Where Have You Been

Breaking Points

Chelsea sighed as she watched Cole and Carly admiring her handy work. The day hadn't been too bad, except that she was late. Cole didn't mind, but Carly did, which was to be expected. But they had decided on the place she had chosen, a small park with willow trees. Perfect for a breezy spring ceremony, which is what Carly wanted.

"Thank you so much. You know at first I thought having you as our wedding planner would be a problem. But you have obviously moved o-"

Right then Chelsea's phone started to ring, she was glad that it was in her hands.

"Hello?" she said without looking at the ID.

"You sound stressed," Rion's voiced soothed her agitation.

"Just a little." Chelsea hadn't really told Rion about her current situation.

"Well, I'll meet you back at your apartment." she could hear the smile in his voice which made her smile as well.

"I'll be there in about 25 minutes." she said closing her phone looking at an amused Carly and a confused Cole.

"So are we satisfied then? All we need to do is send out the invitations?" she grinned tucking her phone into her purse.


"No" Carly and Cole both said at the same time.

"I'll meet you at the car." he said to Carly, but looking at Chelsea.

"What's the matter?" she asked completely clueless.

"It's like you've been avoiding me outside of this wedding planning." he sighed.

"How so?" she asked, making him get even more agitated.

"You used to call me everyday."

"As did you." she said.

"We used to talk about the things going on in our lives."

"And, a wedding is what's going on in our lives right now Cole. Your's as a matter of fact." she huffed.

"Is that why you're avoiding me? Because I'm getting married?"

"Who's avoiding you? I see you everyday!" she said her voice only raising a little bit.

"It's not like it used to be." he said stepping closer.

"Oh, well. I'm sorry, I can't be to you what I used to be Cole. You're getting married, I'm already planning your damn wedding. You can't have your seven layered cake and eat it too." she sighed turning to walk away.


"No, I refuse to let you guilt trip me. You're the one that used me for 5 years, and you've made your decision." she sighed and walked away faster so he couldn't catch up with her. Plus she'd be late getting back to meet Rion, which was much more appealing than an argument.

Chelsea walked into her apartment and collapsed on her couch. She began to cry, when had things gotten so difficult? When had life gotten so difficult? Rion was supposed to be her escape,

"Chelsea?" his calming voice already having it's effect "Please don't cry." he said sitting next to her and holding her.

"It's easier said than done." she hiccuped.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything used to be so much easier. At least when he left I knew he'd be coming back. And when I finally try and move on to help him move on. He gets mad at me." she said all in one breath.


"Cole." she said looking down. "I'm sorry Rion, I should've told you about this."

"Who is Cole?" he said confused.

"My best friend, who I'm planning a wedding for." she sighed.

"I'm still confused." he sighed, she went in more detail about how she and Cole had been involved. After being friends for so long, and apologized to him. Hoping that he wouldn't hate her for using him.

"How could I hate you?" he said when she finally looked up at him.


"Do you have any intention of going back to him?"


"Does he have any intention of coming back to you?"

"I hope not." she said a half smile appearing on her face.

"Well then, I see no reason to hate you." he grinned "Besides, all this-" he said as she finally looked around in her apartment and saw all the candles lit, and the rose petals. "Would've certainly gone to waste." he said looking at her now with eyes that warmed her.

"I see." she gulped as he came closer.

"Do you really?" he murmured making her shiver. She thought about it and realized that Rion was the first man-since Cole- to woo her. Make her fall hard, even though her feelings for Cole were still fumbling about in her mind. Her feelings for Rion over powered them completely.

"What is your problem Cole?" Carly sighed as he continued to stare blankly out the windshield. He didn't answer her frustrated questions, knowing that his answers would make her even more frustrated.

"Nothing." it was the same answer he'd been replying with for the last 20 minutes. But Carly was going to need another answer soon.

"Yeah, I don't believe you." Carly said as they stopped outside their apartment, and she swiftly got out of the car. Cole sighed not knowing what to do. Up until a few days ago he was sure that Carly was the one for him, and that it was time to make it final. But seeing Chelsea, his best friend, the person who was always there when Carly wasn't, with another man. It made him doubt his true feelings for Carly, made him wonder if he was for once using Carly as an escape from his real thoughts. His real feelings, his real love. But the wedding was in 3 weeks, he couldn't stand to try and sort out these things at the expense of Carly's heart. Chelsea had obviously sorted out her feelings, although he had never truly known what they were.
Cole sighed a heavier sigh as he got out of the car and went inside. He saw that Carly was in their room with the door closed, and probably locked it as well. So he didn't bother trying to make her open it. Instead he decided to do what Chelsea had obviously done, and stay with the feelings he knew about. The ones that felt for Carly, and he started to make dinner for the 2 of them. Knowing the smell of her favorite meal would lure her out, and then he could explain everything.