Kiss Me Like You Mean It

Chapter 1 - Promises

A small laugh left the young woman’s lips “Sounds too romantic for me, Sophie,” she replied with a smile. She tucked some of her long wavy brown hair behind her ear as she often did.

“Rylie, are you ever going to get married…or…or anything?” the girl named Sophie asked placing her hands on her slender hips. Her straight blonde hair fell over her shoulder some falling over her eye. She ignored it.
Rylie gave a small shrug, “I doubt it. I don’t even have a boyfriend. None the less, marriage just isn’t something that sounds all that great to me. Just not my thing, you know.” She replied with a smile and another shrug.

The blonde haired woman sighed and shook her head. Rylie was always like this; as stubborn as ever. With that said, Sophie didn’t have the best luck with guys though either. She’d been in a relationship with a man named Kaden for 4 years. She met him in high school when she was sixteen. He was abusive though and up until last year she’d been trying to get away from him. Finally she called the police and moved in with Rylie. She even got a restraining order against him. Only problem with this was, Kaden had gotten her pregnant. So now she had a 2 almost 3 year old son who Kaden wanted to see. He was arguing more and more all the time trying to see his son.

Sophie’s new boyfriend and current fiancé Greg treated her good. He loved, cared, and helped Sophie with everything he could. He was a little too serious for Rylie’s taste, but otherwise she liked him too. According to Rylie, Sophie deserved a good guy like him. He was way better then Kaden in her opinion. Greg was often telling Kaden off and protecting Sophie and her son, Chris.

“Sophie go check on Chris, I’ll get the door.” Rylie said before someone started pounding on the door. Instantly Sophie knew who it was and Greg wasn’t home.
“Rylie, don’t answer it. Let’s just call the police.” Sophie suggested a bit frantic. Rylie stopped dead in her tracks and looked back at her friend. She looked very serious which was rare.

“Go check on Chris, Sophie. The cops can’t help us any further with him.” She spoke calmly thinking of the man outside the door. Sophie looked at her friend worriedly.

“You really think you can make him leave? Rylie he might try and hurt you!” she tried to argue.

Rylie smirked, “Let him try. A few bruises won’t hurt me. Sophie, just trust me okay?” she said putting on a brave front for her friend. Sophie saw through the front but nodded. She walked upstairs as Kaden hit his fist against the door again. A picture fell off the hallway wall and fell to the floor with a crash glass shattering onto the floor.

Rylie shook her head and opened the door. She put her hand on Kaden’s chest and pushed him away from the door as she stepped out. She closed and locked the door behind her. She’d have Sophie open it after Kaden left.

Kaden looked down at Rylie coldly, “Open the door,” he demanded. He would’ve just pushed her out of the way and walked into the house if he knew Rylie, but he’d never really seen her before. So to say the least he was a little surprised when he saw her come out.

“Can’t do that; we’ll talk out here.” Rylie said crossing her arms. She didn’t seem afraid at all of the taller dirty blonde haired man in front of her. She looked up at him with deep cold green eyes. Kaden frowned at the look she gave him.

“And what do you have in mind that we talk about?” Kaden growled angrily. His piercing blue eyes stared down at her with annoyance.

“I want you to leave Sophie and Chris alone; forever.” Rylie said simply. Kaden gave a laugh.

“That’s my bitch and my son. That’s not gonna happen princess.” He told her.

“The name’s Rylie; not princess.” She corrected rather annoyed. She paused a moment examining his blue eyes, “How about we make a trade?” she suggested suddenly.

Kaden looked interested, “What kind of trade are you talking about?”

“You can have me. You can do whatever you to me; within reason of course, I really just don’t care. In exchange, you leave Sophie and Chris alone; forever.” Rylie replied calmly.

Kaden looked her up and down. She wasn’t bad looking; not that she was the hottest girl he’d ever seen. Still, she was slim, confident, and had some nice curves to her. A rather evil looking smirk crossed his lips as he cupped her chin. He dipped his head and pulled her into a forceful kiss.

Rylie pushed him back, “Deal or no deal?” Kaden chuckled lightly and ran his thumb over her lips.

“It’s a deal, bitch.” He replied smirking. Rylie turned her head pulling her chin from his grasp. He didn’t seem to like that because he grabbed her chin roughly and made her face him. He looked down into her eyes for a moment then let her go. His hand ran down her side lightly then to her pants where he pulled her cell phone from its case at her hip.

