It's Our Time to Shine

The Gas Station.

”Thank God the gas station’s open ’till 4 am”, Bert said as he opened the door and entered.
“So, what do we want?”
“I need somethin´ sweet. Like, chocolate”, Quinn responded, walking towards the small rows of chocolate and candy bars that were placed at the very end.
“Hell, yeah, me too”, Dan added, following him.

“So, what do you want, Lina?”, Bert asked, gazing over at me with a sweet smile upon his face.
“No, I’m fine. I don’t have any money on me now, so…-”
“Screw that. You’re with us now, so we’ll pay, okay?”
“Okay”, I replied, feeling my cheeks getting warm as I blushed.

“Anyone thirsty? ‘Cause I’m dying here”, Quinn said while getting a bottle of mineral water out of the fridge by the wall.
“Yeah, I need an ice tea of some kind”, Jepha mumbled, taking out a green tea flavored Nestea Ice Tea can.
“I’ll have a Coke. I need something sugary”, Dan grinned before reaching for a can of Coke that was all the way back in the fridge.

“Come one, I see you’re thirsty. Let’s get something to drink”, Bert giggled, making me follow him over to the other guys at the small refrigerators by the wall.
He stopped in front of one, wondering which beverage to choose.
“Hey, you like Red Bull, right?”, he continued.
“Sure, I love it.”
“Awesome”, Bert replied, taking two cans of Red Bull before he started walking towards the counter.
“Want anything else?”
“No, thank you. I’m fine”, I smiled, now spotting Quinn, Jepha and Dan coming behind us.

“Got everything you need?”, Bert asked.
“Yeah”, Dan answered, putting his can of Coke on the counter, followed by Jepha placing his ice tea next to it.
“Fuck, Quinn – are you gonna OD on sugar by eatin´ all those chocolate bars or what?”, he said with a grin on his face, even making the counter girl smile.
“Shut up, Bert”, Quinn responded, dropping the Snickers, Mars, Twizzler and God knows what else on the counter, forming a pile of chocolate bars.

“Want anything else?”, the counter girl asked, beeping in the last chocolate bar and soda can.
“Yeah, a pack of Marlboro Gold”, Bert responded, going through his pockets to find cash.
“Is that all?”
“Okay, then it’s $11”, she added, receiving the money from him. “Do you want a bag for the stuff?”
“No, we’re good. Bye”, Bert then said, telling us all to grab our stuff before we headed out of the gas station.

As we headed outside, I took a final look at the ‘UTAHCO’ sign before joining the other guys down the street.
‘Pzzz!’ the Red Bull can said, making a sound as Bert popped it open, making me do the same.
“Thanks for the soda”, I said, looking at him while seeing him stroke his fingers between his long, black hair.
“Don’t mention it”, he smiled, taking a sip out of his Red Bull.

His eyes in this light, which was coming from a yellow, bright street light, were amazing.
They were practically sparkling, making every star on the now almost clear sky ashamed of themselves.

“Fuck, Quinn – do you really have to eat that Snickers now? We’re supposed to eat soon, you know”, I suddenly heard someone say, realizing it was Bert.
“Chill. It’s just one bar, okay?”
Dan was walking next to me in the back, making fun of them as he kept pouting and showing me a sad face.
I giggled and gave him a smile to let him know that I was agreeing with him-

“Hey, Bert?”, Jepha said, waiting for him to respond.
“Your mom still has that water boiler, right?”
“I think so. Dude, why do ya ask?”
“’Cause I really gotta have a cup of tea when we get there.”
“Jeph, my mom’s a Mormon, not a hobo for fuck’s sake”, Bert answered as he laughed a childish laugh.

As we arrived to Bert’s old neighborhood where he used to live in as a kid, we got to the McCracken house and went up to the wooden porch.
‘DING, DONG’, a sound could be heard as he rang the door bell.
“Why don’t ya just go inside? I mean, it’s your old house”, Quinn asked, looking at him.
“’Cause it’s locked and I don’t have the key”, Bert explained grinning.

I could now feel my heart beat rising as I stood there with the guys on the porch while waiting for Mrs. McCracken to open the door.
And, yes, I figured out that it would be best to call her that, just to be sure to make the right first-impression.

I couldn't stop thinking of how she might look like.
Did she have a pretty face just like Bert had, but with a female touch, or was she a harsh woman with a strict expression on her face?
All these thoughts made me even more nervous than I now already was.

While hearing footsteps walking towards the door and fingers fumbling their way to unlock it, I saw Bert gazing over at me before giving me a comforting smile as he now saw how nervous I was.
“This was it”, I thought to myself, seeing the front door slowly being opened…
♠ ♠ ♠
ahah, luckily i found a family picture of the mccracken family
yesterday, so now i know exactly how mrs. mccracken looks like.
bert looks like a freak, but he's absolutely adorable there.
i think he's my age, like, 18 or something in the picture.
and, yeah, just for the record; i stalk like hell online.
because i love it. (:
