It's Our Time to Shine

Picture My Face.

”You’re not going to bed yet, are you? It’s only 10 pm”, Bert said, looking at me with a curious smile from the other side of the king-size bed.
“No”, I responded, placing my backpack on the floor. “I’m not that tired yet.”
“Then come on down.”

As he and I went down again to the living room to join the others, the table had already been cleaned.
“Again, Mrs. McCracken; thank you so much for dinner”, Jepha smiled, being agreed by Quinn.
“Yeah, it was delicious.”
“You are very welcome, boys”, she replied while winking her right eye.

“Ahh, I think I’m gonna call it for tonight. I’m exhausted”, Quinn added yawning.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. Where’d Dan head?”
“Oh, Daniel went to bed, Jepharee. I think my cooking was a little too much for him”, Mrs. McCracken said while giggling slightly.
“I see. Well, good night, everyone. See you in the morning.”
“Yes, good night to the both of you. And sleep tight”, she answered as we saw them head upstairs.

“I asked Jepharee and Quinn if they were interested in a cup of hot chocolate, but they turned me down unfortunately.”
“Did Quinn turn down hot chocolate? Wow, that’s unlikely”, Bert said, having a hard time believing his answer.
“Well, would you two like a cup of hot chocolate, then?”, Mrs. McCracken smiled.

I felt like it wasn’t up to me to answer now. Even though I was craving for a cup of hot chocolate so bad, it would be impolite to be the first one to answer, seeing I was a guest in this house.
Therefore, I kept my silence.

“What about you, sweetheart – would you like a cup?”
“Yes, please”, I answered awkwardly, put pulled it off by giving Mrs. McCracken a smile.
“Okay, then. I’ll go to the kitchen and get it for you”, she responded, before heading towards the kitchen.
Bert gave me a smile as his mother came inside the living room again, this time carrying two cups of hot chocolate which she handed to us.

“It’s good to be back home again”, he added, leaning back in the living room’s beige sofa.
“Yeah, it’s nice around here.”
“Hey, Lina, don’t you miss your home?”
I could see his eyes were curious as he started at me while waiting for an answer.
“No”, I answered short and concise.

“Well, children, I think I’m going to get ready for bed. But I will be back in a while, so just call on me if there is anything, okay?”
“Yeah, mom”, Bert replied, followed by my smile as she headed upstairs.

“So, what do you think?”
“About what?”
“About mom”, he said.
“Oh, yeah. She’s nice. Really nice”, I responded.
I meant it too – Mrs. McCracken seemed like a very nice person and she had this unexplainable motherly atmosphere over herself which I wasn’t used to.
I liked it.

At that point, I let my eyes slide against a wall that caught my attention.
There were hanging several pictures there, all covering the wall from on corner to the other.
“What’re you lookin´ at?”, Bert asked, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.
“Those pictures over there. Are they of you?”
“Yeah, some of ‘em. Go take a look”, he said, making me follow him to where they were hanging.

As I scanned the wall, I noticed there were photographs of children and youths, and by the look of it, they resembled Bert.
I immediately figured out they were Bert’s siblings; Katie, Melanie, Rachel and Joseph Taylor.
I’d seen pictures of them before, so it wasn’t hard to recognize them.
Also, a photograph of a young boy, maybe at the age of sixteen, was hanging there.
The boy, having dark blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, looked so sweet and innocent.
With one look and one look only, I could see who the person was.

“Ugly, huh?”, Bert mumbled, pointing at the photography of the young boy.
“No. I think you’re beautiful”, I responded, well-knowing that the young boy was Bert in his teenage years.
“Psh, look who’s talkin´.”
“I mean it, Bert.”
“So do I”, he smiled at me, gently stroking my left cheek with a soft touch.

Again, his crystal blue eyes drilled themselves through mine, making my lips tremble in a split second.
It went quiet for a while now. We just stood there next to each other, not really saying a word as we were looking at the photographs.
It was nice…
♠ ♠ ♠
i am really happy now.
more happy than i've felt in a long, long while.
and the reason it yet again the used.
i got a private message from them on myspace
last night, which i didn't get to see until today.
it was a respond from an earlier message i had
sent them on christmas eve where i wished them
a merry christmas and a happy new year.
i could post the printscreen of the reply if you'd like to.
man, i am really happy now. so utterly beyond happy. (: <3

oh, and before i forget; what do you think of this update? :]
