This Side of Fantasy

Not Alone

This new me was exciting, she was spunky, and fresh, and daring. It'd been a week since the night in the alley and I'd purchased a new outfit that I would try out in tonight's hunt. I hoped it would draw the prey to me, for I felt I'd become a hunter that was doing the world a favor.

I dressed quickly at dark and made my way down stairs and out of the apartment. I stood out yes, I no longer received nods and smiles, but I could care less, I wasn't here to make friends. Taking a turn down an alley, I climbed silently up a fire ladder and waited.

I was angry that I hadn't been out hunting last night, for on my watch, a woman had lost her life. I vowed I would not slip up again. Though I still had a feeling that I was being watched, but in a city of powerful vampires, it was to be expected.

A slim girl that couldn't pass for more than sixteen walked under my hiding spot, quickly throwing glances behind her. It only took a few seconds for a man in his thirty's to trail after her, I wouldn't move yet.

I could see them easily, he was a few yards away when she spun to face him, preparing for an attack. "Please leave me alone," her voice was a barley above a whisper.

"Oh honey you know you want what I'll give you," he called to her. I felt a shiver converge up my spine. He deserved what I would give him.

"Please God save me," she whispered as he drew closer.

It was go time, I nimbly hopped the rail and landed two stories below without a sound. I moved like a ghost, though I was much more lethal. "I'm no God," I called, distracting the man, "But I will save you."

"Mm this is even better, two for the price of one," the male called with a wide grin.

"Go home child," I called around behind the male, to the girl.

"Oh thank you, thank you so much!"

"Oh no you don't," he said as she tried to hurry by. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her to him in a rough, painful way.

"Get off of her," I growled.

"Wanna make me?" he taunted.

Pulling back the side of my jacket, I withdrew my new custom dagger, the blade was made entirely of glass. "Yes I do, this is me and you, she means nothing," I smiled.

His thoughts took seconds, before he pushed the child into the wall and charged at me. I was prepared, and dodged his try, though I was sourly disappointed when his fist collided into my side with a forceful blow.

"Ouch," I laughed. He was on his feet, ready to fight. "Oh come on, make a move," I taunted as he danced in front of me. He made a move to punch me, and I made my move of slicing a thin strip down his arm.

He muttered a curse, but remained on his feet. A fighter, I let out a laugh, it wouldn't last long. "You find this funny? Laugh later when I walk away from your body," he spat ruefully.

"Oh trust me, I'll laugh later." I danced back from his approach, "But enough chit chat, I'll end this now," I said. It didn't take much, a thought an the dagger flew from my palm, another second and it was lodged in his chest. He was then on the ground, "I'll take that back," I said pulling the dagger out of his chest, cleaning it on his shirt, and placing it back where it belonged.

I was smirking as I walked from the alley to continue on my hunt. What would Edward think if he saw you, a cold blooded killer?

It doesn't matter, I always knew he could do better than me. Now, I have proved it.

You try to justify these killings as good but, they're murders none the less. You miss him deeply, 'ti's why you do this. Is it not?

Wow talking to myself, I'd dropped that low. I was a cold hearted killer now, but I was justified in my reasons. Before I was a freak, now I could do things that others couldn't. I could save the lives of innocent people, from predators like the man I'd taken out tonight.

I needed to better myself, I knew I could take out one man easily, but more than one? What if I was ganged up on? I need help, or a trainer, but who to go to?

"I think I'll suffice."

I jumped back and hit the rail at the sudden male voice. How had he gotten up here so quietly. "What are you?" I asked.

"Doesn't matter, I am like you in one way."

"And that would be?" I couldn't help but marvel at his bright blue eyes, or his chin length black hair.

"I'm an enforcer of sorts. I will explain, but not here." He leaned down to my ear to whisper, "You are being watched."

"I know," I said before vaulting to the ground swiftly; he landed next to me just as quiet.

'Follow me.' It was surprising that he could communicate mentally to me but Edward couldn't get into my head.

Stop it! I mentally yelled at myself. Focus on your duties not a silly vampire boy that has your heart!

The man led me to what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse, though the inside was much nicer. We took up seats in his office. "Welcome to my home Liliana."

"How do you know me? And who are you?" I asked.

"I apologize, I am Victor Claymont," he smiled. "I'm your father's brother." He could read the surprise that skittered across my face. "Yes their can be male faeries," he answered the first thought that hit my brain.

"Alright, so tell me what an enforcer does."

"You first, who's following you?" he asked.

"I believe it's a member of the Volturi," I answered, watching carefully as his gaze became shocked. "Vampires seem to be attracted to me," I shrugged. Figures
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's an early update since I had it typed. What do you all think about Miss Lily now?

Special thanks to:

StefunnyFrann(Dedicated to you and Welcome to my story world)

Let's just go with 90 comments gets an update.
