This Side of Fantasy

Our Starting Point

My head pounded when I opened my eyes to the bright light, I remembered going to the Cullen's house after sixth period, talking to them, fainting, then it became fuzzy. My back was cold, I turned to see Edward laying behind me, studying me carefully. "Morning." he whispered.

"Ow," I mumbled grabbing my head.

"It's a hangover. Here," he said handing me two Tylenol and a bottled water.

"From what?" I asked taking the pills.

He chuckled, "Pain killers."

"Oh. Why am I here?" I asked, pointing around the room.

"You were in no condition to go home last night. We need to get up though, school starts in an hour." Edward said, moving so fast I lost track of him, until he was standing at the door. "I'll go see if Alice can spare you some clothes."

I'd slept with Edward Cullen! I let out a loud scream, not thinking at all. I could hear Alice's merry little laugh from downstairs. I covered my mouth, and my head. Silly me. Edward returned with his crooked grin and a pair of designer jeans with a top that looked amazing.

"For me?" I asked innocently.

"Yeah. Here," he said tossing me the clothes, and then turned to leave.

"Edward," he looked back at me, "Thank you," I said. He smiled before shutting the door with a soft click.

We took my car to get to school. The parking lot was just beginning to fill up when Edward parked and got out, the staring started there. Then he opened my door and helped me out. That brought on more stares, but my outfit of hip hugging jeans, a flashy shirt, blue button up jacket, and royal blue heels; Alice's idea, which she promised I wouldn't fall in, that completed the stares from the student body.

"Did I mention how great you look?" Edward asked, wrapping his arm around me as we walked past his family.

"You just did," I smiled as Alice and Rosalie took their spot beside me, at an angle and Emmett and Jasper did the same with Edward, it was something the students at Forks High, had to stare at.

"Morning Mike!" I called as we passed him. I was enjoying the attention, and the fact that Edward's cold arm was pressed across my shoulders; I enjoyed that too.

"Lily, be careful. We wouldn't want Mike's heart to stop." Edward snickered.

We had reached the English building sadly. Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper, all left our little group to head to their own class. "See you at lunch." Alice sung, throwing her arms around my neck before skipping off to her first class.

Edward rolled his eye when I turned to face him, I playfully shoved him; he didn't move. "Be nice, I love Alice. She's like the sister I never had," I giggled at his pout.

"Alright, Mr Sharper's wondering why were just standing here," Edward murmured for my ears only. He slowly stroked my cheek. "It gets easier every minute." With that he turned and walked to his building. I walked, dazed, into class and sat at my desk in awe.

I was silent until trigonometry, where Jessica and Angela ambushed me. "Lily, did you leave with Edward Cullen yesterday?" she whispered while the teacher rambled on through his lesson.

"Maybe," I answered biting my lip. "I've known him for a while."

"No way!" she whispered ecstatically.


"So are you two dating?" she asked.

"I... don't really know," I said. I didn't think we were.

"It looked like it."

"Ms. Stanley," she spun to face our teacher. She'd missed his question.

She was unable to ask anymore but Angela tried, I just shrugged her off. Class felt like it was taking forever, as did Spanish four. Finally our lunch bell rang and I was up and out of the room before anyone else. Edward was waiting for me next to the door.

"Anxious?" he asked with a smirk.

"Maybe." I giggled.

"Would you like to skip lunch?" he asked, leaning down to my ear.

"Why?" I asked.

"The sun's coming out, and we have to leave. I want you to come, if you want to."

"Oh. OK." For once, I was glad I had already graduated once.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes Edward," I giggled.

"Are you coming?" Alice asked as soon as I was close enough to hear.

"Yes she is," Edward laughed.

"Yay!" Alice squealed, hugging me tightly. I blushed, knowing the whole school had to be starring.

Edward drove my car to his house, where we switched to his and drove to a place he called his meadow. "So, you've lived here before?" I questioned, still marveled by his glittering skin.

"Yes, it's been awhile, but we lived here. In the same house."

I nodded. "Edward," I bit my lip to stop my statement, and looked away.

"What is it?" he asked as he casually stroked the side of my cheek.

"I think I have feelings for you," I couldn't even hear myself say it, but I knew he'd heard it loud and clear.

"Lily, I think I feel the same,"

I turned over to face him, "Really?" I asked.

"Yes, you're different than everyone else in this world, I love that."

"You're too special," I whispered, and taking a brave step forward, I swiftly placed my lips to his.

We both smiled as we pulled away, "Lily, you are something else," he chuckled.

That was the starting point of our relationship.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go there's you update. I would like to mention that I have the next four chapters after this already typed, all I need is the comments.

My Thanks go out to:
lexiheartshim(Dedicated to you)
sloshopgirl.(Dedicated to you)

You all rock! So let's go for 75 comments!
