Where Have You Been

Heart Of Mine

Cole sat and fidgeted with his fork, Carly had called him and wanted to meet. Some reason Cole felt he needed to get some things off his chest. So he agreed, regardless of what she had to say. He kept looking at his phone hoping to see a text or a missed call. But that had not happened for days, he had to bulk up and hope that Rion wouldn't be at the other end when he did actually call.

"Cole." Carly said sitting down, Cole didn't get up.

"Carly." he stated, even more monotone that she had said his name.

"So, I called you to talk about-"

"About how you led me on?" Cole's voice was ice, and Carly could tell.

"I suppose I deserved that."

"You also deserve a thank you." Cole said straightening up, and looking her in the eye.

"For what?" she asked truly confused.

"For wasting my time, and helping me lose my best friend." he stated. His face hadn't changed since she sat down.

"Cole I wa-"

"Save it, I don't need to hear that you're sorry. Because you're not, love doesn't work this way. I loved you, and thank you also for not returning the sentiment." he said his mouth a thin line. He watched as she just stared at him, he was all of a sudden tired of looking at her. So he got up, and left.


"Don't call me." he muttered as he left the cafe. Now he had to call Chelsea, and tell her what he wished he had said the day they had met.

"Hello, sorry. Rion has the flu, so I had to check in on him before I came here." Chelsea sighed sitting down with her friend.

"That's fine, I have no-" Tori paused, and noticed Chelsea's ring finger.

"What's that?"

"An engagement ring."

"What?" Tori's' voice raised.

"Water please." Chelsea said to the waiter, as her friend continued to sputter.

"When did that happen?" Tori was still sputtering.

"Last week."Chelsea beamed.

"Not fair." Tori pouted.


"I mean, you should've called me as soon as it happened."

"Oh, well I, uh-"

"Hey guys." A familiar voice said from behind Chelsea, Tori's face became bored.

"Hi." Chelsea said quietly, knowing who was behind her.

"Hello sir estranged Cole, how are you doing?" Chelsea shock Tori a thankful glance, as Cole came around to face them both.

"I've been better. Can I sit down?" he asked, looking mainly at Chelsea but tried make it seem like he was talking to both of them.

"It's fine."

"I don't care." both Chelsea and Tori said at the same time.

"So what's been going on?"

"Well let's see, Chelsea is engaged, and um Chelsea's engaged. Oh! And Chelsea got a big fat rock from her new fiance!" Tori said as Chelsea frowned at her and Cole managed to keep the same half smile face on.

"That's great." he said, seeming to genuinely mean it.

"I'm glad you think so." Chelsea smiled. Tori had a bemused expression on her face.

"I mean, we all knew it was going to happen sooner or later." he said still smiling.

"I suppose." Tori sighed, and slurped on her tea.

"So have you guys set a date?" Cole asked and it was Chelsea's turn to look bemused.

"Um, not quite, his grandparents, and his parents are flying down today. And my parents are flying down tomorrow. Rion insists that we all stay in the house." Chelsea sighed.

"Have you been cleaning a lot?"

"Yes, despite his requests. I've been helping Martha, she's such a nice woman." Chelsea said as her eyes widened.

"What?" Cole and Tori asked the same time.

"Rion is here." she said readjusting herself.

"I thought he was sick?" Tori asked. Chelsea pointed her eyes at Cole. "Got it. Cole, let's go get something from the bar." Tori smiled sweetly as the got up.

"Rion, shouldn't you be at home in bed?" Chelsea stood up as her fiance walked over to the table she was at. She loved that his beauty never got old to her.

"Chelsea, I thought you were at lunch with Tori."

"I am, was. What are you here for?" she smiled, a smile of his own appeared.

"I gave Martha the early part of the day off. And my parents will need food when they come, which is in about 30 minutes." he grinned coming around to where she was sitting.

"Cole is here." she whispered not understanding where the word vomit came from.

"I saw that, I promise I'll get back in bed. But you have to be there with me." he said smiling. "30 minutes Chelsea." he murmured in her ear. Kissing it as he went to go pick up his food.

Tori and Cole appeared, they had indeed ordered drinks.

"Do you have to go home now?" Cole asked sipping on his concoction.

"Well yes, but not because of you. But because his parents will here in 30 minutes." she said laying down a 50 dollar bill and collecting her things.

"See you guys later, hopefully more sooner that just at the wedding." she said pointedly at Cole. And walked away, down the street and out of sight.

"She's giving you yet another chance Cole. Don't fuck it up, Rion doesn't like to see her upset." Tori said collecting her things, as she sat her glass down. And walked out, Cole was left to ponder was Chelsea had said, and what Tori had said. He was glad she was giving him another chance, he had to show her that he loved her. Even if it meant, she didn't love him.