Singular Indestructible Droid

Chapter Eight.

"Hey momma, dis da shit dat make you move momma. Hey momma."

Geez this little girl was super strong. She had m finger in her tight little grip. Clarity was four months now. And every day and every minute that passed by she kept getting cuter.

"Silly girl, let go of my finger. Clare, let go!" I said trying to retrieve my finger. "If you want something to eat later let go of my finger." She let go but ended up crying softly.

"Ah baby, what's wrong?" She started to cry louder as I moved away form her and towards her awesome green and black checkered baby bag Kristen had made. "You just want me near you huh? But when you get older your going to be like Daddy you're embarrassing me! Go away!"

I took the very handy dandy harness and strapped myself in it. I liked the harness but it pretty much de-manlified me. It was like a white, black, and lime green zebra print. I can't wait to see how she is when she's older.

"Clarity please speak to me," I sang as I took her out of her carrier and strapped her against my chest. "Clarity, please speak to me,"

"Now Miss Clarity, I get you the formula that is the substitute for boob milk? Yah." I quickly redeemed the correct formula. Shit it was a whopping fifteen bucks a can. "You, my little booger, are an expensive baby. I blame your mother though."

I dropped the can into the cart. Then I noticed silly littl Clarity's pig tail was messed up. I fixed them laughing at her wee little hands grabbing at mine.

"Hey guess what. Auntie Mia asked us for a little date later. You know we'll be going by her place. Ultimately meaning that we gotta get you a super pretty dress. And I know girls like to go shopping!"

"Aw that's cute. Are you her brother?" I turned to see a middle age woman looking up at me.

"No, no I"m not." I said chuckling at the thought of me being her brother.




"No," I said still laughing at her determination." Actually, I'm her father."

"Stop feeding me lies son. You can't be aday over 20."

"I'm actually eighteen."

"Eighteen? Now how old is the mother?"

"I could say around this time she would have to have been 17."

"Would've? Did she die giving birth?"

"Something like that," I kind of twisted my words so I wouldn't have to go into detail.

"Well son, you have a beautiful baby on your hands. And a big responsibility too. I could only wish for more men like you." She then lightly ran her hand over Clarity's face. "Cutie,"

She walked away. I was so inclined to tell her now I was a fuck. That the only way I could keep myself stable was with pills.
I should stop thinking like that. I had noticed my bad vibes would affect Clarity. Luckily I hadn't thought too deep.

"So how about the dress Clare Bear?"

I skipped merrily with Clarity strapped against my chest. Once I stumbled on the cart nearly falling, but I didn't. Thankfully. I don't know what would happen if I hurt m baby girl. I 'd kill myself before I hurt her.

"So how 'bout this one Clare?" I said holding up a pink fluffy dress in front of her. No reacting. "No? Didn't think so. Pink is so not your color boo. Ha and I sounded super gay."

Egad! My phone started to vibrate. But when I took it out, the name on the caller I.D. instantly made me forgive them.


"Nice. Can you at least answer the phone like i"m not Travis?"

"What like hey sexy muffin?"

"Yeah, it's better than 'Sup'."

"Well let me try again. Hi baby how are you doing." I was going to say more but you know... I don't want my four month old right near me. "Better for you?"

"Clarity's strapped to your chest isn't she?"

"How's you know?"

"It sounded as if you wanted to say more."

"Maybe I did," I picked a black and white polka dotted dress. Clarity started grabbing before I could get it off the rack. "Well, will you and Clarity be here later tonight?"

"Yea, you can count on it."

"Okay but I have one question to ask."

"And what is that?"

"Will you get Clarity worked up by the time she comes over here?"


"Derek think,"

♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah silly fillers on the Adventure of Baby Clarity.

So comments?

That'd be nice.

<3peace...... You should comment me and tell me what you want to see happen.