This Side of Fantasy

Death is Coming For Us All

I was home before my dad, and by the time he got home, I was past the tears. I listened, from my spot in the kitchen, as he came in and kicked off his boots.

"Lily?" he called out.

"In here dad." I called, getting him to come in the kitchen.

"Lily?" I looked up to meet his eyes. "Lilianna what's wrong?" he asked, dropping to his knees in front of me.

"Do you truly love me?" I asked.

"Of course I do baby, you mean the world to me." he said grabbing my hand.

"We have to get out of this town. I can't be here anymore. We have to sell the house!" I was getting frantic. "We have the money let's just pack and go, have someone sell the house for us. Please Dale please?" I begged. He knew I was serious when I used his name.


"Alright?" he'd agree just like that?

"We'd have to pack."

"The upstairs is already in boxes." Three to be exact. "Oh, and they're already in my trunk."

"Wow. You really want to leave?" he said.

"Yeah. Oh crap what about your job?" I asked.

"I'll go call them now."

"Alright, I'll go pack the stuff down here. Can I put it in your car?" I asked. "Mines a little full."

"Yes. We leave tonight?"

"I'm afraid so dad. Look I umm... I found another small town... up north."

"Go pack. We'll talk about it before we leave." he answered, awkwardly hugging my shoulders before grabbing the phone.

My dad followed me up north, out of Oregon, to Washington. There we found a small motel to spend the night outside the little town of Forks. I thought it had rained a lot in Oregon, I was wrong, Forks was one of the greenest places I'd seen and the rain, was constant. We would go searching for a house after dad found a new job.


I sat in the window pane of our small new house, watching the rain; my dad was at work, he'd managed to get a job as police chief here again. I had to leave in an hour to get to the nearest school and get registered for next week. The rain continued to pour, while I dressed and made myself presentable.

The school, Forks High, was easy to find it, like everything else in this tiny town, was right off the highway. It was set up in a bunch of buildings, with numbers outside. The office wasn't hard to find and the little old lady was very helpful, and told me to come back in before I went to class Monday morning.

I'd went in and it was raining, when I stepped out of the office however, I found myself flat on my bottom. The rain water had iced to any solid surface it could find. Great, possible bad sign?

I drove out of the school carefully, not pushing my car more than fifteen. It all happened so fast, even my advanced reflexes weren't able to stop what was happening. I felt the wheel jerk left, I countered to the right and that then sent the car into a spin. Not thinking about the ice, I slammed on the breaks; seeing the metal guard rail I was heading for. That was when I lost all control of the car, with brakes locked, not doing one bit of good for me, the car slammed into the metal guard rail head on. My head hit the steering wheel painfully, as the windshield busted, sending glass in every direction.

Unfortunately we weren't done yet, the ice was a bad omen. As the car careened off the guard rail, it went drivers side into the nearest tree, breaking the window on impact. My scream was loud and painful, I looked; blurry vision and all, down at my leg to see a glass shard lodged in my thigh, it was even more painful to get out. The bleeding started then, something wasn't right, my body didn't have the strength to heal, bad. Very bad.

As my head began to swim and my vision began to blur even more, all I could see was Edward's face odd since I thought I wanted nothing to do with him. I thought to my self, as my eyes fluttered shut,

if I'm to die now, at least I die with him on my mind, a peaceful death indeed.
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Oh my what's gonna happen? 40 comments and I'll tell you.

He he I'm so mean but you love me any way I know you do don't deny it!
