Singular Indestructible Droid


After the gruesome death of his girlfriend Melody, Derek's goes from coping just to get through the day to hell. He uses women he finds on tour to fill that void his deceased had once given him. He feels nothing for the ladies he choose to lay with at night. He band mates get sick of dealing with it and are soon to do something about it. But one girl she wants to break through his newly tough built shield to find the man that once loved. He would fight though. But can one little innocent thing help her get to his heart. Or she and the rest of the world forever be locked out?

You might want to read CPSTM before reading this. (i.e. Clarity Please Speak to Me)

New Rule
I'm being a little stricter this story. It's simple no comments no update. It's just that I want your feedback. It kicks me into gear, because then I know I'm really writing for an audience.
  1. Chapter One
    Just the Beginning of the Rest of My Life
  2. Chapter Two
    It's does the soul good.
  3. Chapter Three
  4. Chapter Four
    Warning: It's just a tad bit long.
  5. Chapter Five
  6. Chapter Six
  7. Chapter Seven
  8. Chapter Eight.
  9. Chapter Nine
    Sexy Time
  10. Deleting This.