
Chapter 1 - Slipping Out

“Damn it Kassy, come on.” Logan hissed as he gave her arm another small yank.
Kassy grumbled but grabbed her bag and followed after him.

They’d been in this small town long enough and people were finally starting to notice them. Kassy and Logan were usually very good at sneaking around; this time was no different except for the fact that they’d been here for almost two months.

The sound of their feet hitting the ground as they ran was the only sound that ran through the dark town. It was well past midnight and this town was very small so no doubt no one would be out.

The crew had the ship; The Alance ready to go and were now awaiting their captains. The Alance was a pirate ship with two captains; Kassy the Devil and Logan of Fire. Kassy was well known for her brutality and cruelness towards people. Logan on the other hand was just in it for the money and the suffering of others. They were lovers; at least that’s what everyone said. The two of them never denied it though; not that they ever said it was true either.

The two of them were one of the most feared pirate crews around. They were said to be able to use magic like the gods or the high class rulers. This people said was only possible if the two of them had come from high class families there were no facts or any evidence at all to prove this right or wrong.

Kassy and Logan had just shown up one day out of the blue. At least that’s how it seemed at the time. Over the last five years the two of them had gained quite a name for themselves and their crew; as The Devil’s Pirates.

“Logan, where exactly are you planning to have us sail off to? You haven’t told me a thing about what you’re planning.” Kassy commented after the two of them had gotten far enough away from the town. They now ran along the beach heading to where their ship was ready to set sail.

“We’re going to head south; towards Aalahwahna Island. If I’m correct, we should arrive there in two days time in the city of Arrian.” Logan answered. Kassy frowned a bit at his answer.

“That doesn’t tell me much, Logan!” she snapped. She wasn’t good with city names or navigation.

“You said you wanted to go to the city of Renish, it’s on Aalahwahna Island a few miles east of Arrian. God Kassy, look at a map once in a while will you?”

“Oh shove it!” Kassy huffed. She wasn’t in a very good mood probably because Logan had left her in the dark about the trip out tonight and then yelled at her because her things weren’t packed.

“Captain Logan, we’ve done as you asked!” a young maybe sixteen year old boy called over the beach.

“Good,” Logan nodded a smirk crossing his lips. Kassy shook her head with a small sigh. Logan was a usually emotionless guy; especially around others. He did smirk once and a while though and that only happened if something happened exactly as he planned.

Kassy on the other hand couldn’t keep a straight face like his for anything. She was to wild and happy though one wouldn’t know that from a first impression. From a first impression one would probably think she was a runaway with a bad attitude problem. This was patricianly true; she did have a bad attitude especially if someone did something to piss her off.

“We’ve got your boat here Captains,” the boy spoke as he pointed to a boat only a few feet behind him. Kassy looked out to the sea their ship was just off shore. The ship wasn’t very big, but it didn’t need to be when there were only twenty-seven crew members, including the two captains. It was as Kassy always said, the bigger the boat, the slower the get away.

Logan took Kassy’s hand and helped her onto the small boat before the boy got on to and started to row. For such a young boy, he was strong, of course if you were on this crew, you had to be.

Kassy sighed softly and rested her head against Logan’s shoulder. He looked down at her with a questioning look, but she didn’t say anything. She just stared up into his cold blue eyes. Somehow she felt at home when she was with him. It was shocking because they were so different other then their looks.

Kassy had just below the shoulder light blonde hair that was usually pulled up into a messy ponytail. She had blue eyes also, but hers had a faint tint of teal around the edges and a wild, adventurous look in them. She was slim with an athletic look to her. Considering she was about twenty; twenty-one, she hardly ever wore make-up or anything similar.

Logan had neck length dirty blonde hair which usually hung in his face with a muscular athletic body. From his looks he seemed to be about twenty-three years old. He was considerably taller then she was; she was maybe a head shorter then him, not that she was short.

They both had summer tanned skin, but they were out in the sun all day. Another trait they both shared was their thin eye brows and full lips.

Still, they were so different in so many ways yet they got along like best friends. It was something not even the crew members that had been with them for years could explain. So eventually they let it go leaving something unexplainable, unexplained.

Kassy pulled her eyes away from his and stood up as the boat stopped at the latter to the ship. Logan stood up and went up the latter first quickly followed by Kassy.

Logan helped her onto the ship and took her hand pulling her towards the captains’ chambers; which they shared.

“Set sail; due south to Aalahwahna Island!” Logan’s first mate called.

Logan paid the crew no mind and he pulled Kassy along.

“Logan! What’re you thinking exactly?” the young blonde haired woman demanded to know. Logan didn’t answer as he pulled her into their room and closed the door behind them. He took her bag and tossed it on the floor then pushed her onto the bed.

