Singular Indestructible Droid

Chapter Five

It had been two weeks and a day since my last episode. Since then I had been prescribed at least four different medications to stabilize myself. My therapist diagnosed me with Delusional Disorder. Something I developed that day when I found her. Dead. When I held her in my arms, drenched in her blood. Dead.
I tried to make myself believe that I was having the worst nightmare man could ever dream. But I know a dream can't last more that seven months. But in this seven months my nightmare had become my reality. And now my reality had gotten to my head. Now my whole world was twisted. My therapist came to the conclusion that my mind was still suffering from the trauma. She said the only way that my mind thought to cope was to conjure up Melody's form. Basically anything that reminded me of her, sent me into a spaz attack or whatever. I didn't believe it. I knew she was still here.
I sighed out a puff of smoke, "clearing" out my lungs. This shit was never goingt o end. I was never going to get away from Melody and her story. You know why? Cause people will always ask me my story which ultimately is her's.
Especially with the new allegations against Jack. I blew out another sigh of smoke. This time through my nose.

"Son, put that out. Your throat is going to bleed from those cigarettes you smoke." Said a low husky voice from behind me.

"What?" I stomped out the cigarette and turned around to face Melody's father.

"Nothing come, let's get this thing over with." He took hold of my arm and led me up the stairs to the courtroom."

He and family had come together to file a lawsuit against Jack. Like I said, this would never end. truthfully, I never thought I could ever see someone I hated so much all the time. It made wanna puke. Implode, at the worst.

"Sit down here. You'll be right next to your mom and behind I, your father, and the attorney." Spoke Ray as he sat me down.

This was so fucking crazy. I did not, NOT, want to be here. I couldn't bare seeing that jackasses face in here. the very name of his made my mother cringe and my father ball his fist up. And now that we had a case against Jack, it only made them more blood thirsty.

You could see the strain Melody's death put on them. Out of the eighteen years I've seen my mother and fifteen of which I can remember... Not one of them have i ever seen her with a wrinkle or a single gray hair. Now she had a small patch of gray hair intruding on the copper reddish brown hair that we both shared. And my dad... he got the physical pain. He got monthly migraines and daily back pains. And for an old man he had the health of a thirty year old. But I guess, so far, a lot can happen in eight months.
I mean rally look now. I was diagnosed with Delusional Disorder. I was on four medications. Slowly I was becoming an alcoholic if I'm not already. My parents were deteriorating. My band (friends) thought I was a fuck up. And now I was sitting in a courtroom waiting to seek revenge. Unfortunately legally.

"Wow, Deborah's gotten so big. Is she pregnant?" My mom whispered.

"What?" I immediately flipped around to face the direction my mom was looking. "What do you mean-"

The last couldn't even slide out of my mouth. She was big. Huge. But she couldn't be pregnant or if she was it couldn't possibly be mine. Oh God.

"Mom how long ago did we move?" I kept a continuous stare on Deborah.

"Well, by now it has to have been eight months." She spoke softly. I wondered if she could hear the pain in my voice.

Suddenly, Deborah flicked her head up and set her eyes directly on me. Oh shit her glare made it seem like there was a cold sharp knife just cutting me open. Starting with my spine.

"Derek," By now I would be going into one of my attacks by now. It seemed as if I was paralyzed. "Derek!"

Now I wasn't.


"You use protection, don't you?"

"Yeah, except for Melody." Flashback?...No. Nothing.


"She was on birth control." I said dead and flatly.

"Not that I know. I used a condom mom,"

"Derek, you sure?"

"All rise for Judge Hamilton," yelled the bailiff. As we rose I slowly nodded.

I didn't understand what was going on for the first half of the trial. All I could think was she's pregnant, she's pregnant, she's pregnant. My parent's testimony meant everything. But I just couldn't hear it. the only thing that my mind could rest on was Deborah. Every few moments, for very long lengths at a time, I'd focus on her. Her round belly, her extremely ghostly pale skin, and her lifeless blonde hair.

"I call on witness, Derek Bloom."

All I heard was my name and the next thing I knew all eyes were on me. If it weren't for my mother's pinch and head nod, I would not have hat the slightest idea as to what was going. on.

"I said, I call on witness Derek Bloom." Spoke Jack's lawyer.

I slowly rose and slid between the knees and pew like chairs. The walk towards the stand was slow and unsteady. I wanted to run in the middle of the room and yell, "Shoot me now! Take the gun from out of my pocket and pull the fucking trigger! Put a bullet through my head! Fucking shoot me!"

The only thing was, I didn't have a gun in my pocket.

"Do you swear to tell the truth nothing but the truth so help you God?" Asked the bailiff.

It took me a while to realize I was even in the witness stand. It didn't matter through. The only thing that did is the thing that's inside of her.

"Mr. Bloom, do you swear?" Bellowed the judge.

"I swear."

"Be seated,"

I sat down and before I knew it my stare was locked in with Deborah's. And then the ass whole that was Jack's attorney butted in.

"So Mr. Bloom, I take it that you know my client's daughter?" He asked.

"If you're talking about Deborah. Yeah... I do."

"And I'm guessing that's your child she's carrying?"

"Objection!" Roared my joint attorney.

"On what?" Asked the judge.


"Sustained. Get to you point Mr. Roah."

"All right," Sneered Mr. Roah as he rifled through papers.

"Mr. Bloom, let me rephrase my question. Do you know Ms. Deborah personally?"


"But Mr. Bloom, a statement from her father, my client says you did."

I said nothing. the silence was a good enough answer.

