It's Our Time to Shine

Fright Night.

“Hey, Jeph – wanna turn the movie on again?”, Bert asked, looking over at Jepha as he lit himself a cigarette.
“Yeah, sure thing, dude”, he replied, pressing the ‘play button’ on the remote control, making the movie continue rolling on the TV screen.

“Bert…”, I whispered. “Isn’t this a non-smoking room?”
“Yup. And your point is…?”
By the look on his face and the smirk he had, I knew he really didn’t give a damn.
“Okay, you got me. I get it”, I smiled, rolling my eyes while leaning back in the sofa.

Quinn, who was munching on his slice of pizza, had already tucked himself nicely in the yellow woolen blanket he so faithfully had become attached to while sitting with his feet up in the sofa.
I envied him because of that blanket, because as much as I wanted to deny it, Bert’s arm around me just wasn’t enough to keep me warm at that point.
I was shaking, but not enough for Bert to notice as his eyes were fixated on the screen.
As far as he knew, maybe he just thought the movie was making me tremble.

“…Are you cold? Here, come to me. The blanket’s big enough for the both of us. We can share”, Quinn suddenly said low-voiced, smiling while lifting the blanket a little to give me some room.
“Thank you”, I almost whispered, wiggling myself gently away from Bert before I tucked myself in the warm and comfortable blanket, now leaning gently on Quinn’s shoulder as we all continued watching the movie.
I don’t think Bert even noticed me sliding over to the other side of the sofa.
In a way, it didn’t really matter either.

Halfway through the movie, both Quinn and I had snuggled up to each other under the blanket we were sharing, having our feet up in the sofa.
The comfort of knowing that he was just as scared as I was, if not more, was soothing, and I had to laugh over the fact that I’d never been more scared by a horror flick than right now.

“Hey, babe – where’d you go?”, Bert suddenly asked as he saw me sitting at the other side of the sofa.
“I was kinda cold, so Quinn offered me to share the blanket”, I responded smiling. “No biggie.”
“Are you cold now, then?”
“Not really.”
“Then come here”, he said, looking over at me with a smile as he made me come over to him again.

I rolled my eyes at Quinn, seeing him giving me an understandable look while smiling.
Bert once again placed his arm around my shoulders, and this time, I felt the warmth it had been lacking earlier.
At that point, someone suddenly knocked on the door, making Quinn and I jump.
I saw him immediately embracing the blanket, holding on to it as he looked at the door.

“Dude, come on! I bet it’s just room service”, Bert laughed.
“Or maybe it’s Jason Voorhees comin´ to get ya”, Jepha added with a grin as he got up from the recliner and opened the door.
“Good evening, Sir!”, the piccolo said politely, entering the suite with a trolley full of food, and placed it by the table. “Will that be all?”
“Yes. Thank you”, Jepha smiled, giving him an unknown amount of tips.
“No, thank you”, the piccolo replied. “Enjoy your meal and have a pleasant night.”
Oh, yeah, we will… It’s strawberries and whipped cream there, so I’ll be sure to have one hell of a fuckin´ night for sure“, Bert grinned, seeing him leave the suite.

“Stop the movie, will ya, Dan?”, Quinn asked, getting up from the sofa, before making his way to the trolley. “Mmm, cookies.”
“Come on, babe”, Bert said, grabbing my hand and dragging me up from where I was sitting.

As we got to the trolley, Quinn had already snatched up most of the cookies that had been there, and was now sitting in the sofa again, nibbling on one of them while getting crumbles all over his lap.

“Hey, Jepha… Can I please have some of your fruit?”, I asked, not really sure if the things each and every one of us had ordered was our own.
“Yeah, sure thing. Take as much as you’d like. And I saw two cups there, so pour yourself some teat too”, he smiled.
“Thank you”, I said, greeting his smile as I took some fruit on a small plate, for then to pour myself a cup of tea. “Do you want a cup too? I could pour you one?”
“Yeah, sure. Thanks!”, Jepha replied before reaching for the now full tea cup I handed him.

