This Side of Fantasy

Freedom To Capture

I had found myself in a small bed room, on a small bed, with my mind chasing it's tail. So my father had a brother that he'd hidden, great, and I missed Edward severely. I decided the first night that I'd stay here for a while, learn what I could, and go back to him. If he had moved on then great, if not I'd make him take me back.

If only three weeks ago I could have seen the stupid unreliable future. If I could have seen being locked in my room during the day time hours, being paraded around this stupid place at parties, like a new shiny toy. I'd missed a total of twelve killings in the last three weeks, I was pissed, even though I got my training I'd wanted.

I'd finished training last week, but I was still stuck here. Tonight was even worse, tonight was some grand ball, and I was forced to be the date for my uncle's business buddy. I sat on the edge of the bed, angry, and planning my escape for tonight. First thing, break the rules, and wear break out clothes instead of the dress my uncle had given me.

Tonight, one way or another, I was getting out of this place. It was beginning to seem like my uncle was planning something, something large and bad. I was just placing my glass hair sticks into place when a knock at my door signaled my date.

"Come in," I called sullenly.

The man that walked in was nothing I'd come to expect. His black hair was a neat mess, he was tall, and fit. He wore black jeans with a red button down shirt. His metallic silver eyes were mesmerizing, but the tattoo of a wolf that started at his chin and worked it's way under his shirt was stunning. "Ms. Claymont, I'm Samuel."

"I... um," I cleared my throat, "hi."

His laugh was deep and musical, What about Edward?

He's not here, I thought, answering myself. "You work for Mr. Claymont?" I asked.

He laughed again, "He thinks, I'm undercover, I'm here to get you out tonight."

I was absolutely shocked to say the least. "Whoa, OK wait, you're going to help me get out tonight?"

"Yes, now hurry or we'll be late."

I nodded, stuck one glass dagger in my boot, and another in its holder in my jacket. "Ready."

We walked a little ways down the hall until Samuel pulled me closer and whispered, "What's with the glass daggers?"

"You might just get to see," I whispered back, making him chuckle.

"Ah there you are Samuel, Lilianna where is your dress?" Victor asked once we reached the ball room.

"Up your ass," I mumbled, and bit my lip as Samuel's lip quivered, he was fighting back a laugh.

"What did you just say?" Victor hissed.

"I said, it didn't fit me."

"Oh, well you should have told me sooner," Victor smiled. "Come Samuel, we need to talk."

"Yes sir, I'll be with you in a minute," Samuel turned toward me and bent to my ear, "table in the corner ask for Conner." With that he turned and followed Victor into the crowd.

I shoved my way through the mass of people to get to the back of the ball room, where the tables were set up. Corner table, ask for Conner, Corner table, ask for Conner, Corner table, ask for "Conner?" I asked the muscular blonde sitting in the corner.



"Have a seat," he said indicating the one closest to him.

"So tell me why I was sent over here," I said as I took the seat.

"Samuel wanted me to tell you the plan, in three minutes, he and Victor will break out into a fight. I'm to take out the guards and you're to get out of here as soon as that's done." I didn't like that plan at all, I didn't get to fight.

"Alright," I lied. "Can I go?" I asked.

"I'd prefer you not go far," he said. I bit lip for a good two minutes before bending to 'itch' my leg.

"I'll be going now," I said with a smile as I pressed my dagger between his knees. He nodded, eyes wide. "Besides I can't let Samuel have all my fun," I laughed.

As I made my way through the crowd the fight began, I pushed ahead a little faster, and ran into the hall. "Yo betray me! You will die!"

I rounded the corner in time to see Victor charge at Samuel, who jumped to the side a second before they would have crashed into each other. "Told you you'd see why I have glass," I called to Samuel as I lifted the dagger into the air with my mind.

"You will kill this impostor," Victor called to me.

"Sorry but well no, nope can't, I'll kill you though." I launched the dagger with amazing speed straight at Victor but he was faster and the dagger broke on impact with the wall. "You ass!" I screeched, "That cost me a lot of money!" I was angry.

Samuel slammed into Victor's midsection throwing him to the ground. I let out a sigh and crossed my arms, tapping my foot, as the two men fought. "Oh come on Samuel don't try to be a hero," I muttered, "I just want," I grunted as I was slammed back into a wall. What the hell just hit me? Oh look it's Conner, I thought as he lifted me over his shoulder.

"Go!" Samuel yelled, and then we were off.

I couldn't fight this man if I wanted to. The night air hit me like a rush of fire, it felt so good after that stay in the mansion. "You can put me down now," I mumbled, and fell painfully to my feet with a thud. "Thank you," he nodded but looked back toward the house, "Oh alright go save him," I said as I blew out a puff of air.

First thing to do, I though as I walked away from the house, was to find a store and get new clothes. Second, get to somewhere to stay the night. "And third," I whispered to myself, "Get the hell out of Volterra."

"I'm afraid that won't be possible," said a very high, child like, female voice.

One name flashed through my brain, someone Edward mentioned months before this day, "Hello Jane, what a lovely night this is becoming."
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally I got a chance to update between riding and training my horses to school, I've been super busy but I got this one typed and now it's there. Yay.

Uber special thanks to:
sloshopgirl. (Dedicated to yous!)
HerFamousLastWords(Dedicated to yous!)
x3Gabbie(times 3)

Along with a big thanks for being so patient!

Lets go for 105 comments!