Rylie raised an eye brow at him curiously as he flipped open her phone. Frowning annoyed, she walked over to stand next to him. She looked at her cell phone and saw he was putting in his number; as well as taking hers. She rolled her eyes. He flipped the phone closed then slipped it back in its case at her hip.

“Better not forget your deal or try and get out of it, Miss Rylie.” He said with a smirk before leaving.

Rylie rolled her eyes with a huff before heading to the door again. She knocked on it lightly, “Hey Sophie? Can you open the door?” she called through the door with a small laugh.

Sophie opened the door after a moment, “You shouldn’t have done that. He’s not safe Rylie.” She warned. She’d apparently been watching and listening to the entire thing from the front window.

“Its fine, Sophie; you worry too much. None the less, think of it this way; now you, Chris, and Greg can be happy.” She said with a rather large smile. Sophie still looked worried, but she didn’t argue any further. Rylie would get annoyed if she was too persistent and that wouldn’t turn out well for any of them.

Rylie walked past her friend and went to clean up the picture and picture frame. She had to clean up this broken glass before someone got hurt.

A week passed, and no one heard from Kaden. For once they thought he’d left them alone. Rylie didn’t believe this was the case though. He was too confident; too determined to get what he wanted. He wouldn’t just give up. So she waited expecting him to come by again one of these days.

Rylie gave a small yawn and looked at the alarm clock on her end table, “Who the hell calls at four in the morning?” she asked annoyed. She reached over and grabbed her cell phone, flipped it over and answered it, “What?” she snapped.

“Is that how you answer the phone?” a man asked from the other line.

“At four in the god damn morning, yes. Now what do you want Kaden?” Rylie growled falling back on the bed with the phone to her ear.

“Come answer your front door or I’ll wake up the brat in the house and its parents.” Kaden huffed impatiently. He was talking about Chris, Sophie, and Greg. Even Rylie knew that much.

“Go home,” she mumbled still not getting up. She suddenly heard a loud hammer like knock at the front door.

“Okay, okay, just shut up.” She growled. She got out of bed and headed down stairs to the front door, “You better not try anything, Kaden.” She warned before hanging up and opening the door.

As soon as she opened the door she was forced against the wall behind her. Kaden forced her into a rough kiss kicking the door closed behind him. A dark pink crossed the young brown haired woman’s cheeks as she looked at him shocked. He looked at her his smirk showing in his eyes. He pulled back and placed his hand over her mouth.

“I’m spending the night here; in your room.” He told her. Rylie glared angrily at him. He removed his hand from her mouth and let her lock the front door. She took his hand in hers and started to drag him back upstairs to her room.

“You stay with me at all times while you’re in this house, is that clear?” Rylie growled as she pulled him into her bedroom and closed the door behind them. Kaden’s smirk widened considerably.

“Crystal,” he replied looking her up and down. He paused for a moment, “Where’s the bitch and her family?” he demanded.

“Why do you wanna know?” she demanded suspiciously.

“So I can stay away from them. I don’t need the cops over here. I’ll never get any sleep that way.” He replied. Rylie actually thought he was behind honest.

“Sophie and her family stay down in the basement most of the time. I’ll inform her in the morning that you’re here. But you don’t talk to them, you don’t go near them. Got it?”

“Yeah, yeah,” he replied rolled his eyes. Rylie nodded and let go of his hand. She started to walk back to her bed when he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his chest.

“Let me go, Kaden.” She mumbled annoyed.

“You said I could do anything to you.” He reminded her with a smirk.

“Within reason,” she added, “I’m tired, I wanna go back to bed.”

Kaden chuckled lightly and licked her ear lobe sending shivers down her spine. His hands ran over her sides lightly drawing a small moan to escape her pale lips.

“Kaden…stop it.” She demanded placing her hands over his in an attempt to stop him. He smirked and nipped at her ear lobe lightly.

“I don’t want too.” He whispered in her ear. Rylie bit her lower lip lightly, she wasn’t about to just give him whatever he wanted. He chuckled lightly and pulled her shirt up. A blush instantly covered the young woman’s cheeks and she tried to pull her shirt back down.

Kaden grabbed her hands and held them behind her with one hand. His other hand went back to pulling her shirt up.

