This Side of Fantasy

Who Needs Humanity

I found myself standing in the crowded Seattle airport, waiting for my flight that would take me to another plane, that would then take me to Italy. Volterra was my finale destination after my long trip there. Edward had told me of the Volturi, but I wasn't afraid, my reasons for choosing this place, was because I had to know vampires were near. It was like craving a drug to me.

Money was great, it got me first class, wonderful treatment, a fancy car, everything I wanted. It couldn't piece my heart back together. I found myself, crying over him in my new apartment, I was tired, upset, and depressed. I only wanted sleep to claim my mind. It would not oblige.

I sighed deeply as I pulled my knees to my chest, and cried the last of my tears. It was dark outside, but the streets still had people occupying them, I could hear laughter with my hearing, and I realized with another burst of hysteria, that my super hearing was back.

Stop this now, go have fun. You're in Volterra! I told myself.

"Yes I shall," I mumbled, getting dressed and pulling my hair into a messy ponytail. "When in Rome," I muttered as I walked down the steps to the warm air.

The people seemed nice enough, smiling and nodding their heads, as I passed them. Even at night I could see the beauty of this place, though I soon realized that it was all because of my super eyesight returning. Maybe it was this city? Or possibly my immense broken heart? I sighed, music was coming from a tavern to my left, and in my peripheral I could see a slightly drunken man stumble from the door way.

Great I thought as I continued on. I could hear his heavy foot steps behind me, and I was facing a dilemma. If I kept walking, I'd be out of the town square and soon to hit the dead end of the city walls. I grumbled to myself as I glance at him approaching from behind, and turned to walk down the alley. I'd just double back.

"Hey sweet cakes, where you running too?" he asked clear as a bell. I spun back around to see that he wasn't drunk, he'd been pretending, pretending so he could catch his prey. Worse than a vampire, I thought with a mental slap.

"Bug off," I called to him.

"Oh don't be like that, lets have a little fun in the dark."

"In your dreams," I said moving to turn but steadied myself when I saw the knife in his hand.

Perfect, I thought, though my heart sped at the sight of the weapon.

"Oh baby you'll be more than a dream." Fear chose that moment to rear it's unfaithful head. Hello fear! I rolled my eyes, and that gave me the hope I truly needed. Glass windows, let's hope for my sake all my gifts were back.

"Alright you asked for it," anger surged through my body, but nothing happened. Oh shit! I swore mentally.

"What you gonna' do sugar? Stare me down?" he laughed, and it sent shivers down my spine. Where were the vampires when you needed them?

I gulped for air and began to back up a few steps as he got closer. Glaring past him I tried to judge the distance between him, the walls, and the street. My chances were slim to few, but the farther he herded me back into the alley made those chances a whole lot worse. I took a deep steadying breath, and ran as hard and fast as I could at the opening. I managed to slip past him, but I cried out when he wound a hand in my hair and yanked me backwards.

"Nice try, but you'll pay for that move," he growled as he jerked me to the ground. He hovered over me and I knew I had about three choices. One, I could scream. Two, I could fight, I would fight. Then there was option three, which I was not going to fully rely on, that my gifts might work if I focused harder and calmed down. But how does anyone calm down when they know what's about to happen.

"You'll die by my hand," I spat, bravely.

My bravery earned me a painful kick to the ribs that had me gasping in serious pain. "I'd like to see you try," he whispered. Then he knelt down and the knife was at my throat.

"Do it," I challenged, this was the time to test my gifts again. Pushing forward a small bit, I felt the knife knick my throat.

"Now look what you've done," he said moving the knife away; storing it in his back pocket. I stretched my neck against the tingling sensation and smiled. For the look on my would be murderer was priceless. "How the hell could you..." I didn't give him a chance to finish as I pulled my feet up and thrust them into his abdomen, sending him away from me and into the wall.

Gaining my feet, though still in pain from the broken rib that was in the middle of healing, I strode forward with a smirk. The glass from the windows above shattered as the monster rose to his feet. "What the hell are you?" he cursed when a piece of glass hovered in front of me.

"You see I think I'll tell you part of what I am, since everyone deserves to know what killed them. I am the angel of death that's come for you, pray mister, though you'll surely burn in hell," I laughed. I had no idea where this side of me had come from, but it was here, and I was going to use it well.

His eyes could not have gotten any wider and when he turned to run, I let him get a few feet away before the glass pierced his back, straight through his heart.

I surveyed the alley, I could feel someone watching, but I couldn't see them. So with a smirk on my lips, I strode from the alley. Leave the body for the vamps, I thought with a laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
There's your update! I like this, it might seem a strange course but it'll help out later on. I will tell you this so you don't worry too much. Good news, Edward will return to her life. Bad news, it'll be a while.

My thanks go to:

Audrey T.
VengeanceXChickX(Dedicated to you)

We're shooting for 87 comments this time! Though it seems my commenter's are disappearing, I'd really like to know what you all are thinking please. Let's not be lazy.
