I will take what is my property

Hard to Believe!

‘You have finally found the source of the murder.’ crackled a man that looked no older than her father.

Ellen jumped, she wasn’t expecting that. She felt her heart beat faster.

‘Huh?! Whaa?!!’ was all she managed to say.

‘I said you’ve found the source of the murder.’ the man repeated.

‘Whaa?!I have!? Who are you?!’

‘Yes, yes, I’ll explain everything, sit down.’

Ellen sat down in the plastic covered sofa in the kitchen.

‘Well, did you not realise that who-ever wore it fell unconscious then died. That’s what killed your ominous father and your little brother.’

‘That’s a load of rubbish. I wore it, but I didn’t die.’

‘Well, you were going to, you fell unconscious, but rescue was quick. The ambulance rescue service took the locket off because it was tight on your neck. You were lucky!’

‘That’s a lie, how can this little locket stab someone, and rip their chest open?’

‘Well this locket takes away your mind, meaning conscious, and then after doing so it tears you apart, by taking over your body too.’

‘And how can it do such powerful things?’

‘Maybe because someone or something is giving it power.’

‘And what or who can this person or thing be?’

‘ME! I am the one who did this.’

Ellen leapt on the man, and started to fight, the man simply just pulled her away.
‘Calm down girl it was for their own good.’


‘Well your little brother was going to be an awful sinner, someone that would wreck the world, and I was asked to get revenge back on your father.’

‘What are you talking about? Revenge on my Father?! What the hell! Ok, fine, I don’t believe my brother was going to be an evil guy, but if it’s true, fine, What was my dad? An evil guy too…What made you kill him?!’

‘You’re dad stole this locket from me, I used up all my savings, and earnings, and my wages and everything I owned just to buy it off my brother. It was passed on generations and generations and your father decided to take it off me, because he thought he was in a higher class and status than me.’

‘My father would never do such things, Give me proof.’

‘And I will, I have proof, here’s a letter he wrote to me.’

Ellen opened the little folded letter and read:
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, longer than all the other chapters!
And yes, I know it took long...
and I posted this up...bcos of Ellens request!
Any comments...Suscribers..