“Kaden, stop it!” she demanded. She could feel his finger tips moving up her stomach moving closer to her chest. She struggled to get out of his grip but it was of no use. Not only was he bigger then her, he was also a lot stronger then her too.

“Just relax, Rylie. Trust me,” he whispered in her ear softly. Relax? Trust him? How could he even tell her to do that? He was about to rape her and he wanted her to trust him? His voice though, the softness in his voice…Was he just playing with her? Was it all just a lie so that she’d let him do what he wanted? She didn’t understand this man at all. First he was rough and demanding then he was being soft and delicate like she was glass.

Rylie let a small sigh leave her lips and she closed her eyes relaxing; trusting in him. Lashing out…Trying to lash out at him wouldn’t help. She might as well just give up. She opened her eyes and turned her head to look at him from the corner of her eye.

“Happy?” she asked calmly. Kaden smirked and licked her cheek lightly.

“Very,” he whispered back as he ran his hands over her body softly. He pulled her shirt off and tossed it to the floor leaving her in only her panties. A dark pink crossed Rylie’s cheeks, but still she didn’t try and stop him. His smirk grew as he ran his hands over her sides, never once did her touch her private places. This surprised her, but she said nothing.

Soft moans left her lips as his hands ran softly over her body. He kissed her neck lightly an actual smile on his face. It was a small smile, but a smile none the less.

He stopped and let her go suddenly. Rylie placed her hands over her breasts and turned to look up at him curiously. What was he planning now? He pulled off his shirt and pants and tossed them to the floor giving her a good look at his well tanned muscular body. A pink tinted her cheeks again as she glanced away from him. He walked past her in only his boxers and climbed into her bed a smirk on his face.

Rylie grabbed a clean shirt from her dresser and put it on. She wasn’t about to get into bed with him in just her underwear. Kaden chuckled lightly.

“Come here,” he called her. She ran her fingers through her hair and walked over to him.

“What?” she asked. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her down on top of him. A blush once again crossed her cheeks. How was it that he knew exactly what to do to make her blush? Once again, Kaden’s smirk widened as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Rylie sighed; she knew he wouldn’t be letting her go any time soon. She snuggled into his chest and he pulled the blanket up over them. She gave a small frowned as she looked at the little blue teddy bear a little ways away from them. She was tempted to reach out and take the little bear in her arms, but for some reason she couldn’t bring herself to do so.

Kaden noticed the longing look in her eyes then glanced in the direction she was looking. He noticed the bear and picked it up. Rylie instant started to sit up but his arms held her down.

“Is this what you want?” he asked holding the bear in his hand. Rylie hesitated, but nodded her head. He looked the bear over then handed it to her, “Here,” Rylie looked at him almost shocked as she took the bear in her arms and held it close.

“Thank you...” she whispered softly. Kaden placed a kiss on her forehead lightly.

“Go to sleep,” he replied with a bit of a huff. Rylie could’ve sworn she saw a little pink on his cheeks. She bit back a light giggle as she snuggled back into his chest and drifted off to sleep.

Rylie woke up the next afternoon with a yawn. She rubbed her eyes lightly before they fluttered open. She tried to sit up after a moment, but couldn’t. Raising a curious eyes brow she looked down at her waist.

“Kaden…” she mumbled upon seeing his arms and remembering what had happened earlier that morning.

“Yes?” answered a male’s voice. Rylie jumped a bit and turned to look at him.

“You’re awake?” she commented more then actually asked. One of his closed eyes opened and he looked up at her with a smirk.

“Maybe,” he replied with a chuckle. He opened his eyes and kissed her lips softly. Rylie hesitated a moment before she surprisingly, kissed him back. He pulled away with a proud smirk. She simply rolled her eyes at him.

“Did you have a good sleep?” he asked running one of his hands over her cheek softly. She gave a small nod.

“I did actually. Why?” Kaden just shook his head.

“I was just wondering. You don’t have to be so cautious you know.” He told her. Rylie huffed and gave him a small glare.

“And why shouldn’t I be? You make me let you in my house; you touch me even if I don’t want you too; and you sleep in my bed without my permission. Why shouldn’t I be cautious?” she asked him rather annoyed.

“Because I won’t hurt you,” he told her. The look in his eyes could have been mistaken for honesty if Rylie trusted him.

“You sure that’s not that exact same thing you told Sophie?” she asked him cautiously.

“It is the same thing I told her. She just didn’t listen; that’s her fault not mine. It’s her fault she couldn’t just trust me.” He explained simply.

