Status: complete :)

Giving In


I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. Today I had to go to my grand-uncle’s funeral. “Priyanka, are you ready?” My mom called. Yes, my name is Priyanka. It’s pronounced as Pree-Yaan-Kaa. My mom is into Hinduism, she converted into the religion too. But I stayed a catholic, along with my dad. I didn’t like my name. Every time I would go to the doctors or the teachers and they called my name, they’d always pronounce it wrong. So, that is why I got my old friends from back home to call me, Pree. They actually started that nickname. I missed my old home, I used to live in New York City now I live in Forks, Washington, but my parents came here since my dad was becoming the new chief since the one that used to be chief died. This was my grand uncle as well. He was my dad’s uncle or something.

“Yes,” I called back and tied my auburn hair back. I got out of the bathroom and ran downstairs. I got into the car and my dad drove off. I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw he had tears in his eyes. “Dad, I’m sorry.” I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder.

“It’s okay, it’s just that, I never really saw Uncle Charlie a lot. When I was a kid I did but as I grew older...I didn’t see him since Bella his daughter’s wedding when I was 17 years old and that was gosh over 30 years ago.” He said with guilt in his voice. “Oh, poor Bella I wonder how she is taking it.” He said sadly.

“She was so stupid marrying that Cullen boy.” My mom said and I heard her sigh.

“Jessica...” My dad said in a warning voice.

“I’ll be surprised if she’s even there. She disappeared after her wedding for a while, no one heard of her...” She trailed off. “I really don't want to talk about this,” She sighed.

I just stayed quiet the whole way thinking about Bella. She was really beautiful. My dad had some pictures of her at her wedding, my dad thinks she looks like me but since I’m far from beautiful I find I don't. She was 18 when she got married, she must have been really in love. We rolled up to the cemetery. I saw a bunch of people around the coffin.

I got out of the car and followed my dad the whole way. Some people were crying, but some weren’t. I wasn’t not in front of all these people. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my head. It felt something like a migraine. I looked around and saw this people coming toward the cemetery, the stopped trying to be hidden from the people. I think I was the only one who noticed this. This guy with curly blond hair looked at me. My migraine worsened. Then, I saw blackness.

“Priyanka, are you alright?” I heard my dad shout. But there was something distracting me, these voices.

“Can she hear us?” A woman’s voice asked.

“Yes, I hear her thoughts.” A man answered. “Were getting fainter, she won’t be able to hear us soon.” The man said.

“Who is she?” A calm voice of a man had said.

“Priyanka, answer me.” My mother said. I opened my eyes. What had just happened? “Are you alright, what happened?” My mother asked.

“I don't know really.” I didn’t know at all. I looked back and saw that they were gone.