"Well Mr. Bloom, my client said that you had intercourse with daughter. As in had sex. Is this true?"


"He then went on to say the next few days that you had embarrassed Deborah to the point of suicide. Is this correct Mr. Bloom?"

"What does this have to do with anything?"

"Answer the question Mr. Bloom." The judge commanded.

"Yes, some of things I said were a bit harsh. Though I would apologize later."

"What I'm curious about, probably as well as the jury is... Well what di you say to Deborah?"

"I don't exactly remember,"

"Well I have statements from Deborah. She said and I quote," He said things to me like 'I was a nobody. I could never amount to anything cause I was a stalkerish bitch that needed to go die.' End quote."

I gulped down a huge "lemon" that was blocking my air way.

The defense chuckled," Really who is the victim. Jack of course. Driven by rage and insanity, caused by this deviant misfit who has the audacity to sleep with his daughter-,"

"I was drunk," I growled.

"Do not interrupt Mr. Bloom." said the judge.

"Mislead her in thinking they were dating. And like the cruel drunk he is, spat out the most profane and cruel words that ultimately lead to her suicide attempt."

I just fucked everything up.

"The victims are not this unrelated group of unrelated people coming together to sue a man who was simply unrelated." His overuse of 'unrelated' made my blood boil. "As said in the last case before this one that got him locked up. The murderer, the rapist, and the assaulter was not at all this poor overstressed father. It was this boy. He was in fact who killed Melody, imprisoned Jack, and carelessly impregnated his daughter."

I was surprised I wasn't dead yet. Long ago just when he started accusing me was when I stopped breathing. but when he said I was the murderer, I was the assaulter, and I was the rapist. That very word made me want to puke every single thing out of my body. Why had my past been brought up? Haha. That's easy. Jack knew it would fuck me, us, over.

"It's going to be okay Derek." Whispered my attorney. I hadn't noticed she was in front of me now. Her hard brown eyes staring back at mine. Only difference was her eyes were filled with hope and mines were not. "Come on, be strong for Melody."

I nodded grimly as she walked away.

"Mr. Bloom, describe your thoughts on the relationship between the accused and the victim Melody." Asked my attorney.

I took a deep breath in. "Horrible. There's no other word to describe it. Basically they didn't even have one. A week or so after I had moved here everything seemed okay with them. Then everything fell apart. She came back to school with bruises all over her body and was emotionally withdrawn. And then she told me that the man she was supposed trust violated her." I had now realized that tears were streaming down my face.

"Raped her. Not only that but beat her as well. Not only did he screw up her trust in me, men... People! You know, I don't know."

"It's okay," She softly spoke.

I chuckled at her ignorance. "No it's not. Not only did I see her get molested and beaten by this man, I found her dead body. the aftermath of what that man did." I started to get angry as I voluntarily remembered those horribly graphic images. "He caused me to develop Delusional Disorder. I'm four different medications. I'm becoming a drunk. It's crazy."

"Has her death affected anyone else?"

"Yeah," I wiped the river of tears that were falling down my face. "My mom, my dad, her father. Her father who hasn't seen her in eight years. And in those eight years the only time he got to see her was in a casket. Because,"

"Because of what Mr. Bloom?"

Without fear I let my eyes slowly set on Jack. "Because he was too much of a coward. Instead of confronting me or killing me," I spat. "He killed off an innocent girl. A girl who had no reason to be involved with this."

"Thank you, Mr. Bloom. Prosecution rest," Whispered my attorney.

"But it is my fault,"I went on. "It's my fault that I caused Deborah to be in the mental state that she's in. And the spark that caused Jack's revenge." I felt my eyes glaze over as the rested on the defense. "But I am not... I am not. Not responsible Melody, the love of my life, my beautiful sweet darling, my baby girl, my best friend, and my lover. And I can only hope that was the same for her. But I know one thing is true," I trailed of as I fiercely wiped my eyes. then I whispered very deadly, "I am not her assaulter, I am not her rapist, and I am not her killer."

There was a loud booming voice ringing in my ear as I ripped myself away from the witness stand. I didn't care. I didn't give a fuck.
Cold, hard air blew in my face as I opened the grand doors to the hallway. I needed to breathe.


I was still in the same place I was when I stormed out of the courtroom. Shortly after Travis came out to comfort me. I guess. Then a little while after my attorney came out with the ruling.

Jack was guilty. We won one million. Whoopee.

"Derek," Said icy voice. I looked up and was confronted by Deborah. And her bulging belly.

"Deborah? Can I ask you to-"

"You know the baby's your right?" She said cutting me off.

"How Deborah? I used a condom when I fucked you." I didn't around the bush. Not anymore.

"Well I didn't thing at my failed attempts to make a family with you."

"So you weren't trying to frame me for rape?"

"No but that's beside the point."

"Then what is the point cause seriously I don't want to talk to you. Not after what you and your father have done."

"I don't care Derek. Frankly I don't care that Melody's even dead." After that I would expect her to walk away. I wanted to kill her and spill her tainted blood all over the place. "But I'm due in three weeks. I expect you to be there."

I smiled at her ignorance as well as my own. "Deborah why are you doing this to me? What do want from me?"

She smiled an almost giddy smile as she rubbed and cradled her baby. More life than I've ever seen in her eyes.

"I only wanted you Derek. But seeing that you're still the biggest asshole on this earth, I see that's not going to happen."
♠ ♠ ♠

Haha Wtf yea I know.
So got any names.
Need help.
Help me out.
COme on. thanks

it's not that hard. Pweease?