“Where’s the chips? I can’t find it”, Bert asked, looking at the trolley.
“Look under it. I think I saw a bag there”, I pointed.
“Oh, yeah! There it is”, he said, grabbing the bag of chips before crashing down in the sofa again.
I took my plate of fruits and the tea cup, and joined him while Jepha once again pushed the ‘play button’.

I chewed the fruit thoroughly between every mutilation that Jason Voorhees performed, letting my eyes wander from the TV screen to the guys.
Each and every one of them had their mouths full of either cookies, fruit or chips and flushing it down with tea or soda while having their eyes fixated on the screen.

“Holy crap, thank God that movie is over”, Quinn sighed, putting away the blanket that had been covering his throughout the movie.
“Fuck, no. That movie was epic, dude”
“Wanna see the next one?”, Jepha grinned as he was waving the cover to ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning’ in front of us.
“Bring on the horror!”, Dan added from the other recliner across the table.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I need a beer”, Quinn suddenly said, almost hurrying towards the mini bar next to the door.
“Bring me one too, will ya?”, Bert asked, followed by Dan.
“So much for that ‘no alcohol, just movies and snacks’, huh?”, Jepha said, looking at me with a smile as he took a sip out of his green tea.
“It’s fine by me, I don’t care really.”
“So you guys aren’t up for it?”
“Nah, I’ll pass”, I smiled.
“Okay, I guess one beer won’t hurt.”
“At a boy!”, Bert grinned, handing him a can.

“What about you, Lina? Want one?”, Quinn asked, holding a can of beer.
“No, thank you. I’m fine.”
“Yeah, according to what you consumed of alcohol last night, you’ve pretty much covered the rest of the year.”
His comment made me blush, but I laughed it off thinking of how much I actually did drink last night, before we all began watching the movie.

“Look! Look!”, Jepha suddenly burst out half way through it. “The chainsaw’s in action.”
There, we saw Thomas Brown Hewitt, the crazy killer, mutilating people with his chainsaw, making body limbs fly in all directions.
“Now that’s what I call a proper kill!”, Bert said before bursting into an uncontrollable laughter.

It was almost 1:30 am now, and by the look on some of the guys’ faces, they were starting t get pretty tired.

“I think I’m going to bed, guys”, Quinn mumbled, rubbing his eyes before finishing his beer.
“The movie’s not too scary for ya, is it?”, Dan grinned, looking at him as he saw him getting up from the sofa.
“Fuck you”, he replied with a smile, rubbing the back of Dan’s head before he headed towards the door to his bedroom.
“Good night, Quinn”, I said, giving him a smile from where I was sitting.
“Good night to you too.”

Now, I was starting to get cold again, so I grabbed the yellow woolen blanket that Quinn and I had shared earlier, and tucked it around myself.
Without really knowing why, I tucked Bert in too, seeing him gaze down at me to where I was leaning on his chest before he kissed me on the forehead.
I snuggled up to him, pulling the blanket gently over us and under my chin as I continued watching the movie.

“Ahh, I’m going to sleep now. I can hardly keep my eyes open. What’s the time, anyway?”, Jepha asked, yawning as he stretched himself in the recliner.
“A quarter past 2:00 am.”
“Bed time is its, then”, he said, saying good night before he went into his bedroom and shut the door behind him, leaving Bert, Dan and I alone in front of the TV.

“You too? Dude, that’s weak”
“Fuck you, man. I’m doing you a favor here, leaving you guys alone now”, Dan grinned.
“Oh… Oh! Then why the fuck are you still here? Go to bed”, Bert teased, smiling at him as we saw him heading into his bedroom.

Now, it was only me and Bert left, and ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning’ was still rolling on the TV screen.
He looked down at me, giving me a smile before he pulled me closer to him, letting me know that it was just the two of us now, and that we had all the time in the world…
♠ ♠ ♠
so sorry for the late update, guys!
college is taking up waaay too much of my time. >.<
still, i hope you liked this update. (':
