It's Our Time to Shine

The Shadow By the Door.

I was now lying in the guest bed, terrified of the unknown shadow that was standing by the door, as I was unable to see who, or what, it was.
As far as I knew, the contours of the shadow reminded me of a person, but this didn’t make me feel any less terrified that I already was.
I pulled the covers slowly up to my chin, barely be able to se a thing before I suddenly heard the unknown person speak.

“Hey”, a raspy voice now said as the hallway’s bright light blinded my puffy red eyes.
Even though I still couldn’t see who was standing by the door, I knew that from that moment that it was Bert.
“Are you awake?”
“Yeah, now I am”, I responded, rubbing my eyes.
“I couldn’t sleep. Is it okay if, like, I could be here with you? I mean, just for a while. I’ll leave again afterwards.”
“Yeah, I guess so”, I mumbled as I rolled over to the other side of the bed to make room for Bert.

He walked slowly towards the bed after he’d gently shut the door behind him, now making the room almost completely dark.
“Fuck, are you there?”, he asked, seeing him vaguely waving his hands in front of himself to feel his way forth.
“I’m here”, I said, holding out my hand for letting him know where I was.
And at that point, I felt a warm and soft hand grabbing mine tightly as he climbed into bed, making it squeak a little, but not enough to draw attention.

“Hey…”, Bert whispered, pulling the covers over himself, still holding my hand. “Are you sleepy?”
“No, not anymore”, I replied, choking a yawn.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Could you, like, uhm, maybe do that thing on me again? The thing you did the last time I had trouble sleeping? Maybe it’ll help me fall asleep.”
“Cuddle-back?”, I asked, trying to meet his eyes as our heads were practically leaning against each other.
“Is that what you call it?”, he giggled slightly, still having a raspy, sweet voice.
“Yeah”, I smiled. “But, sure, I can do it.”

As I felt my was to Bert’s back, I noticed he wasn’t wearing anything but a boxer.
At least that was what I felt.
I didn’t bother trying to figure out why he was almost half-naked in my bed as I now began stroking his back, going up and down his spine while gently brushing my fingers along his ribs at the side.
I felt him shiver by the light shudders he gave while lying on his back in the bed, and even though it wasn’t particularly cold inside the room, I slowly tucked him in.

My movements whilst stroking Bert’s back was somehow hypnotizing as I felt my eyelids becoming heavier and heavier.
Right before I was about to doze off, I immediately snapped out of it, thinking of what Mrs. McCracken would say, or for that matter do, if she the next morning came inside the bedroom finding me and Bert lying in the same bed.
The thought itself made me stomach turn, so therefore, I quickly realized that he needed to go back to his own bed.

By the sound of his calm, heavy breath, I figured he was already fast asleep as I made an effort of trying to wake him up by calling his name several times.
No response was made.

“Bert!”, I whispered in a firm tone, again failing the attempt of awakening him, before I shook his shoulder gently and causing him to turn over to my side of the bed.
I gasped as I now felt his nose brushing mine, realizing how close we were lying.
I rolled almost to the end of the bed, away from him and making space between us, not because of the reason that I was afraid, but by the unknown intimacy that suddenly occurred at that point.

“Bert, it’s late and you need to go back to your own bed now”, I said while tapping his bare shoulder.
“… Yeah, the tree. I’ll cut down that motherfuckin´ tree”, he said as he kept on mumbling a few more lines which I couldn’t understand.
He got up from the bed and I could hear him stagger towards the door as he was breathing heavily.
Poor guy, if I haven’t know better, I would’ve taken him for being a sleepwalker then.

“Good night, babe”, he mumbled, now closing the door behind him, making the floor squeak while hearing him walking down the hallway and into his own room.
I took a deep breath before I tucked myself in under the covers as I hardly was able to keep my eyes open, causing me to yet again fall asleep that night.
This time for good…
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wow, just so it's mentioned; this sequel has been going on for exactly one month today! :]
isn't that amazing? ahaha, time flies so quickly that i don't even know how it all started. ;D

well, did you all get surprised at who was standing by the door, eyh? (:
