother.
I didn’t even know her, and without knowing anything, he had talked to her about me.

“Hey, are you guys even listenin´ to me?”
“Geez, what where you thinkin´ about?”, Jepha suddenly asked, making Quinn grin.
“I’ve been calling your name, like, several times.”
“Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something”, I replied, looking straight into the air.
“Yeah, obviously.”
“So, where are we actually going now?, I then asked, looking at them.

“Home”, Dan replied, leaning back in the couch with his arms crossed.
“As in Orem, Utah?”
“Right on.”
“Is it far from here?”
“Nah, a couple of hours. It depends on the traffic.”
We had already noticed the driver about our destination and we were now heading towards Orem at that point.
Despite the fact that it was summer and high season, the traffic was all in all pretty moderate.

“Gah, I have this incredible head ache! I’mma go lay down for a while”, Jepha said, rubbing his face.
“Yeah, okay. We’ll let you know when we’ve arrived”, Quinn responded.
“Better start eatin´ some meat, Jeph! It’s your lack of iron!”
Dan’s slightly humoristically comment didn’t seem to bother Jepha as he went to the end of the tour bus and into his bunk bed.

A couple of seconds later, Bert came out, obviously done talking to his mother.
“Hah, just talked to my mom and she can’t wait to see you, babe. She’s stoked!”
“I can’t wait to see her either”, I said smiling.
I lied. I really dreaded the thought of meeting her.
She probably had all these expectations of me which I probably wouldn’t be able to meet up with.
It would be nice, though; to meet her. But still, it made my stomach turn just by the thought of it.

“I’m hungry. Is anyone hungry?”, Quinn asked, looking at me, Bert and Dan.
“Fuckin´ starvin´”, Bert replied, later followed by his stomach’s rumbling and my almost unnoticeable nod.
“Great! Then I’ll make some food right away. Hey, Dan, wanna give me a hand?”
“Sure”, he answered as they both headed towards the kitchen area down the bus.

I looked at Bert who was sitting in the black leather sofa chair across me, biting and fumbling with his finger nails.
He stopped for a while, for then to gaze up at me.
His eyes were so bright, I almost drowned in them at that point.
They were captivatingly beautiful.

“What?”, he asked smiling.
“Nothing…”, I said not very convincing.
“Come on, tell me. I can see you’re hiding somethin´.”
“No, it’s nothing.”
I tried to laugh it off, but failed completely.
“Okay, if you say so…”

And then there was complete silence between us, only interrupted by Quinn and Dan’s mumble from the kitchen.
Poor guys, everyone knew they weren’t worth shit cooking.
The meal would be a disaster, anyway…
♠ ♠ ♠
well, well, guys, there you have it; the first update of “It’s Our Time To Shine”.
as you may have noticed, this is the sequel to my first story The Biggest Fan.
i hope that all of my old readers will start reading this one too, along with commenting and subscribing.
it would mean the world to me. (:
and i promise you; this sequel will be even better than “The Biggest Fan”. ;D

in love and death,