Singular Indestructible Droid

Chapter Six

Jump. Jump. Jump.

No I can't. I can't give in.

Do it. Everything will be okay.

No it won't. I'll be ruining lives.

They'll get over it. One crash on that rock down there, it'll be over quick.

I can't there's a life being born in my hands. i can't let it go now, I'm the only thing it's got left. If I go now it'll be shipped of to someone unrelated.

I sneered at that word as I blew smoke out of my nose. hat was my new favorite word that I loved to hate. I've hated that word for... Oh let's say two and a half weeks.

Two and a half weeks since the trial I was sitting on a bridge that over looked a river. I was looking at the river fighting with myself about if I should jump or if I shouldn't. While smoking so that pretty much evened every thing out.
God I feel so numb. i think it's the medication. I don't know. At least when I was off the meds, I felt something. Fuck if I know. I hated these racing thoughts. I wasn't going to tell my therapist that. She would put me on like five other drugs. So why bother?

Slowly I stood up to stand on the railing. Wow, my balance was never this good.

Derek jump.

I let my cigarette drop as I spread my arms.

Derek jump. be with me.

"Melody... I-I. I can't," I whispered.

"Derek! Don't you dare move!" Shouted a familiar voice. All of a sudden arms wrapped around me. The next thing I knew we were falling.

"What the fuck is going on?" I said breathless.

Then of course Travis straddled me. Yay.

"Derek Fucking Bloom! What the fuck were you thinking about doing?"

"Nothing man, I swear. i was just smoking!" I tried to say while the top part of my body was repeatedly being slammed into the bridge.

"Bullshit, Derek! What the fuck were you going to do?"

"Nothing, man! I fucking swear!"

Suddenly, everything was quiet. Travis was quiet. The world was quiet. Thank you Jesus Christ. Then there came the rapid foot steps. Oh my Buddah. Yay the rest of them.

Ha ha just kidding. It was just Kristen.

"Oh you two! We don't have time for you to have gay sex!" Both Travis and I flipped our heads to her direction.

"But he wants me!" Immediately Travis gripped my hips with his legs and started ravaging my body with his hands.

I didn't want it to feel awkward so I joined in. My fingers wrapped in his hair. My other hand ran along his back and then I slapped his ass. (For my girl readers! HA!)

"Oh Derek! Do it again!" Travis violatingly moaned out.

"You like it rough?" I asked.

"Oh I like it rough!"

We started rolling around moaning and groaning. Having our two minuets of gayness.

"Travis harder," I yelled. Then I got a hard blow to my ass. "Shit Travis! I didn't mean that hard!"

"Come on you assholes we got a baby to birth. And you two are rolling around trying to have sex."

Travis and I rolled off of each other. "All right, come on boo. We gotta go get your baby out."

"All right," I got up and pulled him up as well.

"Come on jerk offs." Kristen held out her arms. We took them eagerly and walked off.

It was quiet for a while. i kinda liked it. I have to admit. I was feeling a tad bit happy. Not by much. But you know, it was getting there. but then you know Kristen and her random self had to go and ruin it.

"Don't worry, about a thing." She started out softly. "Cause every little thing... Is going to be alright."

Now I kind of truly believed that things were going to be alright. We walked into the hospital without a care. Like as if we were really high and of course singing Bob Marley. Everything felt alright until that is, I saw her face.

She as sweaty, red in the face, and in pain. I hoped my child brought her pain. Excruciating pain.

"Hey, are you Mr. Bloom?" Asked a nervous nurse.

"Yes, I am."

"Well, Deborah is fully dilated. If you want to be in there I need you dressed in these." She shoved scrubs in my arms like I had a choice.

She pushed me into the room. I started to put my scrubs on as all the medical staff started to push equipment in.

"Oh shit it's coming!" One of the doctors exclaimed.

All the doctors took their place around Deborah. Funny thing was, Deborah had no sign of strain on her face. They told her to start pushing. She did. It looked like the staff was freaking out because she made no noises. Total silence.
They eventually had me hold her leg. Fuck I didn't want to . I just ended up staring her down. We never took our eyes off each other. Who would win this fight? Me. There was no doubt about it.

Finally it came out. Oh shit. It was baby girl. She was beautiful. She didn't cry though.They sucked the snot out of her, but she didn't cry.
I cut her umbilical cord. My heart skipped so many beats. I felt so proud. I hope I didn't fuck up. I didn't want her to have one of those fucking messed up shits.

But my god she was stunning. When I held her I felt so at peace. Oh shit she had my face. A slightly large nose. Feminine though. She had my "trademark" lips definitely. She had a puff of blondish, reddish, brownish, hair on the top of her hair. It was so weird. But it was pretty.

"Deborah," I turned to face her. For once without anger. "Deborah have you-"

She had a gun pointed to her head. Quickly she then pointed it at me and our baby that I was holding. And then back at her head.

"Deborah, no!" I ran towards her. But it was too late. She had pulled the trigger.

The baby started to coo and squirm in my arms. Eventually she let out a cry.

"Clarity, please speak to me. Clarity please speak to me. When everything is gone, who will remember me?" I rocked her gently in my arms. " Shh, cause every little thing, is going to be alright."
♠ ♠ ♠

I thought of a cute name.
I don't know if you'd like it though.
I do! SO it's whateves.


that be even better.
