This Side of Fantasy

Meal Time

“Lily, are you sure you’re OK there alone?”

I sighed, “Yeah Sara, I’m fine. You worry about me to much.” I told my best friend as I filled a vase with water.

“I know. I miss you, how long are you going to be there?” she asked me sadly.

“I have no idea; they’re still trying to get the will figured out.” I muttered. I’d been in Portland Oregon for the last week and a half.

“Well did they tell you what you got?”

“Um Sara, were you listening? They’re trying to figure it out. My aunt had a crazy way of doing things.” I said with a laugh. “Look I’ll call you when I hear anything.”

“Alright. We need to party when you get back.” she muttered.

“Yeah I know. Bye now.”

“Bye-bye Lily bear.” I closed up my cell phone. My aunt had died, surprisingly leaving me something in her will. I was surprised because we never even talked; she scared the living daylights out of me. She was my mother’s sister, and the last of my mother’s side. My father disappeared a day after her death. I miss them both terribly.

I’d turned eighteen three weeks ago, and every since that day, weird things have been popping up in my life. Like my aunt who I didn’t even know, leaving me something in her will. Totally unexpected. Or, the dreams that keep occurring.

I sighed, straightening up my blue dress, which had become wrinkled from the sink. The weather outside was cloudy but not raining, unusual it hadn’t stopped raining since I’d gotten here. Grabbing my hoodie, I decided to take a walk through the woods. Yeah there’s a set up for a horror movie, I thought with a shake of my head.

I was staying in my dead aunt’s house considering my options were pretty limited. Her house was sat back in the forest about a mile in from the road. I had to admit it was beautiful out here, peaceful, I loved the feeling of being one with nature.

Something else that I noticed happening was my hearing started getting better, and it was fine before, now? Now it was extreme, I could hear the birds chirping up ahead, a deer was grazing off to my left, and now the deer just was attacked by something. Wait, what?!

I froze spinning to my left. Closing my eyes I listened to the sound of the deer’s heart beat fading, as if someone was… Oh lord! I turned to run, but slammed into a wall of granite, hard and cold. Looking up, I gazed into black eyes, black eyes set into a beautiful stone face. Black eyes, that wanted food. And when that thought crossed my mind, I realized,

I’m about to become the meal.
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Here's another story I decided to start. Not sure how it will work out. So that falls on those of you who decide to read it, what do you think continue or stop?
