I Want You To Know

episode o1.

Chuck Bass settled into their "spot" in Central Park. He held the joint under his nose, taking a strong whiff before placing the tube-like item between his lips. He flicked his lighter and inhaled, the smoke filling his lungs. He passed it left and looked at his friend Nathaniel Archibald, exhaling the blue-gray smoke before speaking. "So Nathaniel, how are you and Blair doing?" he asked sarcastically, though his dim friend didn't sense the sarcasm.

Nate took a hit from the joint then smirked. He exhaled, "Blair's much better in bed now," he said, winking.

Chuck rolled his eyes. "Imagine that."

Fae hugged her coat around her, not used New York City's crisply cold breeze in only September. She had escaped to Central Park, to get away from Aunt Alice and all of her snooty high-society friends, if only for a moment. "What I wouldn't do for a cigarette," she mumbled, twirling her black and blue hair around her finger. She looked at the blue strands and frowned. Obviously, Aunt Alice and none of her friends had like Fae's choice in hair colors, so her aunt was talking her to an expensive salon tomorrow morning to get the blue dyed over.

"We'll go all black, since that's your natural hair color," Aunt Alice had said, though Fae didn't think that she was really talking to her as much as herself. After Fae and blatantly refused to go to a light chestnut color, as her aunt had asked her to, they had decided on black, her real hair color. Her aunt had also, with what seemed like hours of arguing, convinced her to to add some chocolate brown highlights.

Fae continued to walk along a path, getting looks of all sorts. From leering looks from young trench-coated clad men to disgusted looks from housewives in purple and pink jogging suits. She was about to give up and return to the apartment when something caught her eye.

She stared at the group of boys in navy blue sports jackets and khaki pants, passing around what the passers-by thought was a cigarette, but she knew differently. She put her game face on and strutted over to the adolescents. "Mind if I take a hit... or two?" she asked, smirking.

Chuck smirked up at the girl. She was strange, exotic with her blue hair and bright blue eyes hidden under thick lashes. "Well I'd never deny a lady of her pleasures."

"Good," she smirked, the plopped down beside him, taking the joint and hitting it hard, holding in the smoke before she lifted her head up and exhaled. "I'm Fae, by the way."

Chuck took her hand, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it softly. "I'm Chuck Bass."
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by the way, this is based after the episode in season one, when they all attend the debutant ball and blair chooses nate. i'm changing the story line completely, but that's just the way it is.

by the way, feedback is not appreciated, but adored.