I will take what is my property

Ellen is 15, she has had her brother and father killed, and is trying to find out who the killer is, will she succeed...
  1. It can't be!
    Ellen finds her brother dead
  2. Ellens P.O.V
    An extract from Ellens point of view
  3. One word...Scared
    Ellens reactions to what happened
  4. P.C. Alec P.O.V.
    A polices' point of view to Ellens story
  5. Mum P.O.V.
    Ellen's mums point of view
  6. Still the same
    Ellen and her mother are informed there is no change
  7. Ellens P.O.V
    Ellen's point of view
  8. Hard to Believe!
    Ellen is confused... A man suddenly appears out of nowhere and starts explainig to her things she finds hard to Believe...
  9. The letter
    What Jacob (Ellen's father) wrote to the Edward (the mysterious man)....
  10. I finally know the truth!
    Ellen finally finds out the truth!
  11. You know him too?
    A little convo between Ellen and hear Mother...
  12. 7 years later...
    7 years later after all the drama..<lol
  13. And it continues...
    just an ending...