Can Love Be Love If Your Not Loved


*beep, beep, beep*

Milly woke up in the darkness of a Saturday morning, her hair was a mess with it sticking out in every direction,

"Matt??" Milly jumped up scared,

no one replied, she was right he was going to run away into the night she buried her face into her hands and started to cry in a way that made her chest hurt. After a while she decided to get up to sort herself out, she pulled away the cover slowly with no effort at all and slid off her bed with a sigh, she scuft her feet across the floor to her bathroom her head drapped down looking at the floor, the bathroom door swung open so she walked in gloomyly,

"Why?? it's happened all over again" she said to her reflection in the mirror above the sink,

she splashed cold water over face trying to wake herself from the nightmare but reality sank in deeper making her feel even worse. She had gone to the toilet and had a shower before she walked back to her dark bedroom all wrapped up in a towel with a towel wrapped in her hair for it to dry, when she was in her room she sat on her bed and let her hair go from the towel holding it, she took her brush from her the end table next to her bed and started yanking out the knots that had been created in the shower,

"You...made me I was...the only one on earth...but you can away suits you..." she shouted into the darkness as she yanked at the knots in her black hair,

she spent nearly half an hour yanking her hair to the exctent she gave up and pulled it tightly into a messy ponytail thing. Her hair was done as much as it was going to get and she had finally got the strength to get off her bed and pick some nice clothes for a days sitting in, as she thumped down the stairs her pale blue tracksuit bottoms would ride up slightly with her white top moving up also,

"Oh why can't you just stay were your suppose to stay" she hissed at her clothes as she got to the bottom,

she stumbled into her living room turning her tv on behind flooping onto her sofa, she took the remote from the floor and started flicking through the many channels she had been given. All she could think about was how Matt had done excately the same to her just like Theo had done, *bang, bang, bang* 'who's at the door this time of the morning??' Milly thought as she stod up and made her way to the door, as she opened the front door the freezing cold wind blew in and then it hit her, there stood the guy who had hurt her the first time Theo,

"Hello Gorgeous" he said as he pushed his way inside,

Milly was so scared she trying to slam the door in his face but it didn't work, she then ran for the stairs and bolted up the stairs and hid in her room, Theo slowly walked up her stairs and straight into her bedroom,

"Well at least I don't have to pull you in here like last time now do I" he sniggered as he walked over to her hiding spot and yanked her out,

she stared at him so scared that he just laughed, once again he threw her onto her bed and started to undress himself to his boxers and then started on her, she held onto what was left trying to kick him away from her,

"Get off me!" she shouted out to the nothingness of her house,

"Now why would I do that?? I've been learning how to make it hurt for so long" he said slapping her round the face to shut up,

suddenly a bang of floor board was heard through the house, Theo looked up from Milly's almost naked body and then shrugged starting again. The thud was much louder this time it put goosebumps up Milly's body as she tried to shift out of Theo's grip,

"How is that?? come out you scaredy cat" Theo shouted out to the room,

a figure then walked through the doorway making Milly's heart skip too many beats it was Matt but he looked different like he wasn't the Matt Milly knew. The new Matt rushed over to Theo in a second pushed him away hard then grabbed hold of Milly,

"I thought you had vanished completely" she whispered to him,

the new Matt looked at her his eyes bright red as could be it made Milly shiver inside out, Theo stood up touching his head where he had hit it on the wall blood covered his fingers which made Milly's stomach turn and the new Matt's face look almost like he was hungry,

"Matt please can we go?? please" Milly whispered into his ear,

Matt looked her scared face all of the stress lines in his face vanished when he saw her tear filled eyes, he nodded to her with a small smile then turned to the doorway,

"Give her back to me" Theo shouted when he had taken in that his head was bleeding,

Matt quickly turned around Milly didn't know what had happened, Matt let Milly stand on the floor and pushed her behind him lucky Milly grabbed one of his hands s he wouldn't think of doing anything to Theo,

"No! she is not yours, she is not a toy Milly is a human who I love with all my un-beating heart I will never give her away to some thing that you are" Matt's voice had changed instead of ringing through Milly's ears it gave her goosebumps,

Theo looked at Matt scared then started to shake, he turned to the window and suddenly jumped out of it, Milly quickly hid behind Matt still clinging onto his hand so he wouldn't run after him,

"Please Matt can we go??" she whispered as she tried to hold in the tears,

Matt's body relaxed as he turned around, he wrapped his long arms around her tightly so she would feel safe, Milly sighed a relaxed sigh and Matt then dropped his arms and stepped back,

"This is who I am..." Matt said looking to the floor in shame,

"But who are you??" Milly asked puzzled,

"I'm...I'm...a..." Matt couldn't say who he truely was,

Milly walked to him and wrapped her arms around his waist pulling herself into him more, she looked up to see his ruby red shining eyes and smiled, he gave her a puzzled look but soon forgot everything bad when her lips touched his gently. They stood there with their lips locked and Milly holding onto him, Matt pulled away looking sad,

"I'm something that if I tell you you'll be in danger for now on..." he whispered to her silently,

"I don't car if I'm in danger or not, if I have you then I will be fine" she whispered back,

he took a deep breath in Milly counted the seconds it took, roughly 73 seconds before he breathed out again,

"I'm a vampire".
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so we finally find out Matt is a vampire
Did anyone guess earlier?? =D lol
Hope you still like it =D