It's Our Time to Shine

Like My First Time That I Caught Fire.

Bert and I were now walking down the terminal on our way to find some sort of bar where we could relax after the flight.
The other guys were back at the luggage belt, completely exhausted.
It had taken us about 15 hours all in all in the air considering that one stop in Tokyo, which for the record was crazy.
There were fans everywhere, but thankfully, the crew, which were with us but keeping a low profile, were there and got control over the situation.
Still, it was hilarious seeing all the guys almost shrieking while trying to get away.
I laughed my way all the way into the flight to Osaka where we now were, looking for a bar.

“Look, it’s a bar over there. Maybe we could go and see if they sell anything there?”, Bert asked with a smile upon his face.
“Yeah, sure!”

The both of us walked to the bar, which supposedly would sell some sort of beverage, and looked at the beverage menu.

“What do you want?”
Bert was looking at the menu that was placed on the bar desk and I was slightly leaning over while looking myself.
“I’m not sure. I feel a little nauseous, so maybe a Coke would help?”, I said.
“Yeah, good idea. Hey, could we get two Cokes?”, he asked the bartender that suddenly showed up.
“Certainly”, the bartender responded, getting two Cokes from the giant refrigerator behind him.
“Was that all?”
“Uhm… You want anything more, Lina?”
“No”, I said hesitating.

It had been several hours since we last ate and even though I wasn’t hungry, I still craved for something to eat.

“A bag of peanuts”, Bert suddenly said to the bartender who immediately gave him one.

As he received the bag of peanuts and the both of us stepped into the dining hall, we found a table where we sat down by.

“How did you know I wanted peanuts?”, I asked him with a surprised voice.
“I don’t know, maybe because I wanted that too. I guess I just know you well enough to know”, he said, having a very suspicious look upon his face.

Bert took the peanut bag and opened it before pouring the salty nuts in an empty glass bowl that was placed in the middle of the table.
Now, the oh-so famous silence between us occurred again and I used the peanut eating as an excuse for not speaking as I reached my hand out to the bowl.

“Oh, sorry!”, I said as my hand bumped into Bert’s and preventing him from taking a handful.
“No problem, it’s okay”, he laughed, letting me go first.

Then, without knowing why, I took a handful of peanuts and poured them into my glass of Coke.
It had been years since I last did this, but the craving of the taste of sweet and salt mixed together was irresistible.

“Babe, what’re you doing?”, Bert asked, looking at me with an astonished face expression as my glass now was frizzing from the peanuts’ salt reacting to the soda’s carbonic acid.
“Sorry”, I said, blushing by the fact that I thought I had disgusted him.
“I wanna try that too!”, Bert then burst out to my great surprise, and relief, as he took a fistful of peanuts and poured it all into his own glass of Coke.
“Look at the frizzing! What is that?”

His giggled was adorable, like a child’s giggle when he just had gotten a new toy that he now was playing with.

“It’s the salt from the peanuts that reacts to the carbonic acid in the soda. It’s a chemical reaction that occurs”, I explained, well knowing that that was about the only thing I’d learned from those two years of science in high school.
“Babe, that’s awesome! What are you, a rocket scientist or somethin´?”
“No, not really.”

I had to smile at what Bert had just said.
I barely even passed science when I had it.

“So, what do you do now?”, he then asked.
“You drink it.”
“Yeah, it’s good. Try it”, I said, before taking a sip of my salty Coke.
“Now that’s badass”, Bert grinned, seeing me drink from my glass.

“Your turn.”
“Uhm, I think I’ll pass on that one.”
“Oh, come on – I’ve seen you drink worse things than a glass of Coke and peanuts”, I encouraged him, thinking of the many YouTube videos I’d seen of him, witnessing him drinking everything from absinth to saliva.
“I bet you have”, he smirked, giving me a look that was very hard to analyze.

Suddenly, I felt something gently brushing into my foot, immediately making me freeze.
Bert was still having that look upon his face, now staring directly at me with his crystal blue eyes.
He took my hand that was resting alone in the middle of the table, holding it while stroking it carefully.
It felt like as if a warm summer breeze was blowing in my face, now making my entire body heat up.

“Why are you so completely different from all the other people I’ve met before?”, he asked as I saw his eyes sparkling while they were filled with curiosity.
“I don’t know. Why do you ask?”
“To find an answer.”

I smiled, blushing as I looked down at the table.
I had no idea what to say.

“Hey…”, Bert said, lifting my chin up with. “Do you have an answer to it?”
“Do you know what I think?”
“I have no idea”, I replied, now looking him straight in the eyes.
“Because I’ve never been able to appreciate the people around me as much as they all deserve to be. But now, now that you’ve shown up in my life, I’m finally able to do that. To value the precious things in life and be able to hold on to them. You’ve opened up my eyes, Lina.”

I didn’t say a thing.
I didn’t know what to say.
All I knew was that I was completely blown away by what Bert had just said.

“I…”, I began, hesitating before taking a pause. “I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s okay. And that’s what’s so great about you. You don’t have to say anything. It’s just enough that you’re here.”

For the next minutes, we didn’t say much.
We didn’t have to say anything.
Just holding hands while looking into each other’s eyes was enough.

We didn’t bother finishing our Cokes either as we now left the table, leaving $10 there before heading out of the bar.

“Maybe we should get back to the other guys? I mean, in case our luggage has arrived?”, Bert said, walking closely next to me.
“Yeah, you’re probably right”, I responded.

As we were walking down the terminal, seeing people pass by us, I suddenly felt Bert taking my hand, holding it gently.
It felt warm and comfortable, almost like a glove that fitted my hand perfectly.
I looked up at him, giving him a little smile, before he smiled back at me.
He squeezed my hand then, pushing me closer to him while still walking down the terminal.
We didn’t say a word to each other.
We didn’t have to, either.
So we just kept on walking as we were holding hands…
♠ ♠ ♠
fuck, so sorry for the late update.
not that any of you guys would care considering that only a couple of you actually read.
but, yeah; i've been busy. not to mention sick. -__-

to sum it up, they were amazing and i high-fived spencer [the singer/screamer] too. <333
i went to the gig with some friends of mine, along with andrew who's mentioned in chapter 6 in The Biggest Fan.

so, yeah; it was one hell of a show, despite the fact that i managed to forget my ticket at home on the way to the
gig so my mom had to travel almost an hour to give it to me. xD