Kassy looked up at him with a light glare. He was started to get on her nerves. She hated when he wouldn’t tell her what was going on. She didn’t like to be in the dark like this and he knew it.

“Logan!” she said raising her voice. He simply rolled his eyes and tossed his bag to the side as well. He walked over to her and pushed her down to lie on her back.

“Must you yell?” he asked calmly.

“Yes! Now answer me!” Kassy demanded trying to sit up, but he held her down with ease.

“I want you to rest.” He said after a moment of watching her struggle.

“Like hell!” she snapped angrily at him.

“Kassy, would you calm down?” Logan asked frowning at her. He didn’t wait for an answer though.

“You relax and sleep, I’ll take care of this here. I’ll wake you up in the morning and explain everything then.” Kassy frowned but stopped struggling.

“You promise?”

“Yeah, I promise.” He said to her softly a small smile crossing his lips. Kassy couldn’t stay mad at him any longer; not after seeing that smile. She sighed softly giving up but nodded.

“Okay, fine, but you better not stay up all night!” she huffed. Logan actually gave a small chuckle.

“I won’t, but you need your sleep more then I do.” He said as he ran his thumb over the dark circles under her eyes. He could tell she’d been having trouble sleeping recently. Naturally, he already knew why. She was having trouble sleeping because she knew the towns’ people were catching on too what they were. Not many people knew what the two of them looked like because not many people lived to tell the tale of them.

“So please sleep.”

“But –“

“Kassy, trust me. Just relax and trust me.” Logan said softly. Kassy frowned a bit and glanced away from him.

“Fine…” she said softly only loud enough for him to hear. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead softly before standing up. Kassy got comfortable and Logan pulled the blankets up to her neck before turning out the lights and heading for the door.

“Logan,” Kassy called softly into the darkness. The only light that came in was through the large window towards the back of the room.

Logan stopped and turned to look at her his hand on the door knob.

“I love you,” she said with a small smile. Logan smirked through the darkness.

“Me too,” he said back softly before leaving closing the door behind him.

He headed back onto the deck of the ship and made sure they were on track; which they were.

Kassy woke up at around three in the morning. The ship was quite letting her assume almost everyone was asleep. She looked around, Logan hadn’t come back yet. A small frown crossed her lips as she pushed the covers back and got out of bed quietly. She fixed her pajama pants and pulled her tank top back down over her stomach before leaving the room and headed up on deck to see what Logan was still doing.

“Logan?” she called as she walked on the deck and looked around.

“Down here, Kassy.”

Kassy blinked and walked over to the side of the ship and looked down. It was only now that she realized the ship wasn’t moving. She looked down at him curiously and saw what looked like a round circle under the ship that he was standing on. Ocean water was all around them and the circle but the circle was dry and the ship seemed to sit on it perfectly.

“Why did you stop the ship?” she asked jumping over the side of the ship to go over to him.

“There was a storm earlier; while you were asleep.” He answered calmly as he stared out into the water.

Kassy walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“What’s the matter?” she asked softly.

“Nothing,” he replied pulling his eyes away from the seemingly calm sea.

“Don’t lie to me Logan. I’m not that dumb.” She said frowning a bit.

“I just have a feeling…”

“What kind of feeling? Tell me about it.”

Logan placed his hands over hers and sat down pulling her into his lap. He didn’t answer her.

“Logan…?” she whispered softly as she looked up at him. He just stared out into the sea a distant look in his eyes.

“We’ll be okay you know. We always are.” She said with a small smile.

Logan finally looked down at her and nodded.

“You’re right,” he said softly before placing a light kiss on her forehead.

“Now get some sleep, Kassy. I’ll join you in a bit.” He said as he rested her head on his shoulder.

Kassy smiled and snuggled into his chest already drifting off to sleep again. As long as she was with him, there was nothing she needed to fear. There was nothing she couldn’t do…as long as she had him with her she’d never be alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so that's it for the first chapter. It's no where near as long as I wanted it to be so i'm disappointed in that. But I couldn't write anything else without giving to much away and that would kinda ruin the next chapter. So you all will have to wait a bit.
Anyways, I do hope that you all enjoyed the first chapter. I really am sorry it's so short. Please review though and let me know what you thought.
Wish me good luck on getting the next chapter out!! I'll need it...
Don't worry though, I'm not out of ideas. lol Far from it actually. I just have to get the time and the inspiration to get those ideas down on paper to post up for you all. lol
Anyways, till next time! =D Don't forget to review please! ^-^

This work is fully copyrighted to me. You may not copy, redistribute, save to your computer, redistribute, or claim as your own. If you see this on some other site people contact me right away with the link to it. I'll handle it. Thank you,