This Side of Fantasy

High Off You

My for head was cold, freezing cold. "She's coming around."

"Lily, can you hear me?" I could hear Edward coming closer. My eyes fluttered open and I smiled, which most people would think me delusional for. I was on the white couch I'd seen on the way to the kitchen, with seven vampires surrounding me.

"What happened?" I asked softly. My head still throbbed.

"You fainted Lily. How do you feel?" Carlisle asked, I noticed he had his stethoscope around his neck.

"I feel, really stressed out," I said going to sit up.

"No." Edward protested pushing me back down. "Just lay still for a bit, you were lucky I got to you when I did," he said with a chuckle.

"Thank you." I smiled, if I wasn't careful, I'd fall for him.

You already have fallen for him.

"Tell me more," I said as Edward sat beside my head gently stroking my hair.

"What would you like to hear?" he asked.

"What's it like?"

"Good and bad. The thirst is the worst part, it's kind of like what you experienced. We stay in rainy cloudy places due to our skin."

"Will you burn?" I asked.

"Of course not silly," Alice said giddily. "We sparkle."

"Wow," I whispered. "How old are you really Edward?"

"I was born in 1901. Changed after the Spanish influenza in 1918 by Carlisle."

I couldn't quite get my head around that piece of information, 107. "107."

"Yes. I'm 107." I nodded, trying to process all the information I was receiving. We were alone now, his family all gone to do something I assumed. "Lily, are you afraid of me?"

"I... what..." My mouth flopped open like a fish. "No. I'm afraid of myself when I'm around you," I finally choked out.


I closed my eyes, his fingers soothing my mind. "Edward, when I first saw you,"

"I came in to Carlisle's office because I couldn't read your thoughts, I assumed he was alone," he cut in.

"There was then too yes but, I saw you the first time before that. You were with you family in a field playing baseball. I was amazed by you and I didn't need enhanced senses to realize you would affect me in ways I wouldn't be able to wrap my head around."

"You were there..." he thought for a while, "It was you. I smelt you that day."

"I was there, that was when I figured out you were all something more than human," I shrugged.

"I should get you home," he said suddenly. Standing he helped me up, steadying me when I wobbled. "I think I should drive you home."

I couldn't argue, it seemed I wasn't totally myself. "You have my keys anyway." I giggled.

He looked at me strangely, "Lily, are you alright."

"Peachy." I began to giggle again.

"Carlisle," he called out. "Is she on pain killers?"


I giggled, swaying on my feet. "Is something wrong?" Carlisle came around the corner.

"Lily, when did you last take it?" Edward asked leaning down to my eye level and holding my shoulders to steady me.

"After gym." I couldn't stop the giggles that escaped me at the look on Edward's face, to serious. First he looked deep in thought then he rolled his eyes.

"Nothings wrong Carlisle, but could you have Esme or Alice get the pills out of her purse and toss them out?" he asked scooping me up into his arms.

"Ooh, you're so strong, like superman." It was hard to make out what I was saying between the fits of giggles. "Can you... fly too?" I asked.

"No Lily I can't fly." he groaned, turning away from the door and heading upstairs instead.

"Where we going'?" I smiled, tracing his marble face. "Pretty." I mumbled.

He snorted out a laugh, "You are in no condition to be around your father. I'll have Alice call to let him know you're staying at a friends," he said laying me down on a large black couch.

"No stay." I laughed, grabbing at his hand, as he moved to leave.

"I'll be right back," he whispered, before disappearing. I sighed before I began to laugh uncontrollably at absolutely nothing. What was wrong with me? Edward appeared with a green blanket in hand, which he wrapped around me before laying behind me. I giggled again covering my mouth when he sighed.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked.

"You're high Lily, try to sleep, you'll be better in the morning" he sad with an amused laugh. I was high. Great, all I could do was laugh. He stroked my cheek, humming softly a song I'd never herd. "Sleep Lily."

As my lids were closing I heard myself whisper, "Don't leave me."
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go sorry it took so long. For those of you that like this story, I have another Edward story going on which will be really cool. Paint My Hearts Desire

Thanks to these special people:
RIOT!xoxoSCARG33(Welcome to my story land!)

And I'd like to welcome back LeT_mE_sIgN (Dedicated to you)
It's good to have you back at your computer!

65 comments and I'll update again.