“But you beat her! You hurt her! You hurt her for such stupid reasons!” Rylie snapped back angrily. She yanked herself out of his arms and sat up. She looked down at him with cold angry eyes.

Kaden suddenly looked pissed. He sat up and back handed her hard across the face. Her eyes widened as she started to fall off the bed.

Kaden grabbed her before she fell and got really hurt. He pulled her into his arms and held her close. He nuzzled his face in her neck.

“You…You hit me…” Rylie muttered rubbing her cheek with her hand lightly. She was still in a state of shock.

“I did,” he admitted without hesitation.

Rylie suddenly tried to yank herself out of his grasp.

“Let go of me Kaden! How dare you hit me!” she yelled angrily. Kaden let her go without a second thought.

Rylie stared at him with shocked but angry eyes.

“I’m not the bad guy here, Rylie.” He said simply.

“How’re you not?! You hit women for no reason! You’re abusive! I’d call that being a bad guy!” she snapped at him. Her eyes snapped closed. She expected him to hit her for saying such a thing. But it never came.

Her eyes opened again slowly and she looked at him. His hand was next to her face, but it didn’t look like it was going to hit her. Instead, his fingers ran over her cheek softly where a small bruise was already forming. He frowned as his fingers ran over the bruise lightly before he tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

“I’m not going to hit you.” He told her.

Rylie looked very confused now. She didn’t understand. He hit her before, why not now?

“You shouldn’t speak about things that you don’t totally understand.” He said suddenly.

“What?” Rylie asked. He was just confusing her more. What was he talking about?

“You said I hit Sophie for stupid reasons. I never hit her without a good reason.” He explained.

“Then why did you hit her? Why’d you beat her then?” she pushed. She had to know now. What Sophie hadn’t told her; he would.

“I beat her…when I got drunk. I’d tell her every time to go and spend the night at someone else’s house. I knew I’d hurt her if I saw her while I was drunk. So I’d always tell her to go some place else for the night. She just never listened. She thought she could stop me; she couldn’t. The next morning I’d wake up and she’d be covered in bruises and blood.” He explained slowly. Rylie’s eyes widened.

“I don’t remember what I did, but I know that I’m the one who hurt her. I’d hit her; like I did you, when she said something stupid. Like how she thought she could help me when I was drunk. I didn’t want her to help me. I wanted her to go somewhere else. She wouldn’t do that. So I hit her.” He continued. He looked away from Rylie with a frown. His fists clenched in his lap.

“Then she told everyone that I was abusing her. From my personality no one found it hard to believe.” He added after a moment.

Rylie leaned forward and placed her hands over his. She was seeing a part of him that she never knew existed. No wonder he was so angry at Sophie and always called her names. She made things up about him.

Rylie didn’t wanna admit it, but she believed him. She knew Sophie liked to exaggerate things. She just chose something that shouldn’t be exaggerated. She hurt someone with her exaggerations. She’ll be pitied, while he’ll be hated.

Rylie shook her head and moved closer to him. She took his hands and wrapped them around her waist as she climbed into his lap. She placed her hands on his chest and rested her head on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry Kaden…” she said softly. Kaden looked down at her a little shocked. It was obvious by Rylie’s personality – and from what he’d heard about her – that she never apologized even when she was in the wrong. Yet here she was, apologizing to him; of all people.

Kaden cupped her chin and made her look at him.

“Rylie…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have hit you. You didn’t know.” he admitted. Rylie placed a sudden but soft kiss on his lips.

“I deserved it though,” she whispered softly. Kaden wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly.

'Maybe he’s not as bad as everyone thinks…' she thought to herself with a small smile as she snuggled closer to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, that's the first chapter. I'm almost done chapter two so I'm hoping to have that up soon too.

Anyways, a warning for you all, this story is rated mature for a reason. It will have quite a bit of sexual content most of it detailed. This is the only warning I give you. So read at your own innocence. lol

Now, if anyone has any ideas for this story or something, let me know! No matter how pervy or whatever it may be, tell me. I could definately use some more ideas.

Thanks for reading! I'd love some reviews just to know what everyone thinks.

This work is fully copyrighted to me. You may not copy, redistribute, save to your computer, redistribute, or claim as your own. If you see this on some other site people contact me right away with the link to it. I'll handle it. Thank you,