I will take what is my property

I finally know the truth!

Ellen re-read the letter, and then sighed. She knew this was true, because she recognised his handwriting, he wrote her a thank you card a few days before he passed away, and the writing was 100% identical.

‘What made my dad think you wouldn’t find him?’

‘Well, he moved to New Zealand, then came back, thinking I must have forgotten.’

‘So, are you going to take me, my mother, and all our belongings, are you going to take the house too?’

‘Well, no. Of course not. I only killed your father because he deserved it, and because he was attempting to kill your innocent mother. And your younger brother was going to be the same wreck. I won’t hurt you, unless you refuse to give me the locket.’

‘Oh right, take the locket,’ she hands the locket to him, and then continues to speak. ‘But who said my father was going to kill my mother.’

‘Well, to find out, ask your mother. She’ll tell you about the attempt to kill her.’

‘Ok, how did the locket do this?’

‘Well, hundreds and hundreds of years ago, our ancestors were magicians, and they believed you should keep everything you owned, and they said stealing was such a bad sin. They put enchantments and spells in the locket. And the spells would make the locket a sacred object that would be passed from a generation to the other, and whatever stops this from happening, the locket would destroy it. Destroying people, as I mentioned before, is slightly harder, as the destruction has to take place in the mind first, then move onto the outer part of you. ’

‘But you said you were in charge.’

‘I wanted to see your reaction, and, well, I am sort of in charge, because I’m the lockets rightful owner.’

‘Right, your confusing me, you said YOU killed my dad because he tricked you, and that YOU killed my brother because he was going to be an evil man.’

‘Right, yes, that’s true. But the locket also predicts the future, and because the locket does anything or attempts to do anything to anyone or anything, it would ask the true current owner if it should do so. I thought your dad deserved to die, and that you’re brother should do, because of the future.’

‘Alright, prove me that the locket is capable of future-telling.’

The man held the Locket in both hands, and put it against his chest. Then he wrapped paper around it. And looked at Ellen for a few seconds, she looked confused and tired. He then re-opened the paper, and looked at it, and smiled, then he passed it to Ellen, it said:
You asked me for the future of your slip-knot CD, and this is what shall happen to it:
- You will sell it on E-bay
- The next owners will keep it in their CD collection cupboard
- It will then be taken, and sold in the market
- The next owner will break the CD the second day after his purchase
- It will be thrown away
- The pieces will be recycled and made into plastic
- The plastic will be used to make rulers

‘Okay, I see it tells the future. Does that mean I won’t be a disaster, is that why you won’t hurt me? And by the way, there’s still something suspicious, It wasn’t the locket that made me fall unconscious, it was out of my fear.’

‘Well, you won’t be a disaster, in fact you’ll be a good woman. And it was the locket that made you lose your state of mind, you might think it was apprehension, but no dear, it wasn’t.’

‘And what makes you tell me all this?’

‘I want the best for you.’

‘Thank you. Sir, before I leave, can I have your contact details, because I’m not sure I’ll remember all this, well, im sure I will, but you know, I might need it someday.’

‘Sure, you may have it, Listen, Ellen, I want you to come back here after seven years on December the 31st at 6:00pm, listen, you have to make it, you have to be there!’

‘Alright. Why?’

‘I’m sorry I can’t tell you that, It has to be unexpected.’

Ellen copied down his contact details, and wrote down the date of their future meeting plan.

‘Ellen you have to come, It’s very important.’


Ellen was gone. She went home, Locket-less.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think this one's the longest!
Dont read it if you dont want to be bored
And I'm sure you dont!
but its nearly finished..
so..just read it..