Singular Indestructible Droid

Chapter Three

And here I was, 100 percent fucked up. You know you're at 100 percent when you have the shittiest hang over. Right now there was an obnoxious and extremely painful thumping in my head and worst acid burn like sloshing going on in my stomach. Aw shit I was going to puke.
I ripped my self from my bed and ran full speed off the bus. Oh those bushes in front of the bus look like they could take a good puking. With full speed I ripped off my shirt and let my stomach explode. Ugh, that had to be the best and nastiest feeling I've ever felt. And taste for that matter. The taste made me want to puke some more.

"Here Derek, drink this." I heard someone mumble from behind me.

I turned around to see Travis standing there with a bottle in his extended hand.

"Thanks man," I took it from him. Before I drank any, I just let the water clean out my mouth the best it could. Then I went on to suck down the whole bottle.

"Dude, you gotta stop doing that." He said.

"Doing what?"

"Sucking things down like that. Somebody's going to think your somebody's bitch. And then you'll be anally raped. Like that." He said snapping his fingers.

I chuckled. "So guess we're cool then?"

"Yeah," He whispered as his smile left his face.

"Man, I didn't mean anything I said last night. I was so drunk I didn't know what I was thinking man."

"Yeah that's what alcohol does to you. It also makes you say stuff you don't mean and make you wanna play in traffic."

"So that's what happened." Flashes of memories came back to me. And with that flash came a horrible bolt of pain slashing up my head.

"Yeah." Awkward silence goes here. "Well, we're one of the first to go on as in we play in thirty minuets."


"Yeah, so there's definitely no time to go wash yourself. But we have to be in sound check like right now on our stage."

"I'll be there in a second." I said hunching over on my knees. Travis just nodded his head and walked away.

I hunched myself over and steadied myself on my knees. Oh shit. I did not know how I was going to make it through this concert. The pain, the nausea and the shitty hate sensors would be going off. This is what it was like huh?

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 hours later.

I had collapsed right after we ended with our last note. My head, it felt someone was hacking at it with a chainsaw and then just for kicks just emptied a bottle of lemon juice. And the nausea... What the equivalent of my headache. Like someone was feeding me those nasty TV dinners and then kicking me in the stomach.
The guys, more or less, helped me back to the bus. Then I thought everything was fine and dandy and everything was blown over. Hoping that everyone just forgot about what happened last night. Well that was until Chris went around everybody's beds and dumped their disgusting sheets on me. I begged and pleaded with him to at least let me take a shower. And I did. It felt good too. It didn't help out any with the nausea or the intense pain in my head.
The pain that was now getting worse with every thump, every swish, and every cry of a baby that went on in here. Stupid fucking shitty cheap ass laundry mat. Grawl.
Well right now I was hunched over a dryer that I protectively saving for myself and because it made a good cool place to lay my head. Yeah and I thought it was going to be hot too. The single parents who couldn't afford to have their own washing machines tended to steal other peoples machines so it was an on going battle in here. Slightly ridiculous.

"So I didn't think I'd see you in here." said an almost familiar voice.

"Huh?" I asked not wanting to move my head but I did anyways. Bad choice.

"Remember me from the liquor shop in the gas station?" She tried to make me remember.

"Oh yeah, you're that chick."

"Yeah I'm that chick..."

"Sorry never really got your name."

"It's Rae,"

"Just Rae?" I asked smiling at the cuteness of it.

"Well Rae Giavanni Melati."

"So you sound mighty Italian, but I really don't see it."

"I'm my mothers child as my dad likes to put it. When I was born, my father didn't believe I was his child cause I was so dark. But they did test and blah blah blah. So when he found out I was he kept my whole name Italian."

"So life story much?"

"I tried to sum it up as good as I could. I mean you were the one that asked." She had a point. A point that made me smile.

"I'm guessing your mom is black then?" What was my deal and black girls? I don't know but they did have the best butts around.

"Correct. She is, but she died a little while after giving birth to me."

"Wait hold that thought." I moved her in front of my dryer and ran over to my washer. Unfortunately I forgot about my hurt hand and smashed it again into the door of the washer. Ah it hurt like a bitch. With my good hand though, I ripped everything from the washer and ran back over to where Gia was standing. "Sorry how did that happen."

"Well you know she caught an infection...."

Wow, she amazed me. This was the only time in three or four months where I didn't want to rip a woman's clothes off, whisper in her ear about how badly I wanted to fuck her. No there was none of that. I actually wanted to get to know more of her. I wanted to know how she was treated. How she got that little cut on her pinkie finger. Where in Georgia she lived. But the worst part about it, I knew I probably wouldn't see her again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short update.
I love you guys but come on.
I love her but Kristens the only one commenting.
Remember the rule no comments no updates

Here's why.
Clarity Please Speak to Me
181 readers 22 subscribers 39 Chapters and 35 comments
That's why my story was so wacky.

So comment.
Though she is the best.
She won't save you this time.