Stash $20, Popsicles $15, Getting Stoned With Friends, Priceless


"What in the hell is going on in this basement?" Ted hollered.

"Oh shit!" I said trying to get myself out of my bed. It wasn't working so well; I was wrapped in the blankets and Hyde had an arm around me. I heard a bang, which I guessed to be Frank falling off of Anna.

"Hyde, get up," I said kind of elbowing him.

"What's going on?" He said in a groggy tone.

"It's Kevin's dad, he's in the basement."

"Holy shit!" He jumped out of the bed; therefore I was able to get out. I grabbed his sweater and threw it over my tank top while he pulled his pants on over his boxers.

"You stay here; try not to make any noise so he doesn't know youre here."

"No problem, he scares the hell out of me."

"Hang tight," I walked out and saw Ted just glaring at Anna and Frank who stood motionless.

"What the hell is going on? Is anyone going to answer me?" He said voice so loud I think he woke Caddie, Kevin, Hanna and Anna's Dad.
"Well you see Mr. M," I began.

"Dad, chill out," I heard Kevin say from the stairs. I turned around and saw Caddie, Kevin and Hanna standing there.

"Where were you when all this was going on Kevin?"

"When what was going on?"

"This group orgy," he stated. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

"Now calm down Ted, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation behind all this, right kids?" Caddie said trying to help us out.

"Where are the other two? You're always all together."

"We're right here," Jamie said climbing down the stairs, it probably didn't help she was wearing Bug's T-shirt.

"Okay. Then I may have over reacted," we all looked at him with a look that kind of suggested 'kind of?'. Just when I thought that I was going to get away clear a crash came from my room.

"What the hell was that?"

"Um, a cat?" I said answering him with a question. He didn't appear to like the answer so he went back to check it out. About five minutes later he came back with a confused look on his face.

"A box must have fallen. Dinner is in three hours, I want how ever is coming to be here on time," with that he walked up the stairs along with Caddie. When I was sure they were up stairs I went into my room.


"Yeah," he said as I saw him emerge out from under my bed. I put out my hand and helped him up, I gave him he shirt back and stood there in my tank top and fairly short shorts.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Well are you going to leave so I can change?"

"Nah, I thought I'd watch."

"How about no!" I said pushing him toward the door. It took me 15 minutes to throw on a pair of jeans with random rips and a Queen T-shirt. I then proceed to the sitting area where I went for a Popsicle.

"Anybody else?" They all raised their hands so I grabbed and extra 7 and threw them to everyone. Since Hyde was in my chair I sat on his lap.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Anna asked as she squeezed on to the couch next to Frank, the couch holds four comfortably and five if you want to be cozy; which is what it was now.

"I know what we could be doing," Frank said moving his eyebrows up and down.

"I second that one," Bug said and Kevin and Hyde showed their agreement with a little cheer.

"Boys," I said, "seriously though; we graduate in a week and a half, we need to do some awesome things."

"What about hanging at the water tower?" Frank suggested.

"Isn't that hazardous to your health?" Anna pointed out.

"I promise I won't fall off this time."

"Wait a second. You fell off the water tower and didn't die?" Hyde asked

"Yeah, every year since middle school."

"You are a king," Hyde said and pretended to bow with his arms.

"Treasure that moment you may never hear those words again, unless Anna," I said until I got a pillow in the face.

"That's enough out of you," she said.

"We all know what I was thinking anyway."

"So water tower after supper?" Bug asked.

"But it's so dirty there," Jamie said in a rather whiny voice. We all ignored her and hung out until it was time for supper. After supper all 8 of us piled into Franks 'shaggin' wagon as I affectionately call it. It was either that or Kevin's Vista Cruiser. We were only at the water tower for about two hours, Frank fell off it again. The next couple of days were the best days of our lives.

We became closer as friends and even closer with our boyfriends or girlfriends. It's finally the day before graduation and to our surprise no one has to repeat the year.

"So how are we going to celebrate?" I asked since there weren't enough chairs me and

Anna had to double up. She was on Franks lap and I was on Hyde's.

"I say we go camping," Frank suggests.

"I second that," Kevin said.

"Well lets get going," Bug said in his mysterious foreign accent.

"Are you ever going to tell us where your from?" I inquired.


"Let's pack!" Hyde shouts. We all go in our separate directions and returned 2 hours later in front of Frank's van. We decided we weren't telling everyone. It was about 4pm when we got everything in the van with room for everyone.

"Just cause you his girlfriend doesn't mean you should get the front seat," I said jokingly

"Yeah, just think if your man had a van you could do the exact same," she said in her best preppy tone.

"Well it might not be a van but I have a motorcycle."

"Yeah, my man has a motorcycle," I said sticking my tongue out at her.

"What's the matter with you Frank, why the hell don't you have one?"

"What? I though you liked the van?"

"I'm joking!"

"Hey we're here!" Jamie screened.

"Three hours later. What are we in Minnesota?" I said as I opened the vans rear doors.
Since none of us has really ever set up a tent it took us quite awhile. Mainly because the guys kept fooling around; sword fights with the tent poles for an example. Us girls actually ended up putting the tents up. Well all but Jamie she sat down doing her nails.

"Who wants to go swimming?" Frank shouted

"We didn't bring swimsuits; you never told us there would be a lake!" Kevin pointed out.

"We could always go skinny dipping again," he said winking at Anna who threw a pine cone at him.

"I'm in," Hyde said, I punched his arm.

"What the hell. We did it before, and we're the only ones here. But the guys have to stay up here until someone says we're ready, okay?" I said laying out the rules.

"Fine," Bug said.

"Come on girls," Anna said and we all ran down to the beach/lake thing.

"They don't actually thing we're staying here do they?" Hyde said and the guys followed behind. After we got done swimming we settled in for the night but not before roasting marshmallows and hotdogs. We finally retired to bed at about two am, all falling asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows.

"Holy shit guys wake up!" I heard Anna call and I got out of the tent as soon as possible.

"What's going on girl?"

"We're late."

"Late for what?"


"What time is it?"

"Three pm."

"We're not late, we totally missed it."

"Shit," we got the rest of the people up and hurried to get our asses back to Kevin's, Ted was going to kill us all. Three hours after we got everything packed we were at Kevin's. Ted roasted us out, I counted the word dumbass 25 times. Caddie then made up put on our robes and have pictures taken.

It last into the early evening, then Caddie fed us some of her best food. Potatoes, steak, hamburgers, rice, veggies. It was the best supper I ever ate. This summer was going to be the best. In fall we're all going to different colleges well each couple was going to the same one. I was only three hours away from Anna so that was good, but the summer is going to be great. There's a rumor that four concerts are coming to town and we're already in line for tickets.