Can Love Be Love If Your Not Loved


"I'm so sorry for you lost hun" my auntie said,

I smiled at her then gave her a hug before she left the house, I couldn't believe my grandma had finally gone but I knew that she wouldn't be in anymore pain which was good, when the house was empty I silently walked over to the sofa and flopped across it,

"Look after me from up there please Gran" I spoke out to the open room,

"Oh she will" Theo whistled out,

I sat up quickly and smiled to him, he smiled back before walking and thunbing himself next to me on the sofa. I couldn't stop smiling he was the only one I loved and I would never stop,

"I love you" I whispered to him slowly,

he smiled but this time didn't say it back, I was worried and kind of scared he always said it back why now didn't he?? as I thought he got closer and closer then wrapped his arm around me and pushed hard his lips onto mine, I tried to push him off but he wouldn't move at all,

"Theo get off me, your hurting me" I shouted when he started kissing my ear,

he tightened his hold on me then suddenly I was in the air and being carried somewhere, next thing I knew I was in my room lying on my bed with Theo taking his clothes off and then starting on mine,

"Theo no, you know I'm not ready for that" I shouted at him as I clinged onto what little clothes I had left on,

"You may not want it but I do, I've been stuck being nice and sweet for nearly 3 years I can't wait any longer" he said pushing my hands away to remove the rest of my clothes,

I screamed and he covered my mouth up with his big muscley hand, his other hand kept pulling at my remainding clothes and then he got mad, his big hand slapped me around the face and then grabbed hold of my mouth tightly,

"Take it off now" he shouted while spitting in my face,

I shook my head no to him and he got even worse, he moved his hand down to my neck and started strangling me. I couldn't breathe and he knew this, he picked me up from my neck and watched as I turned purple with lack of air,

"Please...stop..."I struggled out,

he walked over to my wardrobe swinging the door wide open I looked at him scared while trying to catch my breath but nothing could be done, he then threw me into the wardrobe and closed the door it was dark I couldn't see anything but then my eyes adjusted, I was gasping for breath finally being able to breath I sat there shaking,

"Your not coming out until you listen" Theo shouted to me through the doors,

I sat there shaking, I tightly wrapped my arms around my legs that were pressed up at my chest and started to cry, why did he have to do it?? especially at my grandma's funeral. After time I sat up and found the courage to open the door slightly, when I looked out into my room there was Theo on my bed with another girl I studied her closely and then realized,

"Georgey" I shouted as I stubbled out of the wardrobe,

Theo and my friend Georgey looked at me shocked, Georgey quickly covered herself up as her top and bra had been flung on the floor with Theo laying there with just his boxers on,

"How could you Georgey?? and how could you Theo?? you said you loved me but strangling me and then shutting me in my own wardrobe on my grandma's funeral..." I couldn't go on,

Georgey looked at me and then to Theo, his face was blank but angry nearly 3 years of being with him I knew excately what moods he was in, Georgey got off my bed and huddled for her top and bra then ran out of the room holding her chest,

"Love you baby" Theo shouted out to her,

he then turned his attention to me but I stood my ground, I walked to my cupboard and took out a long black dress that he had bought me,

"This is all I need" I said before walking out of my bedroom.

As Milly stured from the memory Matt was watching her with worry and shock she rocked her head as she sat up but then got pushed down by Matt, Milly was shocked thinking it was Theo when it was Matt,

"Milly, are you ok?? you blanked out for nearly 2 hours whats the matter??" Matt's face showed Milly how worried he really was,

"2 hours?? really??" she said shocked and confused,

"Yeah really, I was so worried you were just laying in my arms getting paler and paler" he said back steadyly sitting her up,

Milly got light headed nearly falling off the bed but then being caught by Matt and held up right again, Matt whispered something into her ear but her head was so light she couldn't hear anything,

"...M...ill...y" she suddenly jumped at her name,

Matt was holding onto her tightly not going to let her go in a long time, he moved his face right next to the side of her face and whispered a lullaby Milly calmed down a little feeling more calmer every second then she felt her normal self and smiled,

"What did you see??" Matt whispered into her ear,

"Just a bad memory that will never happen when I'm with you" she whispered back,

Matt's face went bright crimson, he then started kissing Milly's ear which felt great he went down a little so he was kissing under her ear, then moved down her neck which made her toes curle in on themselves,

"You like kissing me there don't you" she said with a smile,

he agreed by slightly biting her neck, that did it for Milly her whole body felt like jelly then suddenly got a spurt of energy, she pulled Matt away shock all over his face and pushed him to lay down next thing Matt knew Milly was ontop of him holding onto him tightly with lips locked to his, she was shocked herself that she had done what she had done but then thought she really liked Matt. She started to nibble his bottom lip which got him with spruts over energy, he flipped her over so she was laying on the bed with him ontop and started kissing her neck again but this time with biting included, Milly let out a little moan that she didn't know was actually in there Matt chuckled to himself and carried on intensely,

"Whoa I'm flying" Milly grasped out slowly,

Matt giggled while pulling away, Milly smiled at him as he smiled at her, how could someone like her like me?? Matt thought to himself, why would he like me?? I'm a nobody Milly thought to herself, Matt layed down next to her cuddling her up close while moving his mouth to her ear,

"Would it be wrong to say..." he whispered but stopped,

"Say it" she said, like she knew what he was going to say,

"Would it be wrong to say...I..." Matt was shaking slightly from being so nervous,

Milly turned to Matt and smiled, she held his chin with one of her little pale hands and moved it so she could look into his magical dark brown eyes,

"Would this help you say it??" she said before touching her soft lips to his tightly pulled lips,

he melted inside, nothing had felt so good before now, he thought over what he was going to say and then pulled away,

"Would it be wrong to say I love you??" he said before hiding his face into Milly's neck and hair,

she started kissing his neck which made his red face go even redder,

"No because I love you" she said before starting to kiss his neck again.
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Sorry it's really short =/
Hope it's ok =)
Can you tell me what you think please? =)
Thanks Gem for giving me the name Matt and George I just added the y at the end tehe lol